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We reached #1 in #kusuosaiki

Yeet- English
Yeet- Thoughts
Yeet- Japanese

"He... who's he," I whisper. I don't know whether or not I actually passed because it felt like I just closed my eyes but I decided to ask anyway.

He? What are you walking about, I hear Saiki's voice go through my head. My head pounds in response and I groan.

"Oh, sorry," I hear Saiki's voice. For a second, I think he says it with telepathy but the lack of pounding in my head tells me otherwise.

"Thank you," I say. I hold my head in my hands. My heads pounding hurts and I hold back another groan. "Where am I?"

"You're in my house," he says calmly.

"Your house? What if your parents see me?!"

"They're at work—."

"It's a school day?! I'm missing school. Oh my god," I go to stand but Saiki holds my arm in place.

"You aren't missing school, my parents just don't have weekends off sometimes. This was one of those weekends," he states.

"Oh," I whisper to myself. "I should go anyway. I mean, I'm all ready to go."

He nods and looks away. His face practically screams, 'whatever' but I don't care enough to... well, care.

I start to leave when I hear Saiki silently say, "well, you don't have to go."

I whip around and smirk, "what was that?"

He pretends to not hear what I said. He just keeps doing whatever he was doing. I go to speak again when I hear my phone ring.

"Oh, sorry," I say and whip out my phone. "Hello?"

"(Y/N)? It's been a while, huh," a voice speaks. I laugh aloud and grin widely.

"Manai! Hey! It's been a while," I say. And it has.

"A lot has happened since you left, (Y/N). And I mean a LOT," she says. I go to sit down on Saiki's bed and I see Saiki roll his eyes at me.

Don't roll your eyes, I think to him. He rolls his eyes again and I laugh.

"Ooh, what are you laughing about, (Y/N)? Who's made you laugh? Who's broken down your walls," Manai asks.

I laugh again and she continues, "is it a boy? A possible love interest? Gasp! Did he break down your walls? Knows all your secrets?"

I wheeze in response and say, "no, no. Nothing like that. Please, stop. You're going to make my die of laughter."

You actually can't die of laughter, Saiki buts in. It causes a spike of pain in my head but the pain quickly subsides.

You wanna test that, I ask him.

I'd rather you not die, he responds. I smile. Is this kind of like his way of telling me he likes me? Maybe? I don't know, boys are weird. Saiki's weird sometimes.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Why are you so distracted? Who are you secretly talking to," Manai jokingly asks. I laugh again and Manai moves on. "So, back to what I was saying.

"A lot has happened. Some girl got pregnant, another became abusive, all these rumors flying around! But! Someone's been talking shit about you."

I fake gasp, "really?! Shit?! How dare they?! We must take a torch to their house and burn them!"

"Okay, calm down for a second. There's more. This girl, Nabee, got hella mad at you for some reason, no one knows why, and she started spreading rumors.

"She says that you left because of your parents. Like she said that your mom came back and you left because of that and stuff. You know, cause your mom left and everything," Manai speaks.

I want to tell Manai what happened. About the factory, about the memories. About learning that my parents knew about my powers and left my with a doctor who took away my memories and then kept me as his own.

Instead, I close my eyes and speak with a voice that I try and keep steady, "really?"

"Yeah, yeah! And I tried to stick up for you but she got your number and stuff! She might text you something," Manai warns.

I smile, "thank you, Manai. But I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll sort it out."

"Good! I believe in you. Oh, I got to go! My mom's calling for food, bye," Manai quickly hangs up, before I can even say goodbye.

I shake my head as I take my phone away from my ear. I smile to myself and think about Manai. She's so strange, but she's always had my back. She's a good friend.

I look up at Saiki and see that he's observing me.

Who was that, he asks me.

"My friend," I say to him. He nods and takes that as an answer. "She's cool. Her names Manai and I've known her since forever."

I don't know why I feel the need to keep talking, but I do. I tell him about Manai and tell him about her breaking down my walls, her becoming my friend.

He nods along and just listens. It feels good to talk, to share stories. Especially to Saiki. I've wanted to talk to someone about everything for so long. And it's amazing.

I talk about everything and, in a moment when I think of what to say, Saiki asks, "what are you hiding behind your walls?"

And I feel no need to hold back. I tell him everything. From Manai to my parents to now. And after, Saiki didn't respond. He stayed silent. It scared me but I didn't say anything either.

And, after a minute of silence, he hugged me. I smiled into the hug and said, "thank you."

"You're welcome."

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now