Chapter 21

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Meadowpaw climbed up a tree during her and Wolfpaw's free time. She slid down a few rabbit lengths, but quickly continued climbing up until she made it to a branch. She looked out across the lake with the sun shining on her grey tabby pelt.

"What do you see?" Wolfpaw called up.

"I see, the lake... I think I see some RiverClan cats swimming around out there," Meadowpaw called back, "ShadowClan patrols moving through the brambles in their territory... WindClan cats chasing a rabbit... And it looks like SkyClan is just relaxing in the sun."

"Do you see the Moonpool?" Wolfpaw asked, his paws ready to hear about the ancient pool.

"No... There's too many trees and I think it's in a dip." Meadowpaw called back. "Do you want to go there, I think it'd look pretty!"

Wolfpaw really wanted to go, but Glaregaze would probably claw at his ears for leaving the territory with out telling anyone.

"I don't know, Meadowpaw," Wolfpaw spoke, "we'd probably have to ask Adderstar or our mentors."

"Would you like to come with me?" Wolfpaw turned to see Halfmoon had come out from the gorse tunnel, holding a colts foot stem in her mouth. "I have a question for StarClan, but they seem to only answer me at the Moonpool."

"We really get to go to the Moonpool?" Meadowpaw exclaimed, pouncing down from the tree.

"Are you sure?" Wolfpaw asked, tilting his head and eyeing the white medicine cat. Her eyes met his with a stern glance before she nodded and went through the gorse tunnel to drop her herb off. Meadowpaw bounced around happily, mewing about going to see where ancient cats had walked. Was there a real reason as to why Halfmoon agreed to take them? What did she hope to gain? She was the medicine cat. Did she know about his destiny?

Wolfpaw followed Halfmoon with Meadowpaw close to his side. They went up the stream, separating them from WindClan and SkyClan. Wolfpaw looked to the two Clans. Did any of the cats there have destinies that surpassed their Clan? Or, ShadowClan and RiverClan? Silverpaw seemed to stick out while Wolfpaw was there, or that could've been because she scared Wolfpaw. Harmonypaw warned him she was part of his destiny and that he should be wary of her. The silver she-cat did seem to be on the friendly side for an enemy.

"How much longer until we get there?" Meadowpaw complained.

"Not much." was the only reply Halfmoon would give the young apprentice.

"You said that not much longer ago!" Meadowpaw growled.

"If you want to go back to camp and laze around with your brother, then be my guest, but Wolfpaw hasn't complained once, so he and I will go!" Halfmoon hissed, turning on her Clanmate.

"No, I'll be quite, I want to go to the Moonpool..." Meadowpaw whined, her ears back and tail dragging.

Wolfpaw put his tail on the light grey she-cat as the three continued to the ancient pool. Would Halfmoon let them speak to their ancestors? He still had so many questions for them. He also wanted to see Foxkit and Hazelnose. He also wanted to see Berrybush and apologize for getting her killed. She was going to be deputy one day.

Finally, the three ThunderClan cats came to a dip that led through to a bit of wood. They climbed down and pushed through some brush. Wolfpaw suddenly felt like cats from far before he was born surrounded him. He looked down to see paw prints, surrounding a pool of water where a waterfall flowed down in to it.

"We need to wait a little," Halfmoon spoke, "the moon needs to shine down into it for us to be able to speak to StarClan. Why don't you two get us something to eat while we wait."

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now