Chapter 4

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When Wolfkit woke up his paws were sore as if had been running all night. Running around in dreams with StarClan probably made every cat tired. He wished Foxkit were still alive though, so he wouldn't have to wait until nighttime to play with her.

Wolfkit walked out the nursery to see clouds covered the sky and very little sunlight was seen around camp. It was probably going to rain later. He looked to see Bramblepaw, Berrypaw, and Hazelpaw walk out the apprentice's den. They stretched out and headed to the fresh-kill pile while talking about hunting and battle training. Why couldn't one of them be the chosen cat to be leader? Wolfkit wouldn't even be surprised is Sparrowpaw was chosen to be leader.

Adderstar walked out his den and looked up at the sky as Twitchwhisker came out the warrior's den. Adderstar motioned for his deputy to come and speak to him. They spoke about patrols and getting food before it rained. Bramblepaw immediately volunteered to go and the sound of him volunteering for something made Sparrowpaw bound out the apprentice's den to join him.

Twitchwhisker chose Bramblestripe's mentor, Russetclaw, to go, Sparrowpaw, and Stripeclaw. They were sent on a hunting patrol near WindClan border and SkyClan's border. Wolfkit then noticed that Goosetail wasn't in camp. What if the patrol caught him with that WindClan she-cat? Would he get in trouble? What would happen to Wolfkit and Hazelnose?

The sound of Poundkit and Meadowkit squealing and bolting out the nursery to play. Twitchwhisker was setting up a border patrol near ShadowClan with Berrypaw, Hazelpaw, Shinerock, and Diamondeyes as the kits pelted through them, making the apprentices jump in surprise. Bellowvoice came out the warrior's den and ran over quickly to retrieve his kits and scold them away from the older cats. At least he talks to his kits.

That's when Glaregaze stormed in to camp, followed by Goosetail. Wolfkit lowered to the ground and lowered his ears as Glaregaze went to the nursery. The older tom glared down at the kit for a split second before going inside. Wolfkit could hear Glaregaze growling something to Hazelnose, but he was too intent on watching Goosetail lick his paw and draw it over his ear.

Finally, Hazelnose followed Glaregaze out the nursery. The tom went to speak to Wolfkit's father while his mother lied her tail on his back. "I'm going to step out for a moment, Wolfkit," she mewed, "stay out of trouble, I'll be back in only a few minutes." she licked his head and headed to the warriors. They walked out camp, leaving Wolfkit alone. What was he supposed to do?

That's when he heard something behind him. Wolfkit turned to see a light grey she-cat with blue eyes standing out the bracken. Her pelt was covered in stars and Wolfkit just glared at her. She motioned for him to come near, then pushed a big plump vole out from hiding. Wolfkit realized he hadn't eaten or had any milk. His stomach growled and his mouth watered at the sight of the savory looking vole. Wolfkit looked around to make sure no cat saw him as he went toward the she-cat.

The she-cat sat patiently as Wolfkit began eating the vole. It was better than he could imagine! When he had finished he looked up at the she-cat, his tail flicking irritablely. Wolfkit sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws, then glared up at the StarClan cat. "Now what?" Wolfkit growled.

"There's something I want to show you," the she-cat mewed, getting up and heading off. "Follow me, I promise this will only take a moment."

Wolfkit looked back toward the camp and, with a flick of his tail, followed the grey she-cat. They padded through the forest where Wolfkit could smell the patrols and where Hazelnose, Glaregaze, and Goosetail were. He could see squirrels, mice, and thrushes running and flying around.

They came to a small den that smelled like many cats had trekked here as well once. The she-cat headed inside and Wolfkit followed her. He realized the den was actually the entrance to a tunnel. They walked down the tunnel with only their whiskers to help them get through. They soon came to a cave that had light shine around some rocks and ledges. It was beautiful, but why was Wolfkit there?

That's when the smell of a another cat was coming. The StarClan quickly grabbed Wolfkit and they had behind a rock. They watched as the black she-cat from the Gathering came from a tunnel. She was followed by a sandy tabby kit. His stripes were brown and his light green eyes were full of curiosity.

"Where this?" The kit asked looking around the cave.

"This is a place where Mimi can feel safe," the she-cat answered, "but only for a moment... I just think it's best we stay away from Marshstar, just for a moment and I promise we'll go back... To camp..."  she trailed off and lied down, wrapping her tail around her scarred paws.

"Don't you like Marshstar?" The kit asked, worry in his voice. Wolfkit's heart lurched. That was the very question he wanted to ask Goosetail. Did the tom not love Hazelnose anymore? Did he love her to begin with?

"You could say that..." the she-cat, Wolfkit guessed was named Mimi, mewed. "I don't hate him, never hate any cat little one, but I was not born in the forest. Marshstar took me from my home and made me his mate... That's when you were born."

"Do you not like me?" The kit was beginning to panic. He probably began thinking Mimi was going to leave him down there to starve. She couldn't do that though! Could she? No cat would be that cruel to a kit!

"Of course I like you, darling!" Mimi mewed, wrapping her tail around the kit. "I  could never not like you, you're my kit and you always will be, just because I don't like Marshstar doesn't mean I don't love you."

"Mimi?" The kit buried his face in her fluffy black fur.

"Yes little one?"

"You won't ever leave me will you?"

"Never... Not in a million seasons..."

When Wolfkit returned to camp, Hazelnose and the the other warriors walked in. Wolfkit was in the nursery and Lambpelt, Poundkit, and Meadowkit were out, it was like Wolfkit never left. Hazelnose quickly made her way to the nursery, where Wolfkit lied down and lifted his head as his mother walked in as if he had just woken up from a nap.

"Have you slept in here all day?" Hazelnose asked tilting her head.

"I... Had a really nice dream last night and I thought I'd see it again, but it didn't and I can't remember what happened." Wolfkit explained, making sure he wasn't leaving room for questions.

Hazelnose let out a yawn. "Well, you should go out and play, I'm going to take a short nap myself." Wolfkit began heading out to find Sparrowpaw and Bramblepaw. "Wolfkit,"

"Yes Hazelnose?" Wolfkit turned to look back.

"You know that no matter what happens, I'll always be there for you, right?" Hazelnose asked. Wolfkit tilted his head. What brought on this?

"Yes, of course." Wolfkit answered.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Hazelnose."

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now