I look up from my phone and towards Tony as he walks into my bedroom, leaving the door open a little just as my parents had instructed.
A smile immediately finds its way on my face, and I hug him as he sits down on my bed with me.
"Ready for school?" He asks causing me to groan and put my head in my hands. At school I will most definitely see Jeff and when Tony sees me talk to Jeff we always have a massive argument.
Jeff is my ex boyfriend, we dated for a year but he dumped me at the homecoming dance in front of the whole school for another girl.
I was pretty torn up after the breakup but my friend Hannah, was there to comfort me and she introduced me to Tony. (I'm pretty sure you know how that went)
Tony taps my shoulder causing me to snap out of my train of thought.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, let's get going" I say grabbing my things and head downstairs, Tony following close behind me.
"Hey Lisa!" I look for the voice in th sea of students roaming the halls of Liberty High until I see him.
Jeff Atkins...
I feel Tony's grip on my hand tighten and I look over towards him and give him a reassuring smile which he returns but then immediately glared towards Jeff again.
Jeff gets the memo and decides to leave me alone for once.
Tony heads off to his history class and I go to meet Hannah so we can head to Social studies together.
I walk further down the hallway until I see the familiar Bob of brown curls.
"Hey Hannah!" I place my hand on her left shoulder and she flinches.
She turns around and her eyes are a bit puffy and red.
"Hannah, what's wrong?" I say giving her a hug.
" you know what, it's nothing. " she attempts to put on a smile which I don't buy but I just shrug it off.
If she really wanted me to know what was up, she's have told me already.
"So, how was your date with Tony last week, we haven't spoken for a couple days." Hannah asks as we walk closer to the classroom.
I smile at the thought of Tony, he just so adorable in a bad boy kinda way... I don't think anybody knows what I'm trying to say but it makes sense to me.
"It was great until Jeff called when I was about to tell Tony that I l-o-v-e him!" I honestly do not know why I spelled that out to hannah, it's not as if the students around me couldn't spell. ..
She chuckles and opens the classroom door for herself and me.
"That's Jeff for you."
"Don't get me wrong, you and Tony are the most adorable couple that exists but you and Jeff had a pretty serious relationship, do you think that you should be saying the L word anytime soon?"
I shrug just as the teacher comes into the room.
The bell rings signalling that day is over and I get out of my seat and into the parking lot to meet Tony.
When I see him I smile and head towards his Car.
"Hey Lisa, I missed you." He says giving me one of the tightest hugs that I have ever received.
"I missed you too." I chuckle at how adorable he's being right now.
" Hey, I need to tell you something thats been on my mind for a while now. "
He nods and we get into his car.
"Earlier, Hannah asked about our date last week... And she said something that made me think, I shouldn't jump into a relationship as quickly as I did without knowing that that person is the one," He looks at me with confusion in his eyes.
" but now I know that... I love you Tony and I don't want to be with anybody else but you. "
I stop for air.
"Jeff and I will always have some connection because we dated for a while but it's you that I want, not him."
for the first time ever, I see Tony Padilla cry, tears roll down his cheeks and he pulls me in for a kiss.
"I love you too Liz."

13 reasons why - imagines and preferences.
FanficA collection of imagines and preferences about the 13 reasons why cast and characters, they will be about; Zack Dempsey, Hannah Baker, Montgomery De La cruz, Justin Foley, Jessica Davis, Tony Pa...