Before the Storm

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"Mommy, can I visit Kazue-nee today?" Misora asked excitedly, short legs swinging freely under the table. She had woken up especially early they day and was practically bouncing with anticipation.

"You were just there yesterday, dear, we don't want to bother your sister too much."

"But she said I could visit whenever!"

"That doesn't mean every day, Misora. I'm sure she's busy, you know."

"Come on! Pleeease? Dad would let me go, right dad?" she dashed eagerly to her father who had just descended the stairs.

"Why not? It's no problem," Omasu ruffled her hair before turning to his wife, "I'll bring her, I'm on my way there anyways."

"Dear, she's been going over there a lot lately, isn't it impolite for us to be sending her over so often?" Kinuyo frowned worriedly; the last thing she wanted was for her older daughter to be annoyed at them, especially seeing as Misora can be a handful.

"You worry too much, I'm sure it's fine. Besides, Aro-, ah, Kazue did say we were welcome any time."

"Well... I suppose it's alright," the woman conceded hesitantly, "Just make sure she's ok with it first."

"Yay! Thanks mommy!" Misora cheered before pulling her father towards the door, "Come on, daddy, let's go, let's go!"

Her father laughed and followed the girl's orders, waving goodbye to his wife before the two disappeared out the door.

Kinuyo sigh was quickly replaced by an exasperated laugh as she began to clean up the half-finished breakfasts.

'Those two...'


"Kazue-nee!" Misora giggled in delight when she stepped into the familiar room and spotted her sister in the same spot she always was in. She dashed towards her and tackled her into a hug.

"Hey you, what are you so excited about?" Aroka laughed, squeezing the girl gently.

"Mom and dad think I'm bothering you because I visit a lot but it's not true, right?" she asked eagerly, tugging on Aroka's sleeve.

"Of course not, you're no bother at all!" she smiled before sending Omasu, who looked on from just outside the room, a reassuring nod.

"See daddy? I told you so!"

"Thank you for watching over her, Aroka, it means a lot."

"My pleasure."

"Have fun, Misora, and behave yourself."

"Bye daddy!" the girl waved after her father as he stepped out of view.

"So what do you want to do?" Aroka smiled down at, or rather in the general direction of, the younger girl.

"Can we go to the garden?"

"We've already been there, remember?"

"Not that one, the one that's a little farther. You know, the one with the really big wishing fountain in it."

"Huh? That's on the other side of the compound, how do you know about that?"

"Daddy told me about it! He said he's been there before."

"Ah, I see. We can go but we'll have to get Mila first."

"I'll do it!" Misora jumped to her feet and zipped out the door; she was familiar enough with the halls now that she could find Mila's room with no problem.

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