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The Jenkinses seemed understanding enough with my situation.  They didn't try to pressure me into hanging out with them.  When I got home that evening, I said a quick hello and went straight to my bedroom to do homework.  The Mirandas now had me doing homework automatically and regularly.  They were such a bad influence.

The next day was like most days until the afternoon.  I saw a group of students smirking at me and laughing at me at lunch time.  The Mirandas didn't want me fighting, but I felt my blood starting to boil.  I had to confront them.

"You got a problem?" I glared at them.  They laughed.

"We just came back from a field trip to jail," one of them said.  "We saw your mom."

I narrowed my eyes at them and felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"Yeah?  So what?  I saw your momma down on the corner last night turning tricks."

The rest of the group "ohhhhed" at my insult and the first girl stood up.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't stutter," I told her, standing up as well.  "Your mom's a whore."

"Takes one to know one," she countered as we both stepped around our tables.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cam walk up with her lunch tray.  She set it down and stood next to me.

"America, calm down," she told me out of the corner of her mouth.

"She's talking about my mom," I told her.

"So?  You hate your mom."

"She's still my mom," I said, then raised my voice.  "You wanna come over here and say that a little louder, skank?"

The other girl took several big steps forward and shoved me hard.  I stumbled back and almost lost my balance.  I saw red.  I lunged back at the girl and went straight for her throat, like my mom had taught me.  My hands closed around her neck and I saw panic in her eyes.  I saw another girl lunge for Cam and she started to defend herself.

I don't know how much time passed before I felt arms pulling me away from the other girl.  She was coughing and had tears in her eyes.

"Say something else!" I threatened her as I was pulled away.  "See what happens!"

A group of us were all led out of the cafeteria, which was abuzz with excitement.  Physical fights were rare at Hunter.  Bunch of yuppies, honestly.  Cam and I were both stuck in the teachers' conference room as we caught our breath.  Cam's nose was bleeding so the teacher tossed a box of tissues in.

"Wait here for the principal," the teacher told us tersely.  Cam collapsed on one of the nice, cooshy chairs.  Why did teachers get comfortable chairs and we had to sit on rocks all day long?

"My dad's gonna kill me," Cam worried, her head in her hands.

"Oh, stop worrying," I told her, pacing the room.  I was too stirred up to sit down.  "We kicked ass today."

"That's the thing," she told me.  "I don't kick ass.  I've never gotten into a fight before."

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me," I said honestly.  "But you've got some cred now.  Those girls won't mess with us again."

"Yeah, because I'll be dead," Cam told me.  I just rolled my eyes and continued to pace.  There was a window with blinds separating us from the main part of the office.  I saw the other girls brought in and taken to another room.

When it was our turn, Cam and I both went into the principal's office.  Cam looked petrified.  I don't think she'd even gotten into this type of trouble at school.  The principal asked us to tell our side of the story.  I told it simply.   They insulted my mother so I defended myself.  Cam was barely keeping it together.

"America, I understand you're in foster care right now," Dr. Fisher said.  "You've been staying with the Mirandas?"

"Yep," I said.  "But now I'm with the Jenkinses for a while because my mom's an evil bitch.  Chelsea and Rob, maybe?"

He nodded and typed a few things in his computer.  "I'll call your dad first, Cam, since he knows America as well."

Cam was leaning forward, her head in her hands.  Dr. Fisher told us to go wait outside.  About half an hour later, Pippa walked in, looking concerned.  She found us sitting at the chairs.  I was expecting to get chewed out, but Pippa knelt in front of us and grabbed each of our hands.

"Are you okay?" she asked us.  I think Cam was just as surprised as I was.  I nodded wordlessly and squeezed her hand back.

"What happened?" she asked, taking a set next to me.  I calmly explained the situation and why I'd done what I'd done.  I couldn't just let someone disrespect my mom like that, even if I kind of hated her right now.

"Well, I wish you hadn't used violence, but I can understand why you were so upset," she said.  Just then, the principal called us all over.  Pippa sat with us as the principal explained the zero tolerance policy about violence at Hunter.  Pippa nodded in understanding.  The school had to give us a consequence and she didn't put up a fight about that.  However, she had a few words for him.

"I would expect more out of Hunter students," she told Dr. Fisher boldly.  "To make fun of another student for having a parent in prison?"

"That particular student did not demonstrate good Hunter values today," he acknowledged.  "But neither did America and Camila."

"Is that everything?" Pippa asked.

"Yes," he said.  "You're free to take Camila home.  America will need to wait for her foster parents."

"I can take her," Pippa countered.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," Dr. Fisher explained.  "I can't legally release a student to anyone other than the legal guardian.  Right now, that's the Jenkinses."

Pippa nodded and we all stood up.  She took us over to the corner of a room.  "Are you gonna be okay, America?"

"I'm fine," I insisted.  "Can I still come over later?"

Pippa sighed as she looked at me.  "I'm not sure if that's a good idea today."

"Why not?"

"Well, the Jenkinses will need to deal with what happened in a way they see fit.  If they say it's okay, you can come back tomorrow."

I searched Pippa's face, wondering why she wasn't standing up for me right now.  She knew I wouldn't want to be with the Jenkinses after something like this.

"But Pippa-" I protested, feeling myself getting emotional.

"I'm sorry, America, but that's the way it has to be," she told me, taking Cam's hand.  "Call if you need us though okay?"

I didn't have any words to say.  I just watched as they walked out of the office together.  Cam glanced back at me, a sorry look on her face.  I sank into the chair, defeated.

Mr. Jenkins came in about 15 minutes later and met with the principal.  He didn't seem to know what to do about the situation.  He took me home and tried to take away my phone.

"This is my personal property," I told him, glaring at him.  He looked afraid of me.  "You're not taking it."

"Fine," he cleared his throat.  "I guess...stay in your room."

I rolled my eyes and gladly went to my bedroom to take a nap.

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