Get In, Get Out

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Mila wrung her hands distractedly, the ear-piercing shrieks still echoing in her head. Her eyes cast idly to the side.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Toru muttered sympathetically.

She didn't know what to say; there were too many questions to ask but she wasn't sure if she really wanted to know the answers.

"The medics are still working on it, they... don't know what's wrong with her yet."


"Are you ok? You don't look like you've been getting enough sleep."

"...yea. Yes, I'm fine," she paused for a moment, "Did something... happen?"

Toru's expression wavered slightly and he shifted in his seat.

"This is all a mystery to me, too."

"...why was she tied down?"

"Oh, she's been manic whenever she's awake, it's to keep her from hurting herself."

"You said they've been sedating her?"

"Yea, it's the only way to get her to calm down."

"Why... why is she like that?"

"They say it's probably nothing physical, she's most likely having some sort of 'mental break', as they call it."

"She was fine just a few days ago, everything was normal, I was with her the whole time. Nothing unusual happened, what in the world could have caused this?"

Toru's eyes lowered to his hands and he sighed, "I wish I knew more."

Mila glanced over at him: he had a sickly complexion and slight bags under his eyes. His brows were permanently furrowed, making him look years older than he was. He seemed tired.

"Go get some rest, she wouldn't want you to worry like this," she urged, standing up gracelessly.

Toru smiled up at her, "Thank you, you should too."

Mila managed a smile of her own before excusing herself and making her way out of the office. Twiddling her thumbs outside the treatment room wouldn't do anyone any good, she decided to head back to her own room. Sleep would help.



The sound reverberated throughout the Hokage Tower, drawing concerned glances from passersby.

"Do you have to be like this?" Tobirama rolled his eyes as he entered his brother's office, a stack of documents in hand, "What could possibly be so-"

"You need to see this," Hashirama cut him off, handing over the scroll he was reading. The grim look on his face told Tobirama this wasn't one of his usual antics. The scroll had a unique pattern on its back, making it easily identifiable as a Communications Scroll: one half of a pair that allowed text written on either scroll to appear on the other as well. It was one of Tobirama's own inventions, currently the only one of its kind.

The younger Senju took the scroll and read it over carefully.

"This is..." his brows knit sharply, "What?"

"It's vague but... something's happened to Aroka."

"When did this appear?"

"Just a few hours ago, I didn't notice it until now."

"I'm going over there."

"Hey wait a-!"


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