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When I wake up I'm tied to a chair. Wow, real unique. A chair... a chair that I'm tied to. How cliche.

I rolled my eyes to myself and squirmed. This is almost too easy. The ties gave out quickly and I rubbed my wrists, trying to get the strange feeling of ropes away.

I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light, before looking at my surroundings.

A small table sat in the corner, it held different objects on them and upon further inspection, it was just a bunch of plates and cups. The chair I had been sitting on was in the middle of the room, nothing behind it or within 5 feet of it.

It was a large room. Like the size of the entrance to a house, those big rooms that often held small chandeliers and stuff, it was as big as that.

It almost looked as if I was in a factory place, minus all the factory stuff. But nothing aside from size and color indicated something like that. I took another glance around the room. A small camera, right next to a small speaker, was in the corner, hanging from the ceiling.

I waved at it before making a stupid face. I kept making silly faces before I heard a booming voice say, "show us what you've got."

I shot a confused glance at the camera and asked, "what? What I have? Not enough information, assholes."

"Show us what you got. Fire, go," it bellowed out again. Realization dawned on me. They know about my powers, ohhhhh.

I nodded and created a small flame in my hand. They seemed pleased and demanded for water. I complied. There was no reason for me not to. I mean, just cause they know about my powers doesn't mean they know about my weaknesses.

"A questionnaire can be found on the table, beneath the plates. Fill it out with the pencil in the corner, below the table."

I'm starting to think this voice is just shady as fuck. But, nevertheless, I do as they say. I go to the table, pick up the pencil and look at the quiz.

It asked some basic questions, date of birth, first name. But some of the questions were... strange.

"My most feared show," I say slowly. "What does that even mean? What show I'm scared of? Am I scared of how a show is going to turn out? Why would you need to know this?"

There was no reply so I turned back to the paper and put, The Backgardigains. I mentally fist bumped myself before moving on.

After that I put The Backgardigains as all my answers. Favorite food? Pablo. Favorite drink? Tasha. Favorite snack? Austin. So on and so forth.

I was just laughing to myself the entire way through, not really noticing or caring about any danger I could've been in. I had powers, and these people clearly didn't know much about kidnapping.

After I finished, I put the paper back under the plate and walked around the room, waiting for my next order. It took a few minutes before I heard the voice again.

"Who is Pablo? And Tasha? Austin," I could sense the confusion in their voice. I cackled, falling to the ground. I kept laughing, occasionally wheezing, trying to catch my breath.

"Oh, my— ha! Oh, my god! That was hilarious! Thank you for that," I joking said. I smiled to myself as I sat down on the floor and stared at the camera.

"This is no laughing matter," the voice sounded angry. "You are a danger to society. A monster."

I paused. A monster. I was, and always would be, a monster. And a memory formed. It came like finding an old photo. It was worn and it was clearly mine, just locked deep in my mind.

A smile. A friend. A promise.

That's how it started. I glanced around my surroundings. I was on a swing, being pushed by someone. I was in a park, surrounded by other kids and friends.

Next to me, on the other swing, was my very best friend. Her name was blurred, every time I shouted it, it was fuzzed out.

She was yelling at me, happy yelling. Fun yelling. I was yelling too, happy, oh, so happy.

"I promise you, (Y/N)! We'll always be friends," she yelled. And I laughed back.

"I know," I yelled back. "Bestest friends! Forever!"

And laughing. So much laughing. But then it faded and—.

When I looked up from the floor it was because I saw a door opening. And there stood Saiki, my savior. He saved me from reliving a memory pushed so far down that I didn't even remember it.

"Come on, (Y/N), I've got somewhere to be," he called. I nodded and scrambled to stand. Following after him, he led me out of what was actually a factory building.

Yes, I'm a genius. I knew it was a factory! I roll my eyes at my own thought and follow Saiki closely as he walks down the street.

"Where do you have to go anyway," I question him. He mutters out an answer I don't hear and keeps walking. He's distracted.

So, I don't ask again. Instead, I follow him in silence. When he stops walking I notice that we're in front of a sweets shop. Discount for any couples.

You're going to pretend to be my girlfriend so that we can get sweets, he says in my mind. I nod, unwilling to argue. I was always hungry, so who was I to disagree with getting cheap sweets.

Saiki walks in and I follow after him. As soon as we're in, Saiki takes a seat and starts looking through a menu.

As I look down at the menu I hear a voice next to us scream, "Saiki?!"

Little McGlowy is at it again.

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now