The Imadas

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"Mom, when is dad coming home?" a girl, no more than 10 years old, with pretty round eyes and cropped black hair asked. Her legs swung rhythmically under the table as she pushed the food around her plate.

The woman next to her ruffled her hair with a slight grin, "He'll be back any day now, but you have to eat all your food if you want to have the energy to play together."

The girl nodded enthusiastically and did as she was told, finishing her plate in just a few minutes. As she stood up and was about to put the dish in the sink, the front door squeaked open from the next room.

"I'm home," a deep, weary voice called out.

"Daddy!" the girl gasped, an impossibly wide smile overtaking her face as she ran towards the door and jumped into his open arms, "Daddy I missed you!"

"I missed you too, honey," he smiled, returning the hug and ruffling her hair.

"Welcome home," his wife stepped out of the kitchen, the three shared a tight hug before the young girl dragged her father off to show him all the things she had made while he was away.


The middle aged woman sat in a large plush seat, hands around a steaming mug of tea. She shifted uncomfortably as she listened to the sounds of the quiet house. She pushed her white-streaked raven hair behind her ear.

"She's finally asleep," her husband announced as he descended the stairs, dropping into the chair next to her, "Thanks, Kinuyo," he took the cup from her, carefully lifting it to his lips. Up close, she noticed some wrinkles and dark circles he didn't have last time she saw him.

"So what happened? You were only supposed to be gone a few weeks," she asked, concern evident in her chocolate brown eyes, "Is everything ok, Omasu?"

"Everything's fine," he reassured with a smile, taking her hand into his own, "It's a long story but everything's ok."

She nodded, though the crease in her brow did not lessen, "How is she?"

"She's doing great, she seemed happy and healthy and she's made some great friends. She really seemed to like Konohagakure," he paused, his thumb ran over the back of her hand, "It's the first time I was able to speak to her in years. She looks just like you, you know."

Kinuyo nodded, the happy smile resting on her lips contrasted the glassiness of her eyes.

"What are her friends like?"

Omasu gazed as his wife sadly, he continued tracing patterns on her hand as he spoke.

"Well there's Mila of course, still as wonderful as ever. Then there's a young man from the Uchiha clan, he would come around every once in a while and she would always greet him like she hadn't seen him in years. There's also the leader of Konoha, a Senju. He's a very nice young man, he has big dreams and a kind heart, Kazue gets along very well with his wife and children too." He recalled warmly the time he had seen her rocking the Senju's son to sleep, pacing rhythmically around the room while singing a quiet tune he couldn't hear. He remembered thinking she would be a good mother someday. "Then there's the leader's younger brother, not quite as friendly a person on the outside, though he and Kazue seem to be closest."

The woman looked up, "Do you mean...?"

Omasu nodded with a smile, "He treats her well, from what I've seen, and she seems to be fond of him too."

His wife smiled, and though the pain was evident, she managed a laugh, "Our baby's all grown up."

He remained silent for a moment, his heart ached right along with his wife's.

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