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I groaned a little as I turned over in bed.  I'd heard little voices, so I swung my legs over the bed and pulled my shirt on.  I found some PJ pants and slipped them on over my boxer briefs.  Pippa moaned a little as she turned over, only partially covered by a sheet.  She looked sexy as hell in boy shorts and a little tank top.  We'd had a passionate night, and I liked to think I'd worn her out a bit.  I grinned as I covered her body up, kissed her head, and then went to the hallway to see who was up.

Raina and Felix were in the living room with the remote, trying to figure out how to turn the TV on.

"No, it's like this!" Felix said, trying to take the remote from his sister.

"Daddy presses the red button!" Raina told him.

"Daddy wants to watch the news," I said as I entered the room.  They both looked up and smiled.  They ran over and I soon had one twin on each leg.  I pretended to struggle as they clung to my legs as I walked to the kitchen.  They giggled as they held on for the ride.

"Alright, what kind of cereal do you want?"

"Fruit Loops!" they both requested.

"Go wash your hands," I told them.  I was released from their grasp as they raced to the bathroom.  I got two bowls from the cabinet and found their cereal, then I started the coffee.  After I'd poured their milk, I set their bowls on the coffee table so they could watch cartoons.  I pulled up the DVR and found an episode of PJ Masks, a show they both liked.

They ran out a minute later and the house was somewhat quiet once again as they ate and watched the show.  I scrolled through my email and Twitter feed as I sipped my coffee and ate some toast.  A few minutes later, Molly walked out.

"Morning, sweetheart," I told her.  She hugged me and then went to go find some cereal.  "How did last night go?"

"Fine," she said.  "Cam and Cara did most of the work."

"Good, because I had to pay 'em," I said and she smiled a bit.  Molly joined her siblings on the couch.  Her first choice wouldn't be PJ Masks, but she was a good big sister.  Molly had matured a lot in the past couple years.  She'd been very timid and shy when I first met her.  She was, by no means, outgoing, but her confidence had definitely grown.  Molly had taken up playing the violin and also sang a bit like her mother.  She had a sharp wit and made straight A's at school.

My phone rang, and I could see that Molly's father was trying to FaceTime her.  Molly didn't have her own phone yet, so he called either Pippa or me.

"Molly, it's your dad," I called to her.  She gasped with excitement and ran over to take my phone.

"Daddy!!" she greeted him as she took my phone back to her room.

Her father still lived in Japan.  For the past few years, she usually spent the summer there.  She loved spending time with all her Japanese cousins, aunts and uncles.  She could even speak conversational Japanese.  She'd gotten back from her summer abroad only last week, so it was great to have her back again.

I knew Molly struggled with having parents on opposite sides of the world.  She loved Japan, and always loved her time there but, of course, missed her father.  He visited a couple times a year and they spoke several times a week by FaceTime.

When the PJ Masks episode ended, the twins called for me to choose something else.  Raina wanted Elena of Avalor and Felix wanted Team Umizumi.  They began to argue.

"Hey, hey, don't argue," I gently chided them.  "How about more PJ Masks?"

They both agreed so I put on another episode. 

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