Saiki Kusuo

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A new girl was coming today, I could tell from the thoughts of a few teachers. None of the student seemed to know about it so I decided to not bring it up. Not that I would either way.

I sat at my desk in class and ignored everyone around me. Idiots, all of them. I swear.

Then I heard a few thoughts from outside the classroom.

'Oh, god. This school is so fucking strange. Japan is strange,' she thought.

I looked down at the book in front of me. Well, she seemed a little rude. Scratch that, really rude.

I heard Nendou come up to me and I quickly pretend I don't hear him.

Why does this always happen to me? I hope the new girl isn't like this.

Nendou keeps trying to talk to me and eventually Kaido comes up to me as well. They're chanting ramen over and over again, trying to get me to join them to ramen.

I almost agree because they're being annoying and bringing attention to us but the door opens and the teacher walks in, causing them to scurry off to their desks.

I smile on the inside at the fact that those idiots left before going to pay attention to the teacher. There's a girl there, starting to introduce herself.

(L/N) (Y/N), I already heard it from the teachers. I go back to reading, waiting for her to be done.

Her thoughts echo through my head a little, as if my brain was trying to get used to her new voice. Or something.

Not a very good look, SB.

I look up and see her sitting next to me. Every fiber in my body begs for her to not talk to me and thankfully, she doesn't.

I look up at the teacher as class starts and I start to pay attention to class. I notice that
(L/N) is rude to pretty much everyone.

Interesting, why?

I ignore the thought and continue on with my day as if I had thought nothing at all. I plan what I'm going to do tomorrow though, because I was going to get to the bottom of this.

I looked at (L/N) as she sat in the hallway for lunch. This would be the perfect time tomorrow. If she sits her tomorrow, that is.

I walk away from my spot as she starts to talk to her friend. There's nothing else interesting here.

The next day, my plans are in motion. But, every time I try to make us partners or talk to her, because I'm not giving up, she finds a way out of it.

I look at her while in gym. She looks very annoyed at everything. (Y/N) snaps at anyone and everyone, as I've noticed. I go back to the game and pretend that I wasn't staring at her.

"Oh, do you have a crush, Saiki," I hear Shun ask.

I immediately stop. This is not what I was going for. I do not have a crush on her.

That day, after school, I didn't do anything. Didn't even try. As I near my house I notice that she's still walking in the same direction as I am.

She must live near me.

Before I reach my house I hear a scream and see what looked to be (L/N)'s dad freaking out about something inside a house. A fire, as I can see.

I almost feel compelled to help. Almost.

I see (L/N) yell, "oh no, my stuff," and go into the house and I immediately get suspicious. There's a house on fire and she runs into it?

I turn invisible and follow her into the house. I cover my mouth with my sleeve so that it's harder for the smoke to get to me as I watch her every move.

She stands in the kitchen and makes all the fire vanish. I take a step back in shock, and because she was getting ready to leave the house again.

The next day I try to talk to her more and more, not giving up until she eventually screams at me. That's when I back off.

(L/N) and her dad had dinner at my house, which ended with her leaving, me being told to walk her home, and her getting mad at me.

I didn't get any answers and I was the one who came up with the idea of her coming over for dinner!

I go back to my house and block out her thoughts and everyone's thoughts. I didn't want to hear it right now.

Instead, I brainstorm about why (L/N) would be so secretive and... sensitive. Or maybe I'm insensitive? Nah.

I fall asleep thinking about it. Thinking about (L/N).

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