An Odd Encounter

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"Imada-san! It's wonderful to see you again." Hashirama greeted upon reaching the clan's main compound.

A week had passed since the Senju brothers' first visit to the Imada village and they had come to finalize some details of their trade agreement.

"I was about to say the same! Thank you both for coming. Please, follow me." Toru led the two into the one of the conference rooms, the same one they had spoken in last time, where three men were already waiting.

"These are my advisors, they'll be joining us today. They worked with my father, so they know even more about the village than I do." Toru chuckled, taking a seat in front of the three elderly men.

"Excellent. Well, I'd like to discuss our end of the deal. We have many products that we can offer in exchange for your silks: ceramics from the Aharo clan, precious stones from the western nomads, spices from the Kazahimaru clan-"

"I'm sorry, I must not have made our intentions clear." Toru interrupted. "We aren't looking for any luxuries. What we want is simple, really: a team of your best medics."

The Senju brothers blinked in surprise.

"Medics?" Hashirama repeated questioning. "That's no problem, but, if I may ask, why do you need them?"

"Well, you see, a close friend of mine is suffering from a disease that none of our doctors can cure." The young Imada's expression sullied and his eyes briefly cast downwards. "We hoped that a larger clan like yourselves would have better resources than we do."

"This friend of yours must be a very important person for you to start a trade deal like this." Tobirama commented pointedly.

"Yes, we've always been very close. I feel terrible not being able to do anything to help."

"We're asking for five of your most capable medics. We're willing to send shipments of silk every month for as long as they're here. If they are able to cure the disease, we will speak further about a new arrangement." One of the advisors spoke in a deep, scratchy voice.

The brothers glanced at each other for a brief moment.

"We have a deal."

Toru instantly perked up at this.

"That's wonderful! Thank you very much!" He grinned gratefully, shaking both Senjus' hands.

After a few more minutes of negotiating details, the six men filed out of the room, all seeming very pleased with their agreement.

"Thank you again for coming today. I'm glad we were able to work everything out." Toru smiled as he led the brothers out of the compound.

"As are we." Hashirama nodded cheerfully. "Our medics should arrive within five days, I'm sure they'll be able to help your friend." He assured.

"Toru-sama." A soft voice interrupted their conversation.

They turned to see a young woman with shoulder length brown hair standing just behind the said man. Though her tone was calm, she seemed a bit rattled.

"Mila, what are you doing here?" Toru asked, slightly surprised to see her.

"Um," The girl glanced at the Senju brothers before turning back to her leader. "Someone's asked to speak with you."

Toru frowned at this, though he quickly hid it with an apologetic smile as he turned to the two other men.

"I'm sorry, but it seems I have to take care of something. It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Mila, please show our guests to the door."

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