Teruhashi Kokomi

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I watch them. A feeling burns in my soul, it goes deep. I don't know where the feeling came from but this girl... this girl, something is wrong with her.

Jealousy isn't a word I'd use to describe it. The perfect girl doesn't get jealous. Not even if her man is talking to another woman.

They aren't doing anything. They aren't kissing or hugging or— stop, Kokomi. You aren't jealous. Not of (Y/N). Especially not of (Y/N).

You're the perfect girl. Maybe Saiki is just trying to rule me up, he's trying to make me jealous so that I'd notice him.

Well then, I'll make his dreams come true and talk to him. Maybe invite him to lunch. Then he'll notice that he's already caught my eye and he shouldn't try to make me jealous.

And I'm not stopping it cause the jealousy thing is working. I'm doing it as a favor to Saiki. So that he knows how blessed he is about me talking to him. About how blessed he is to have me in his life.

Me, the perfect girl!

Saiki and that new girl, (Y/N) or whatever. Are they dating? Maybe they're dating because Saiki felt he had to get over me.

Maybe he wanted to confess to me and then got flustered and accidentally asked out the wrong girl!

That would make sense.

Saiki walks around the corner and sees the beautiful Teruhashi. He gets flustered and forgets why he came there in the first place.

He turns around, holding different notecards with ideas on how to ask Teruhashi out. He crashes into someone. Confused, Saiki looks up and sees (Y/N).

"Oh, sorry," he says.

(Y/N) smiles down at him, "it's alright."

(Y/N) leans down to help Saiki pick up the notecards and she reads a few of them.

"Were you trying to ask someone out," she asks Saiki. Saiki gives a nervous smile and
(Y/N) jumps to conclusions, "were you trying to ask me out?"

Saiki, too frazzled to answer properly, nods his head and looks down. You idiot, he thinks, those cards were for Teruhashi.

(Y/N) hands Saiki his cards and stands up, "well, I'd love to go out with you."

She offers her hand and Saiki takes it. It's like a scene from a romance movie.

That's obviously what happened! Saiki meant to ask me out! Maybe I should ask him out to sushi as a way to show him how I know his feelings. That I am a perfect girl!

I catch up to Saiki as he walks into the building with (Y/N) beside him and smile, "would you like to go out to sushi today?"

He doesn't respond. Maybe he's still too frazzled to talk to me. I go in front of his walking so that he has to stop and talk to me, "Saiki, would you like to go to a sushi shop with me?"

Again, no response. Instead of stopping, they go around me and continue talking. (Y/N) ranting about a story she just finished reading and Saiki just nodding along.

I gasp, maybe they're both too frazzled to talk to me! Maybe I've captured the heart of (Y/N) too. My beauty has no bounds.

I walk in between them and they finally stop talking and pay attention to me. Saiki looks ahead and his eyes gloss over.

"Excuse me? We're walking here," says (Y/N).

"I have a question for Saiki," I respond.

"Then ask him. Don't butt into our conversation," (Y/N) rudely says.

I look at her and almost glare. No, I can't do that. I'm the perfect girl! Perfect girls get along with other girls!

I turn to face Saiki and I call his name a few times. He finally snaps back into reality and looks at me.

"Hi, Saiki. It's Teruhashi here. Would you like to get sushi today after school," I ask him.

"Uh," he starts.

"He was going to hang out with me after school. I have a show to show him," (Y/N) butts in.

I turn my head away and close my eyes. I didn't want to get mad, didn't want to ruin my image. So, I turn and face her again.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was asking Saiki, not you," I say in the sweetest voice I can muster.

"Well, (Y/N)'s right either way. I told her I'd hang it with her after school," Saiki tells me.

I look at him and then at (Y/N) before walking off. Am I not the perfect girl anymore? Am I not amazing in every way?

No, it's Saiki's— no! It's that girls fault. It's all (Y/N)'s fault. I'm going to make her pay. I'm going to find out a secret about her and use it.

It may not be very perfect girl of me. But can I call myself the perfect girl after that? Anyone would be begging to hang out with me. I must've lost all the perfectness.

I will get revenge. Maybe I am jealous.

But I will find a way to take you down (Y/N).

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