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Lunch time rolled around and I dragged Saiki into the hallway.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to Manai, my friend," I tell him, dragging him to the floor. "Take out your lunch while I call her."

"Ok," says Saiki.

After the whole me telling him all about me thing, we've grown a little closer. We're like best friends now.

I told Saiki that I liked it better when he, you know, used his mouth to speak. And Saiki agreed to do that from now on. At least to me he'd talk with his vocal cords and not his brain.

Me and Saiki also got used to spending a lot of time together, as friends of course. Saiki would come to my house if I'd go to Saiki's house or I'd join him and the group.

The group being Nendou, Shun, and whoever the add on is. I started calling us the Newbies Corner cause whenever someone new came, they would always join our group for a bit.

Whenever someone existed they'd be in our group for a bit before leaving. It was a pretty cool occurrence though, because after opening up to Saiki I started being nicer.

I've realized that I can be friends with the people here, not just the people at home. So, I apologized for some of my actions and I made some friends. But Saiki's still my number 1.

"Hey, Manai," I exclaimed.

"Yo, yo, yo, (Y/N). What's with the video call," she asks me.

I sigh and move the camera over to show Saiki's face, "I wanted to introduce you to one of my friends."

"Broken down your walls friends?"


"Awesome. Hey, (Y/N)'s friend. Do you speak English?"

Saiki, who had been purposefully ignoring the camera up to this point, glared at me before responding.

"Yes," he said. It was so quiet I almost missed it.

"Wait, you can speak English," I yell out.

Saiki gives me a look and responds, "yeah. I'm psychic, what did you expect?"

"Well certainly not that."

"Hey, lovebirds! Don't leave me out of this," Manai butts in. I laugh and Saiki goes back to eating his lunch.

"We aren't dating, Manai," I tell Manai.

Manai chuckles and squints at me in doubt, "that's what I said before I dated Max. Now look where me and Max are."

I gasped, "married?!"

Manai chokes for a second and then shouts, "no!"

Then it's my turn to squint at her, "really?"

"Yes, really!"

"Okay, sure, whatever you want to believe."

"I believe the truth—."

Saiki cuts into the conversation, "Teruhashi is on her way to talk to us. Or, more specifically, you."

"Ooh, (Y/N), stealing someone else's man. I see how it—."

"Sorry, Manai. I got to go. Teruhashi doesn't usually equal something fun or good. I'll text you later."

"But, (Y/N)—."

I hang up the call and stand. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I ask Saiki, "which way is she coming from?"

Saiki points to the right and I quickly make my way to the left. I didn't want a run in with Teruhashi. We all know she wants Saiki to like her and if she's here to talk to me... well, it probably isn't good.

I make a quick left turn in the hallway and go down a few flights of stairs. When I finally register where I stopped, I go and hide out in the girls bathroom.

I go into a stall and sit down on the toilet, lifting my feet up so that no one would be able to see them.

I don't try to hold my breath, as Teruhashi shouldn't be here. But, after a few seconds, I hear three sharp knocks on the stall door.

"Hello? I know you're in there (Y/N). I just want to talk," says Teruhashi. I gulp.

"Uh, occupied. Sorry, Teruhashi. This may take a while," I nervously say back.

I hear shuffling and then Teruhashi's head pops up from under the stall door. My face is probably some freaked out anime face when I see this.

"How did you even know I was here," I ask.

"Oh, nothing. Just some old mind tricks," Teruhashi waves her hand around as if it was nothing.

"Mind games," I ask.

Teruhashi's form morphs. She turns into the girl from before. Black, long hair and rainbow eyes.

My words catch in my throat.

"W-what are you," I stutter out.

"Is not a question of what I am. It a question of what I can do. And I am a master of illusion," whoever she is responds.

"Who... who are you?"

"Again, I am (M/N). You should know this by now, I've told you before. Where else would you get your powers," she says nonchalantly.

"But my powers are nothing like yours," I point out.

She puffs her cheeks and looks to the side, "that's what your father said to. I still believe you got your powers from me. I mean, he had NO powers he could've given you. Therefor, you got your powers from me."


She roughly turns her head to me and glares. She takes a step forward and points her finger at me. She opens her mouth to talk and—.

The stall door slams open and her gets shoved into side of the stall. I look up at whoever kicked the stall door and see Saiki standing there.

"How many times do I have to save your life," he asks. I laughed and shrugged. "Also, Teruhashi knows something you might not want her to know."

My eyes bulge, "what?"

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now