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Pippa was being way overprotective with Raina.  She was stressed and she was being less and less patient with the other kids.  I had to figure out a way to get her to lighten up a bit.  Raina should be able to go to her friend's trampoline party.  I wasn't just going to take Raina, though.  I wouldn't undermine Pippa on that even though she'd kind of done that to me.

One evening, after the twins were in bed and Pippa was brushing her teeth, I approached her in the bathroom.

"Pip, I think we need to talk," I began.  She finished brushing and rinsed her mouth out, then turned so her back was to the counter.

"What is it?" she asked.

I sighed a little, knowing she wouldn't like this.  "I think you're being too overprotective with Raina."

She immediately sighed and began to walk away.  I gently grasped her wrist and pulled her back.  "Don't walk away," I asked her.  "She's perfectly healthy.  You can't stop her from doing things just because you're scared."

"You think I'm being overprotective?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I do," I said, looking her directly in the eye.

"So what am I supposed to do?" she asked.  "Even though I think she's gonna get sick again, I should just sit back and let it happen."

"Pip, she can't get cancer again by jumping on some trampolines," I tried to reason with her.

"But she's weak, Lin!" she pointed out, walking out of the bathroom to our bed.  I followed, hands tucked into my jeans.  "Plus, those places are full of germs.  If she gets sick, then her body will be weak."

"And maybe she'll get a cold," I said.  "She's not gonna die."

"Lin, I-" she held some fingers up to her temple.  "I just can't.  I need her to take it easy for a while longer."

I crossed my arms and studied her as she pulled the covers back and climbed in.  She got some lotion and began vigorously rubbing into her hands.

"How much longer?" I asked.

"Until I feel better about things."

I walked to her side of the bed and sat down in front of her.  "Pippa, that may never happen," I told her gently.  "You're always gonna be scared the cancer will come back.  So will I.  That doesn't mean she can't live her life.  What's the point of living if you can't have some fun?"

Pippa touched her hands together and rested the tips on her forehead, trying to keep herself together.  "I can't talk about this right now."

She got up and walked to the bathroom, then shut the door.  I knew enough about my wife to let her be.  Pippa may be upset with me, but I was doing this for Raina.  I didn't want to see her have to sit out on things for no good reason.

I climbed into bed and turned off my bedside lamp, turning my body away from Pippa's side.  Eventually she joined me.  I hated going to bed after a disagreement, but I knew I had to make a point.

The next morning, we went about our morning routines not saying much.  The focus was always on the kids, particularly the twins.  Pippa had a meeting around 9:00 so she needed to get ready to leave soon after the kids left.  She was getting flustered because Raina was being difficult.

"I don't wanna wear gloves!" she protested, darting away from Pippa.

"Raina Luz Miranda, it is not up for discussion," she told our daughter sternly.  "It is cold outside and you need to keep healthy."

"I'm not sick!" she said, running around the table away from Pippa.  I could tell Pippa was getting really frustrated, so I intervened.  I quickly scooped up Raina and balanced her on my hip.

"Sweetheart, it's not just because you were sick," I explained gently.  "It's really cold out and we don't want your hands to freeze, do we?"

"But I don't like how they feel," she complained, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Well, we can get you a new pair another day, but right now you need to put these on," I said, setting her on one of the bar stools.  I held out my hand for Pippa to pass the gloves.  She handed them over, looking relieved but frustrated she couldn't get Raina to comply.  Raina let me slip them on and soon the four kids were out the door.

Pippa began rushing around the house, finishing up getting ready.  She couldn't find her cell phone, so I pulled mine out and called hers.  It was on the couch, tucked between the pillows.  One of the twins must have been playing with it.

She smoothed her hair away from her face as she checked her screen.  I caught her by the wrist gently.  "Hey," I said gently.  "Have you thought about what I said?"

She sighed, tucking her phone away.  "I know you think I'm being ridiculous," she began, looking down as she put on her own gloves.  "I'm just terrified she's gonna get sick again."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.  "You're not being ridiculous.  You just can't let fear rule your life.  Or Raina's life.  Now, I'm sure if you go with  Raina you can keep a close eye on her and have her sit out for a while if she needs it.  Doesn't that sound like a good compromise?"

She looked at me and nodded in agreement.  "Otherwise I'm not sure she'd ever forgive me."

I smirked a little.  Raina could be a tad dramatic. "Come on.  Trampolines!" I said light-heartedly, causing her to smile.  Thank goodness.  I hated us fighting, even if it was for a short time.  I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, then her forehead.  "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered, and we nuzzled nose then kissed on last time.  I watched her go and couldn't wait to see the look on Raina's face when she found out she was going to the party.

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