Chapter 22

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"Leadership training?" Wolfpaw repeated the golden she-cat's words. She had ThunderClan scent and her eyes were green. Wolfpaw had never seen this cat before. The cat next to her, another she-cat, had dark brown specks that were scattered all over her brown pelt. Her eyes were sharp and blue. She carried the scent of ShadowClan.

"That's right," the golden she-cat spoke, "you will go beyond what any leader has done. That's why StarClan gives you gifts."

"We also want to help teach you to become exactly that kind of leader," the ShadowClan cat added.

"What would I have to do?" Wolfpaw tilted his head. Why was a StarClan ShadowClan warrior helping him? As far as Wolfpaw was concerned, ThunderClan and ShadowClan didn't get along.

"First, you have to pledge your undying loyalty to ThunderClan," the golden she-cat began, "learn from your elders and the rest of your Clan, from every kit, apprentice, warrior, queen, and elder."

"And always remember that StarClan is on your side," the brown speckled she-cat came in, "never stay from the belief that we're always on your side."

"Who are you two?" Wolfpaw could sense tension in both she-cats voices. Did something happen between ShadowClan and ThunderClan to cause them to push him to keep his faith.

"I am Amberheart," the golden she-cat answered first. "Former kittypet and warrior of ThunderClan."

"And I am Mousepelt," the brown warrior bowed her head, "I lived in the same Twoleg nest as Amberheart, but joined ShadowClan."

"Whenever there is something we want to tell you, or you have something to ask," Hazelnose purred, lying her tail on her son's back, "we will call for you, or you can find us in your dreams, we want you to learn a lot from your Clanmates, make sure to measure the right from the wrong choices."

"I wish you could stay and play!" Foxkit wailed, pressing close to Wolfpaw's side.

"But it's time to wake up," Hazelnose wrapped her tail around the tan she-kit.

"It was great seeing you Wolfpaw!" Berrybush beamed.

"Good luck young warrior," Amberheart bowed her head.

"And never forget." Mousepelt followed.

Then, everything faded away.

When Wolfpaw opened his eyes awake, Meadowpaw and Halfmoon rated their heads and blinked the sleep from their eyes. Silverpaw and Harmonypaw shifted around before opening their eyes and lifting their heads. Halfmoon swished her tail for the two ThunderClan apprentices to follow. She didn't give Silverpaw and Harmonypaw a chance to say goodbye as she put her tail on Wolfpaw's back and guided him away.

When the three made it to ThunderClan territory, Meadowpaw went on ahead to get some rest. Wolfpaw wanted to catch some fresh-kill for the Clan before header back. Halfmoon needed to gather more herbs and decided to go with Wolfpaw.

Wolfpaw knew medicine cats and leaders shared dreams with StarClan. Did they know about his destiny? Is that why Halfmoon agreed to take him to the Moonpool and speak with StarClan? If they knew, couldn't they help him learn how to he a leader? Maybe they were, but they didn't want to get the Clan suspicious.

Squirrel hit Wolfpaw's nose and everything escaped the silver kit. He slowly followed the scent and saw the prey chewing a pine cone, its spikes surrounding the squirrels fat flank in the snow. Wolfpaw unsheathed his claws and eyes the squirrel through the icy bushes. Keeping his tail high and still Wolfpaw waited for his time to strike. Shooting off, Wolfpaw snatched the squirrel in his jaws and snapped it neck, blood filling his mouth. It was so plump, it'd feed the Clan well this leaf-bare.

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now