A Troubling Reunion

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"I'm telling you, I need to speak to Senju Tobirama or Uchiha Izuna! They'll know who I am!"

"Listen, we don't have time to deal with you, just go back to wherever you came from."

"I have to speak to them! Aroka left with them, they must have come here! Please just let me in, I need to make sure she's ok!"

The guard sighed, begrudgingly signaling for his counterpart to find one of the leaders. Sometimes he wondered if this job was worth it.

Tobirama, having been informed of the two outsiders asking for him at the gate, suspiciously headed for the entrance to see what was going on.

As the two in question came into view, he saw that one of them was a plain, older man in shinobi attire, on guard and unmoving. The other, however, was a much more familiar face; a brown haired woman pacing back and forth, mumbling something to herself and seeming quite nervous. She glanced up and spotted him, ceasing her steps and waving excitedly.

"Senju-sama! Thank goodness you're here! Is Aroka with you? Is she alright?" her eyes wide with concern.

"She's fine. Why are you here?"

"You all left without a word! I'm supposed to be with Aroka whenever possible, I was scared half to death when I found out she was gone! Please let me see her!"

Tobirama glanced at the man next to her questioningly.

Noticing this, Mila was quick to explain how he, Omasu, was a shinobi from their clan and had come along to make sure she got there in one piece.

Tobirama examined him briefly before motioning for them both to follow him. The guards opened the gates, allowing the two Imada clansmen into Konoha.

He lead them through the unfamiliar streets, already busy despite the sun having risen not an hour ago, and soon arrived at the Senju compound. Passing through a number of halls, he stopped in front of a door identical to all the rest. Cautiously, Mila turned the handle and pushed the door open. Opposite of them lay Aroka, sound asleep, though she wouldn't be for long as Mila dashed across the room and shook her frantically.

"What? What's happening?" she glanced around groggily, blinking a few times. "Mila? What are you d-" She was cut off by a tight hug.

"How could you leave without telling me? I was worried sick!"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, I asked Toru to tell you. I thought you might like a break."

"How was I supposed to enjoy a break when I thought you could be in danger?!"

"I wasn't in any danger, I'm fine, see?"

Mila frowned, standing up and storming out of the room.

"Hey! Wait!" Aroka stumbled out of bed and ran after her. She hesitated as she passed by the doorway, glancing at the man who had accompanied her friend before scrambling off.

Aroka followed her to a garden, reflexively retracting her chakra as she entered. Unfortunately, that meant she could no longer see where she was going, with only Mila's line as a general guide.

"Mila?" she called out, one arm outstretched in an attempt to avoid crashing into anything. "Please don't be upset with me! I'm sorry, I should have told you, I didn't mean to make you worry!"

She listened for a reply but there was none. Frowning in concern, she was about to call out again when she felt a tug on her arm, pulling her back a few steps.

"You were about to walk into a pond, you know." Mila huffed, a hand on her hip.

"Hey, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, please don't be upset," she pleaded, hands clasping her friend's.

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