Blind Vision

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Aroka sat with her head resting against her hand, analyzing the all too familiar sight before her.

It was a black, unremarkable space with nothing particular about it. The only thing filling the otherwise empty void was an unfathomable mass of thin white lines which seemed to stretch infinitely forwards and backwards. As she focused on an individual line, a name would form in her mind, the name of the person whom the line belonged to. She could trace the winding trail up and down, left and right, wherever it went.

As she combed through the clutter of threads, she found the one she was looking for, one that she'd been visiting often lately.

Tobirama Senju

He was interesting.

Aroka had, at first, only taken an interest in him because she was fascinated with the thought of his red eyes, it was times like these that made her really wish she could see, but she had found some intriguing facts about his past that made her even more invested in him.

When tracing his line backwards, she learned that he had a number of siblings whose lines ended very early on. She also gathered that he was a particularly skilled shinobi, as he had triumphed over many who were much older than him.

As she followed his trail forwards, she saw that he had crossed paths with many different people in his life, a significant number of whom saw their lines ended upon meeting his. This was one aspect about him that she didn't much appreciate, but she understood that the world wasn't exactly in an ideal state right now.

It was fascinating to see what life was like for him. Ever since she was young, she had always liked tracing lines, especially ones that belonged to people outside her clan. What did they look like? What were their dreams? What was their favorite color? So many things she would never know. It was such a pity, too. People are so interesting, so complex. There was just so much to know and so little time to know it.


The voice pulled Aroka from her thoughts.

"Yes Mila?"

"I'm going to retire for the day."

"Oh, is it that late already?" She must have lost track of time. "I'll see you tomorrow then, good night."

"Good night, Miss."

As she listened to the padding of footsteps fade away, Aroka smiled to herself. Mila was such an interesting person. They had met when they were young and Aroka had quickly taken an interest in her green eyes. Soon after, when she was told she would be assigned an attendant, she asked for Mila. She wanted to make a new friend and that was exactly what she got.

"Aroka, this is Mila. She will be your attendant starting today. She will help you with anything you need, so just ask." Yuto smiled, patting the young seer on the head before leaving the two alone. Yuto was the Imada clan leader at the time.

"It's an honor to serve you, Aroka-sama." the seven year old Mila squeaked nervously.

"Oh, thanks! It's nice to see you again." Aroka grinned. "Hey, I have a question. Who else has eyes like yours? You know, special eyes." She leaned forwards curiously.

"I-I'm not sure." Mila stuttered, caught off guard by the question. "Um, I think Toru-sama has green eyes, but I've only seen him a few times."

"I know that, who else?"

"I-I think Miss Saya has blue eyes."

"Saya? She's the gardener, right? That's so cool! I have to talk to her!" Aroka jumped to her feet and pulled Mila out the door. " C'mon, let's go find her, I know where she is!"

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