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After we went to the amusement park we ordered tickets to go back home. We were at the airport a few days later, walking to security, when I felt someone jump on me.

"(Y/N)," Manai screamed. "Ok, so I've sorted it out and she's in jail now for kidnapping and robbery."

"What'd she rob," I asked. I ignored the feeling of betrayal and hurt in my chest.

"A whole bunch of lasers and stuff. She was faking having powers. It was all a projection," Manai explains.


"She won't go after you anymore!"

I feel my heart swell with relief. She can't go after me, she can't hurt me or any of my friends or my dad, no one.

I nod to Manai before turning around to go through security. As I was about to take a step forward I made a last second decision and turned around.

I hugged Manai and whispered in her ear, "thank you."

"You're welcome," she whispered back. It was never good to hold grudges. Holding grudges was unhealthy and irresponsible.

Manai might've betrayed me, she might be a bit of a bitch to me. But whatever. I'm with her right now, hugging before I have to leave.

And even though she's done so many bad things to me, I couldn't help but love her friendship. I couldn't help but love this hug.

After a minute or so we pulled away. I smiled a small smile and turned around, walking away. I couldn't help but think she waved me away.

Kusuo and I got sucked up into the crowd and it took a good 30 minutes to make it through security.

We eventually made it on the plane and talked throughout the flight. I slept for an hour during the middle of the flight and then spent the rest of holding my pee in.

I didn't want to use an airplane bathroom, those things are nasty underneath all that clean facade.

So, as soon as we landed I checked in with security and ran to the bathroom and relieved myself. Kusuo might've went to the bathroom as well, I don't know.

When I got back out, Kusuo and I got our bags and left the airport. We rode for about two hours before we made it home.

Maybe it shouldn't have taken two hours but we were hungry and stopped for food. And we made a whole meal and joke about it.

When we got to our homes we went our respective ways and slept. When morning came, Kusuo waited for me outside my house.

I pulled on my shoes and ran out the house to walk with him. We walked hand in hand to the school.

Halfway through our walk, Kokomi came up to us and started talking to me. And after another few minutes, Kusuo's friends came and talked to him.

They might've not been called friends but I knew better. They were Kusuo's friends no matter how much he denied it.

We all walked to class together and home together and we all had made it our own little routine.

And it was amazing, having this normalcy. To have this routine.

Hanging out with Kusuo and friends over the weekends, living my life by their sides. It was all so normal.

It was amazing. This life was awesome.

And I didn't expect it at all. Maybe someone did, somewhere out the world. Maybe to someone this story was...

Perfectly predictable.

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now