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When I awoke there was no chair, no bed. I was simply laying in the cold, hard floor in an empty room.

There was a small, rickety light that hung from the ceiling. The room felt damp and crowded, despite not having anything in it.

A loud creak took me out of my thoughts. I looked up at the door and saw the woman. She had her regular rainbow eyes and long, black hair.

"So, we wanted to do it this way, 'trials to get your memories back'. But that certainly doesn't work so we'll just give you the memories," she says. "Boys?"

Two men in hazmat suits run into the room holding some sort of vial. I struggle and attempt to get away but it fails.

My back hits the wall and as pain erupts through me I feel a prick in my arm. I've never been afraid of needles but right now— well, I'm terrified.

I hear a laugh as my vision turns to black and I feel waves of panic go through me. I want to throw up, I feel like I'm going to.

I close my eyes and try to work up the power to open them again but can't. I feel my brain buzz and my head throb.

And then it all stops. A scene plays out in front of me.

A little girl and her friend swinging on a swing. I've already had this memory.

"We'll be bestest friends forever!"

I looked at the girl. It was me, no doubt. But why was I being shown this? Why me? And why this memory?

"Hey! We should try and jump off the swings," I heard child me yell at the other girl. Child me jumped off the swing and landed on her two feet.

"Wait, don't," she yells. "You're too high up! Don't jump!"

But the other girl jumped. And she fell. And she landed wrong. And a sickening snap was heard. Child me rushed over to her and held her.

"Oh, my god. I'm so sorry, I told you not to jump," child me whispered to the other girl.

The other girl glared at child me, "your fault. This is your fault! Get away from me! Monster, you hurt me!"

Child me gasped and moved back. She was crying and I couldn't blame her. This was too much for child me. Heck, it was too much for me right now.

I closed my eyes as tight as I could. I didn't want to see this. This was the last thing I wanted to see. The last thing! I don't want to remember!

When I open my eyes I see another memory. A lady and a man standing over a small baby. I smile at them, such a happy family.

"Hey, honey. How are you," asks the lady. The baby coos and the man next to the lady smiles down at the child.

"Awe, hey baby girl. You sounds so nice and healthy," the man says. Wait... what? Why did he point out that the baby was healthy?

The couple put down the baby in a crib and turned around. I walked closer and heard them whispering.

"Is she special," asks the man.

"Yes, obviously. Did you see her eyes," the lady responds.

"Yeah, she's definitely something."

"We should give her to that company. The ones that helps their kind."

"Yeah we should."

My head swarms with thoughts. What company? Are these my parents? What is this?  I walk over to the baby and look down at her.

She babbles and then stares at me for a moment. I open my mouth but before I can say anything the memory shifts.

And suddenly, I'm in a hallway. The lady and man from the last memory are standing by a desk, talking to a very bored woman.

"Is she going to be safe here," asks the lady from the last memory.

"Yes, she will be," responds the woman.

"Did you hear what she did? Will she be hurt in any way?!"

"No, ma'am. Your daughter will be going home with one of our doctors and the doctor will monitor her."

"Will she remember anything?"

"No, her memory will be wiped and she won't remember anything."

"So she won't remember hurting that kid?"

"No, she won't."

Wait. What kid? I think they're talking about me. Did I hurt someone? Did I kill someone? What happened?

The memory shifts again and suddenly I'm back in the park with the girl. Child me is on the ground, hugging my knees and crying.

The other girl, the one who got hurt before, is standing in front of the crying child. She's laughing.

"See? You're a monster. You hurt me and now my friends are coming to hurt you," the girl says.

Another few kids come and surround crying child me. Suddenly, as the kids take a step closer, a flame bursts out of nowhere.

It starts near child me and grows quickly. The other kids try to run but the flame was faster then they were.

The entire playground gets engulfed in flames and child me is standing in the middle, crying and standing up.

And as soon as it came, it stopped. The memory cuts out and suddenly, I'm in the hospital with child me laying in a hospital bed, passed out.

The lady and man are there. They're hugging each other and crying.

"We have to let her go, honey. We have to take her to the company," says the lady. The man nods but doesn't say anything.

The rest of my memories flood into my head. They come in flashes but I'm able to read them all. There's too much. I can't handle it.

I close my eyes and feel my consciousness slip. Words and memories mix together but a voice cuts through them all.

"Good. It worked." A siren sounds and suddenly the voice speaks again, with venom in their voice, "shit. He's here."

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now