Festival Day

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The morning of the silk festival was finally here and the little village was busier than ever with last-minute preparations, everything from putting out decorations to getting their kimonos fitted, the streets were alive and bustling before the sun even peeked its head.

Among the latter group were the two Senju visitors who, upon Toru's insistence, were getting their measurements taken so the servants could pick out fitting kimonos for them to wear that night. As expected, one of them was considerably less enthusiastic about it.

"What's the point of this again?" Tobirama frowned as a servant shuffled around him.

"Don't be so uptight, it's a day of celebration!" Hashirama beamed, letting his arm fall back to his side as the servant scribbled something down.

"But do we need all this? It's pointless." he scoffed.

"It's not pointless! If we're going to the Imada silk festival, it's only appropriate to wear their silk! Besides, don't you want to look nice for a certain someone?" he wiggled his eyebrows, breaking out in a sly grin.

"Idiot. That "certain someone" is blind, remember?"

"But you knew who I was talking about, hmm~"

"Do you have a problem?"

"I'm not the one with the problem!"

"I don't have time for this."

"There's always time for lo- OUCH!"

The young servant glanced nervously between the two before slowly moving to pick up the measuring stick.


"You know, Mila, you should be with your family right now." Aroka thought aloud from her usual spot behind the small table.

Mila, also in her usual spot, smiled slightly, not that the seer could see it.

"If I was then who would help you around during the festival?" she chuckled teasingly.

"It's not like I ever actually get to enjoy the festival, anyways. You know how they always make me sit with Toru and the advisors the whole time." she huffed. "If he's the one making you stay I can yell at him for you."

"No, no, he's not! I just want to be there in case you need anything. Plus, you'll have someone you talk to, right?"

At this, Aroka brought a hand to her heart, leaning on her desk dramatically.

"Oh Mila, what did I ever do to deserve you?" she wept.

"No it's nothing! I'm just doing what I can." she smiled, scratching her neck sheepishly.


As it grew closer to nightfall, the energy in the village became more and more noticeable. The normally quiet, sleepy town was ever so excited for the much-anticipated festival and they weren't afraid to show it. Aroka, for one, certainly had no argument against this, in fact she could hardly hold still as the servants helped her into her festival kimono. She bounced in place with a smile etched across her lips.

"Just a while longer." Mila grinned upon seeing the excitement radiating off her friend. She was also being helped into her festival attire.

"Just a while longer!" Aroka echoed in a sing-song voice.

The kimonos the two women donned were much more ornate than their usual robes; Mila had chosen an emerald green design that featured white cranes in mid-flight along the bottom of the garment, paired with a white and gold sash tied around her waist. Aroka's was a rich violet hue with small pink and white blossoms trailing from her mid-chest all the way down to the hem of the kimono. Her pink and silver sash was secured in an ornate four-petaled bow at her lower back.

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