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America was hurting, and she wasn't using her anger in a good way.  I'm not sure if she usually would have punched a girl for insulting her mom, but it seemed a bit overkill for the situation.  When I got home with Cam, I sent her straight to her room to work on homework.  Lin had already taken her phone for bad grades.

"I better not find you napping," I told her.  "Leave the door open."

Cam stormed off to her bedroom but did as I said.  She knew she was in hot water, and if her father found out she'd been rude to me on top of it, she'd really be in for it.  I poured myself another cup of coffee and sent Lin an update.  I kept thinking about America, across town by herself.  I wondered how the Jenkinses had reacted.  I picked up my phone again and started a text message to her.

R u doing ok?

She didn't immediately respond, and I wondered if she was taking a nap.  The girl did love her sleep.  I set my phone aside and got out my laptop to get some work done.

The Jenkinses didn't know her as well as we did.  We didn't know her that well yet, either, but still more so than her foster family.  She had a tough exterior, but she wanted to be loved.  Today, she'd done something unlovable, but she still needed support.  She still needed to be hugged and told she was still a good person even though she'd done something wrong.

Why couldn't she be with us?  The only person separating us was her mother.  Lin had been to talk to her, but it occurred to me that perhaps she'd understand better if she heard it from a fellow mom.  Maybe I could get through to her that she was just sabotaging her daughter's well-being.  As soon as Lin got home, a little earlier than he'd planned, I excused myself to go down to the prison.

I checked in and asked to see Sofia.  About ten minutes later, she emerged, shackled, on the other side of the plexi-glass cubicle.  She stared at me, her face expressionless.

"What do you want?" she asked shortly through the phone.

"Hi," I told her calmly.  I couldn't believe I had actually convinced myself to come see her.  This woman, who had made multiple attempts to seduce my husband.  Who had plotted to hurt my daughter and stepdaughter.  I reminded myself I was here for America.

"I don't know if you remember me-"

"Pippa," she interrupted me.  "Lin's wife.  You had my daughter."

"Yes," I said, clearing my throat.  My heart was pounding.  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.  America's been having a hard time adjusting to you being gone, and she was doing pretty well with us.  Then you had her transferred."

"You're damn right I had her transferred," her eyes bore into me, full of hate.  "You and your husband are not stealing her away from me."

"But she's thriving with us," I told her.  "She's been turning in all her homework and her grades are improving."

"If you think you and your husband can just swoop in and take her away from me, you're sorely mistaken," she told me coldly.  "You put this emancipation idea in her head, I know it.  And I will fight you every step of the way."

"Even if it means condemning your daughter to misery?"

She didn't respond to that, so I continued.

"Don't you want your daughter to be happy?" I asked her.  "Even if you can't give it to her?"

I decided to get personal in hopes of reaching her.

"Listen, I had to let my younger daughter go a few weeks ago," I told her.  "Molly's only twelve.  Her father lives in Japan, and she decided she wanted to go live with him for a while.  It was the hardest thing I've ever done.  But I did it because it's what she needed.  I put her needs before mine."

She looked down, her fingers fiddling with the phone cord.  We were both mothers, but we were very different.  I couldn't imagine doing to my own daughters what she had done to hers.  But still, we were connected because we were mothers.

"Lin and I are continuing to support her," I went on.  "She still comes to our place after school.  She sleeps at the Jenkinses but she wants to be with us.  Don't let your own pride get in the way of what's best for your daughter."

I looked at her seriously, hoping my eyes conveyed my true motives.  I wasn't trying to steal her away.  I had four children of my own.  I wanted America to do well.

I hung up the phone and looked at her one last time before standing up and leaving.  I'd said what I needed to say.

When I got home, the twins were back from school as well, happily playing on the floor with their toys.  Lin was on the phone, his laptop open, and I assumed Cam was sulking in her room.  She was suspended for three days.

I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothing, then joined the family back in the living room.  Lin was finishing up his phone call.  He sighed and typed something on his computer after he'd put his phone aside.

"How was your day?" he asked me.

"Fine," I told him.  "I just got back from visiting Sofia actually."

His eyes met mine.  I had his attention.  "What about?"

"America's placement," I said, grabbing a wine glass from the cabinet.

"Did you get anywhere?" he asked.

"I had a heart to heart with her," I explained.  "I don't know if she'll listen, but I tried.  Mother to mother."

"Let's hope so," he said.  "Will you be around the next three days?"

"On and off," I told him.  "Cam?"

He nodded, crossing his arms.  "Not that I think she'll try anything, but I don't want her lounging around napping all day."

"I agree," I told him.  "What about your parents?"

She rubbed at his goatee with his fingers.  "Yeah, that might work.  I'll text my mom."

His thumbs flew as I poured some wine and started getting dinner ready.  After only a minor disagreement between the twins, I settled down on the couch as dinner cooked in the oven.  Just as the timer was about to go off, there was a knock at the door.  I walked over to open it.  America.

"America!" I lunged forward and hugged her tightly.  She had her overnight bag slung over her shoulder and her foster family was with her.  "What are you doing here?"

"My mom contacted CPS," she said, grinning.  "She said she wanted me back with you guys."

I smiled widely.  Apparently my visit had worked.  America walked in and was soon hugged by Lin.  She went off to her room as Lin and I spoke with the Jenkinses for a few minutes.  We thanked them for taking America in for a few days, then they were gone.

The timer went off for dinner, so I pulled it out and dished it onto plates.  Soon, everyone was gathering around the kitchen table.  The twins were overly excited now that America was back. 

That night, I checked in on the older girls before going to bed.   They were spread out on the floor of their room, doing homework and giggling.  They were lucky to have each other.  And under the same roof again.

"Alright, girls.  Time for bed," I told them, looking at my watch.  "It's past ten."

They were both already in their pajamas, so they marked their places in their textbooks and climbed into their beds.  I didn't normal tuck them in, but tonight it felt right.  I pulled up Cam's covers first and gave her a hug.  Then, I went to America's bed.  She took my hand and we just smiled at each other for a few moments.

"Thanks, Pippa," she told me.  "I heard about what you did."

"You're very welcome," I told her.  "I'm glad I could help.  And I'm glad you're back."

She nodded in agreement.  "Will you be around tomorrow?"

"I have a few meetings here and there, but for the most part," I told her.

She smiled.  "Good."

I leaned down to give her a hug, and felt her arms around me.  It was nice to feel appreciated.  I turned out the light and my heart felt a little lighter.

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