Tensions Run High

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Hashirama had gone to visit Aroka alone after his brother vehemently refused to come along, he had told her about the situation with Madara and how the clans' conflicts seemed to be slowing down, all of which she'd already known, of course, and she advised him to continue as he had been, that things would come together sooner than he thought.

A month had passed since then and, true to her word, everything seemed to be progressing nicely: both sides had begun to actively avoid battle, territorial clashes were few and far between, and casualty rates were dropping steadily.

Just three days ago, Madara had confronted him on the battlefield and, much to everyone's surprise, offered a truce. Hashirama was more than ecstatic, despite the Uchiha's claim that it would only be temporary, and immediately agreed.

Being far more skeptical of this apparent resolution, Tobirama had a been disgruntled witness to his brother's non-stop celebration these past few days. Hashirama was cheerier than ever, the insufferable grin he wore all day was beginning to get on his nerves and he honestly didn't know how much more he could take.

"Tobirama~!" an all too happy voice sang from behind him.

Sighing heavily, he turned to see a smiling Hashirama bouncing towards him.

"I've been looking for you all day! Why does it feel like you've been avoiding me?" he pouted.

Sighing again, Tobirama ignored the older man and continued walking.

"I have an idea!" Hashirama declared as he moved to catch up. "It's about time we pay Aroka a visit and tell her the news! She'll be excited to hear about the treaty, don't you think?"

"Brother, you've been suggesting that for the past three days."

"Have I? I must have forgotten! But anyways, she should still know, right?"

"Write a letter."

"No, no, we should tell her in person! After all, we wouldn't have gotten here without her help!"


"Don't be such a grump, Tobirama, we should go thank her!"


"Come on, it's only polite!"


Hashirama sighed at his brother's stubbornness; he was still holding onto whatever grudge he had against her. Racking his brain for ideas, he considered his options for a brief moment before a sly grin crept across his face.

"Ah... I know why you don't want to go." he stated, nodding wisely. "You like her."

Tobirama stopped and turned around, glaring at him sharply.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't worry, I get it. You think she knows you like her and you're embarrassed, I understand~!"

"That's not-"

"OH YOUNG LOVE!" he shouted, hand over his heart and leaning on the wall dramatically. "What a beautiful thing! I'll have to tell our friend Aroka that my dear little brother likes her! I'll make sure you two are the cutest couple the shinobi world has ever seen!" he declared with gleaming tears in his eyes.

Tobirama sighed yet again, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"If I agree to go will you shut up?"

Hashirama broke out in a grin.

"Yes! Then it's settled! We leave for the Imada tomorrow!" he smiled triumphantly, swiftly patting him on the back before skipping away and out of sight.

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