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"So we're dating now, right," I ask Saiki. Saiki nods and we continue to walk to school. An awkward silence falls between us. "So... Saiki," I say, trying to break the silence.

"Please, you can call me Kusuo," Sai- Kusuo tells me. I nod to him and he sighs. "We're here."

I follow Kusuo into the school and say hi to people as we pass them. After a few minutes of walking, we make it to the classroom.

Kusuo goes to his desk and I go to talk to Teruhashi. She's talking to some of her friends but they scatter when I walk up.

"Hey, Teruhashi," I wave slightly at her.

She smiles at me, "hey, (Y/N). How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

We continue to hold mindless conversation as we wait for the teacher. When I see the teacher start walking in I go to my seat next to Kusuo.

He nods at me and I smile back at him. We both turn to the front and listen to the teacher until the class ends.

When it's lunch time, we go back into the hallway. As I start to open my lunch, I get a call from an unknown number.

The area code seemed to be the same as Manai's so I decided to answer. Maybe Manai just got a new phone.

Words started spewing out of the phone as soon as I accepted the call.

"(Y/N)? Oh, my god. Manai has been saying terrible things about you. I felt so bad. They were terrible. I just had to tell you about it," says an unfamiliar voice.

"Uh, sorry, who is this," I ask the caller.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I'm AJ," the voice- AJ informs me. I nod to myself.

"And why should I believe you?"

"Cause I have a video of her doing it. But she's said so many more things! She called you a liar and a fake! And people believe her!"


"Yeah, that's why I wanted to tell you. I thought she was your best friend. I guess I was wrong."

I didn't know how to respond so I just end the call. I lay my head in my hands and take deep breaths.

A few seconds pass before I feel Saiki's game on my back.

"It May not even be true," he points out.

As my only source of reassurance, I nod with him.

"Yeah... yeah! It may not even be true and this could all be a lie!"

Saiki nods and goes back to eating with me joining him. We continue eating and joking around until I get a message on my phone.

  Hey, (Y/N). I figured you didn't know how to respond so I decided to send you the video. Hopefully you'll be okay!
Attachment: 1 video

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening my phone and looking at the video. It's blurry and dark, clearly night.

"Yeah, (Y/N)'s a—."

It's clearly Manai's voice but t gets cut off before it could finish. Another message comes through.

Sorry about that, wrong videp.
Attachment: 2 videos

I looked down at my hands. Did I want to do this? Did I really want or know about all this? No, feigning ignorance would be worse than just facing this.

I open the first video and watch it. It's in a room and the light, though dim, grants me the ability to see Manai.

Manai's doing her nails and looking down. She doesn't know that AJ is recording, and, by the looks of it, she probably doesn't even know now.

"Yeah, (Y/N) is such a bitch. She was so whiny. My parents this, my mom that. Everyday was like a pity party. It was so tiring," Manai says, venom on her lips.

"I mean, at least she knew her parents! She knows she has them, or had them! I've lived with my grandparents my entire life! I don't even know if my mom and dad are alive!"

I feel my heart ache. Did I really make Manai feel that way? Did I really—. No. It's not my fault.

If Manai has a problem, she could've just talked to me. She's never told me about her grandparents! She knows I'd understand.

I continue watching as Manai talks about me behind my back. She leaks all the secrets I've told her, she tells whatever group is there about my personal stories.

I feel my eyes prick with tears. This on top of my mom, it's just too much. Manai betrayed my trust and my mom appeared from no where.

I swallow my pride and stop watching. I feel sobs threatening to take over my body and I stand up.

Kusuo stands up after me and asks, "are you okay?"

He goes to pull me in a hug and I begin thinking about Manai. If Manai betrayed me, Kusuo would to.

All the people I cared about would. Even if I didn't care about them that much, they'd betray me.

Some tears fell from my eyes and I pushed Kusuo away. I didn't want him to betray me. I'm not going to let him. I'll push him away first!

"Get away from me," I screamed at him before storming off to a bathroom. I hid in a stall and cried into my legs.

My phone and other belongings were still with Kusuo. I didn't want to go back for them, that'd mean facing Kusuo.

I couldn't do that. He couldn't see me so weak. He could use it against me. All my trust broke when Manai betrayed me.

Sorry, Kusuo.

Ahhh, thank you guys so much for 5k reads. You're all amazing!!!

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