Chapter 11

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"Sparrowwing! Hazeleyes!" The Clan cheered the new warrior names of Sparrowpaw and Hazelpaw. They stood proudly as Adderstar turned and went back to the High Ledge. Willowsigh and Dustytail trotted over and welcomed their kit as warriors.

"Finally, all that training and Stripeclaw and Poppystream know that it's time we were made warriors!" Sparrowwing puffed her chest out. "It feels like seasons we've been apprentices! We worked our tails off until they finally let us get our warrior names!"

"I think we've been apprentices for a good amount of time," Hazeleyes meowed, "I didn't feel ready the first few times you asked."

"That was you, this is me!" Sparrowwing flicked her tail. "We should have been warriors a long time ago!" The new warrior then went to stand guard at the entrance. Willowsigh and Dustytail shared a look, before the dark grey tom shook his head and looked to Hazeleyes. The cream she-cat lowered her tail before going to join her sister.

Wolfpaw purred at seeing how different the two she-cats were. He looked up and wondered how different him and Foxkit would be if she was still here. Then he remembered that he could play with her in StarClan if they wanted to. The silver apprentice spun around and ran into the apprentice's den. He wrapped his tail around himself and shut his eyes.

When he opened them again, it was raining. The falling water pelting his fur as the sky thundered. He looked around frantically, but only saw water begin to quickly flood the forest floor. The silver apprentice then looked up to see lighting flash. But the light wasn't white, or yellow. It was silver. Wolfpaw felt the cold water begin to cover his paws. He let out a terrified yowl as the storm got worse. Shadows began overcoming the water. Their teeth were bared.

That's when thunder shouted in his ears. Wolfpaw dug his claws in the wet dirt under him. The wind picked up and almost tore him off the ground. The sky was dark and the clouds were black as sin.

"Foxkit, Hazelnose!" Wolfpaw finally decided to cry out. "Help me!"

"Beware the silver storm," a calm familiar voice whispered in his ears, "it will try and bring you down... Beware the silver storm!"

"Foxkit, Hazelnose?" Wolfpaw wailed. He didn't understand. Was this another prophecy? "Help me, StarClan, help!" Just as the water reached his head, Wolfpaw's world went black.

"Wolfpaw!" The silver jolted awake to see Sparrowwing, Bramblestripe, and Glaregaze looking down at him. Wolfpaw immediately got to his paws and looked around to see the storm was gone. He was in the apprentice's den, perfectly safe.

"Are you okay?" Sparrowwing asked worryingly.

"I... I... Had a bad dream..." Wolfpaw mewed. He could still feel the cold of the water on his paws. The silver storm. What was that?

"You should go see Halfmoon," Bramblestripe suggested, "she'll probably give you some poppy seeds to help you sleep."

"Don't take too much," Glaregaze growled, "we're going hunting soon and you need battle training!"

Wolfpaw scowled as his mentor flicked his tail and left. Sparrowwing and Bramblestripe watched with narrowed eyes before turning back to Wolfpaw. He got to his paws and stormed out to the medicine den. He looked up to see Berrybush trot in to camp with tons of fresh-kill. She dropped her catches on the pile then immediately turned to head out again.

"Berrybush?" Wolfpaw stopped the tan she-cat. She turned her yellow gaze to him with her ears perked. "Where are you going?" 

"I'm restless, Wolfpaw," Berrybush purred with amusement, "I have to spend my time doing something!"

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now