Early Morning Encounters

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"Yes, Miss?"

"What time is it?"

"It's dawn, the sun's just rising."

"You're early."

"I woke up a while ago, I thought I would just come out."

Aroka blinked lazily, pale brown eyes boring into green ones.

"You're never early." she tilted her head. "What's wrong?"

Mila smiled sheepishly, slightly embarrassed she had been caught.

"How did you know?" she asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Just a guess." Aroka shrugged, waving her in. "Sit down, what's on your mind?"

Mila stepped into the dark room, unbothered by the warm wash of chakra, and gently shut the door behind her. She took a seat in front of the low table.

"I've... just been thinking about my parents." Mila sighed, staring at her lap.

"You haven't seen them in a while."

"Three years. I was hoping you might be able to tell how they're doing." she glanced up timidly.

"You could ask them yourself, you know. They only live a few minutes away."

Mila shook her head.

"You know Toru doesn't like it when I leave the compound. Besides, I'm not going to leave you alone."

"Then we'll go together, if he asks just tell him it was my idea, he won't say anything." Aroka smiled. "What do you say?"

"Are you sure? But you won't be able to see." Mila frowned, knowing her friend never used chakra outside. The previous clan leader, when he thought Aroka wasn't around, would often complain about how strange her chakra felt, something the young seer took to heart. She was around twelve when she stopped using her chakra outside and, by no coincidence, also began spending less time away from her room.

"I'll be fine! Besides, you'll be there to make sure I don't walk into a wall, right?" Aroka chuckled cheerfully. "Come on, let's go!"

Aroka bounced up from her seat and walked over to Mila, playfully waving for her to hurry.

The pair started towards the door and, just before they stepped into the walkway, Aroka paused, recollecting her chakra from the room.

Instantly, the vague outlines of the interior disappeared from her mind, leaving her in a state of true blindness.

Aroka felt a warm hand curl around her arm and softly urge her forward.

"I've got you." Mila's voice reassured.

Nodding with determination, Aroka stepped into the walkway and turned in step with her friend, both of them heading towards the compound's main exit.

For the blind seer, each sightless step was careful and hesitant. She was used to being able to make out a general picture of her surroundings by the way her chakra molded around objects, and having that taken away was... uncomfortable. But that didn't matter. Mila wanted to see her parents and Aroka was determined to help her.

After what felt like an eternity, the pair finally stepped foot outside. Aroka felt the warm light from the morning sun envelop her, almost making her forget about the cold autumn air.

"You don't have to do this, you know." Mila reminded as they continued their leisurely walk into the quiet town.

"You wouldn't have gone alone." Aroka nudged her playfully, earning a chuckle from the woman.

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