Saiki Kusuo

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I look over to see Teruhashi and in a brilliant second of thinking about what to do, I simply ignore her and continue eating.

Teruhashi clearly doesn't get the message as she sits in the seat next to me and smiles a very clearly fake smile.

"Hi, Saiki. How are you," she asks. I look over at (Y/N), who's sitting across from me and make my annoyed face. (Y/N) gives me a look of confusion before laughing really hard, almost choking on her ice cream.

I'm good, mentally respond. I really just want her to leave. Who's she here with anyway? I look around for a second, seeing no one.

"I'm here with my brother," she starts. I feel myself die a little inside. (Y/N) mumbles, 'oh shit' before laughing. "I wanted sweets and he happened to be home so... you know."

I don't respond, just turn to look out the window. No doubt in my mind that if he saw me here, next to Teruhashi, even if I don't want to be next to Teruhashi, he would try to fight me.

I do not want Teruhashi's brother trying to fight me. That's wouldn't be fun.

"Anyways," Teruhashi clapped her hands and smiled her smile. I found it annoying. "While we're all here, why don't we eat together!"

(Y/N) tried to stifle her laugh but ends up bursting out laughing.

"Oh- oh, my god. Ohhh, my godddd. I'm sorry, but your face is hilarious. You look so- so annoyed! It's—," (Y/N) keeps laughing and I give her a look, which only causes her to laugh harder.

I roll my eyes and look back at Teruhashi, I don't think your brother would like that very much.

"Oh, nonsense. He'd be fine with it! I'm sure," she smiles again and I feel myself die a little inside.

"Well, he doesn't look very happy right now," (Y/N) cuts in. And she's right.

Following her gaze, I see Teruhashi Makoto, her bother, with a glare on his face. He manages to look really angry and very jealous at the same time.

It would be kind of unnerving, if I wasn't, you know, a psychic. Should I be worried? Probably but then again probably not.

"Kokomi," a voice exclaimed. Lo and behold, there stood the famed Teruhashi Makoto. "What are you doing over there?"

"Oh, Makoto, we should sit and eat with them," Teruhashi clapped her hands together and I felt myself die a little again.

Dang it, there's no way out of this, I heard Makoto think.

"Sure," he smiled an obviously fake smile.
I heard (Y/N) sigh before her thoughts rang out.

Oh, great. More people. Yay, she thinks. I grimace and feel myself relate to her. Clearly the thoughts weren't aimed at me but I couldn't help but agree with her.

Makoto yanked Teruhashi into (Y/N)'s seat, which was across from mine, and knocked
(Y/N) out of the chair.

(Y/N) scowls at him before going and sitting next to me. She glared at Makoto and Makoto pretends to not notice.

Teruhashi smiles at us and laughs a little, "Well, this will certainly be fun won't it."

Dang it, I really wanted to sit next to Saiki, she thinks. I feel myself almost thank Makoto for saving me from sitting next to Teruhashi but I stop myself. Why would I thank him?

I hate my life, (Y/N) thinks at me. She looks over at me and gives a smile, trying to hide her thoughts. I nod at her and turn to face Makoto.

This sucks, I think back at her. It's then her turn to nod slightly to me.

"Oh, you guys are able to talk without talking," Teruhashi looks a little defeated. "You guys are so close."

(Y/N) breaks down laughing, "me? Close with this brick wall? Impossible!"

Teruhashi gives (Y/N) a strange look, "well, I just figured with the looks and nods."

I can practically feel (Y/N)'s laughter and hysterics from the way she smiled and bent over the table.

(Y/N) struggled to breathe for a moment and eventually fell onto the floor from laughing so hard. I roll my eyes and try to see if I could tell when the sweets were coming.

15 minutes. 15 more minutes of this. I felt my soul double over on instead and try to make me leave. I, of course, refused because I want the sweets.

When (Y/N) eventually composed herself again she sat and wheezed out, "please, Saiki being friends with someone? Willingly? Impossible. Simply impossible."

You're so very kind, I thought to (Y/N) and she turned to me and winked. I look away and watched the waiter walk over to our table.

My heart fluttered as he sat down the sweets. Both Teruhashi and her bother beamed and dig into their sweets.

Teruhashi must've told them about sitting here before deciding to sit here. I nod to myself as a cup of coffee jelly was put in front of me.

I watched as (Y/N) dug into her food, effectively getting it all around her mouth.

Her mouth? It looked... nasty... maybe not as nasty as it could've been. Not as nasty as Teruhashi's mouth seemed.

I watched as she licked her lips and wiped her mouth. She looked at me and beamed before giving me a confused look, "aren't you going to eat?"

I nod and go to eat. I close my eyes in satisfaction. I hear (Y/N) screech, "is that a smile?! Like a true, genuine smile?!"

I don't bother look at her as I continue eating. Then everything goes still. No one moves.

A girl with long black hair steps into the building and looks over at our table. I pretend to be frozen as well as I watch her.

She walks over and leans in the table, "I know you aren't frozen, Saiki. But we can't get you yet. Too powerful. But she might be able to and we can get her."

She lifts a strand of (Y/N)'s hair and smirks. I blink at her and suddenly, she's gone, (Y/N)'s gone too.

I look around and don't see anything. This could be bad. I try to use some of my powers but nothing works.

She's where she was before. When you saved her earlier, an unknown voice whispers out.

Should I have been more concerned about the kidnapping of (Y/N)? I most certainly should have.

Now I have to go get her back.

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