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"Yes miss?"

"Find Toru for me, please."

"Of course miss."

Mila stepped away from her usual spot next to the set of large doors and started towards the clan head's office, the place he could most often be found.

Mila had been born and raised inside the village, much like everyone else in the clan. They were mostly self-sufficient, growing their own food, building their own houses, and, of course, making their own clothes. Due to this as well as their small size, it was no mystery as to why the Imada was not a shinobi clan. Throughout the entire town, there were no more than three dozen shinobi at any time.

Despite this major lack of manpower, the Imada clan had not been involved in war for nearly a century, a fact that Mila was sure had confused more than a few outsiders. After all, they were such an easy target, why had no one tried taking their land yet?

Actually, many people had. Just five years ago, a far larger, far more powerful clan had attempted a raid on the silkmakers. This ended in their scouts being intercepted, their lookouts being killed, and half their militia being destroyed. This, along with many other attacks, was derailed thanks to Aroka, the current Imada clan seer.

Mila had first come to the head family's compound as a servant when she was barely six years old. Her parents, who were both teachers at the smaller of the two academies in town, fell on hard times and were no longer able to take care of her. She was brought to the clan leader at the time, Toru's father, who allowed her to stay with his family on the condition that she worked as a maid. It was during her first year there that she met Aroka. The seer, who was then only a young girl, had been very kind to Mila, and the two grew close. Well, as close as their social differences allowed. It had been nearly fifteen years since then, but she remembered it like it was only yesterday.

A six year old Mila padded down the halls of the main compound carefully, carrying a large basin of water. She was headed for the nursery where an infant had just splashed ink all over the walls of her room. The young girl shuffled as fast as she could, trying not to tip the basin; as she turned a corner, she nearly ran into another girl whom she quickly recognized as Aroka, the blind seer.

Aroka was born into the main family and was the shining gem of the Imada clan. She was treasured endlessly for her abilities, and because of this Mila never had the chance to speak to her even though she had been here for over six months now.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry!" Mila winced as a trail of water splashed onto the ground. "I didn't see you there, miss."

Aroka tilted her head curiously and Mila felt a strange tingle spread over her.

"What color are your eyes?" She asked.

"My eyes?" The brunette blinked in surprise. "T-They're green, miss."

"Ah! You know, most people here have brown eyes, you're special. I like people with special eyes." Aroka smiled cheerfully. "I have to go now but it was nice meeting you, Mila. Bye-bye!" She waved before stepping over the puddle and brushing past her.

Mila stared at the young seer's retreating back, confused yet intrigued by her odd behavior.

'She seems... different."

Soon after their first encounter that Mila had been assigned to Aroka as an attendant. She followed the raven haired girl, whom she later found out was than a year younger than her, wherever she went, as the clan leaders thought it best not to leave the blind girl alone so often.

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