Chapter 12

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The dogs neared and all Wolfpaw could do and stop and stare. His legs shaking under his body. He blinked as Berrybush, Bramblestripe, Sparrowwing, and Glaregaze pounced at the dogs, scratching at their muzzles. Wolfpaw watched as the dogs howled for the warriors to stop and about how they were going to eat the small cat. The others couldn't hear them, but Wolfpaw could. They filled him with terror and he just couldn't move. He couldn't even hear Glaregaze calling for him to run.

"Wolfpaw, run!" Glaregaze snarled, slicing a dog's nose. Blood hit the dark grey tom's face. "Run!"

When Wolfpaw didn't budge, Glaregaze shoved the silver apprentice and bit his tail. Wolfpaw let out a painful yowl before bolting off and heading to camp with Glaregaze close behind him. Wolfpaw turned back and saw Berrybush, Bramblestripe, and Sparrowwing still fighting the four dogs. Stripeclaw and Poppystream pelted past the two as they neared ThunderClan's gorse tunnel.

Wolfpaw slid to a stop as he got in to the clearing. Glaregaze stopped beside him, breathing heavily, both trying to catch his breath and with frustration. Wolfpaw lowered down as his mentor shot a piercing glare down at him.

"Why didn't you run?" Glaregaze snapped.

"I.... I..." Wolfpaw stammered.

"You could have been killed!" Glaregaze hissed.

"I'm sorry..." Wolfpaw quivered. Glaregaze had a look on his face that terrified the apprentice. The dark grey tom was scaring him and after almost being eaten by dogs, all Wolfpaw could do was crouch there and listen to his mentor's snarling.

Glaregaze's eyes then slowly began to soften, seeing how scared the silver cat was. He lowered his and looked down, then away. A distant look showed on the warrior's face as the Clan started coming out their dens.

"Glaregaze," Adderstar called out, "what happened?"

"There was a dog attack!" Berrybush answered running in with the rest of the warriors that helped save Wolfpaw.

"Are you alright?" Dapplefeather asked worryingly as she and Shinerock ran over to inspect their kits. Willowsigh and Dustytail ran over to check Sparrowwing, with Hazeleyes close behind.

"Wolfpaw was hunting and those filthy things came and almost killed him," Glaregaze reported, shocking the silver tom. Did his mentor know he had been sleeping when those dogs came at him?

"Wolfpaw, are you hurt?" Halfmoon asked walking over to inspect him. She looked to his tail, which he immediately dragged away.

"He was in corner and I had to bite his tail for him to follow me." Glaregaze lied. Why was the warrior lying for Wolfpaw's sake?

"Goosetail!" Wolfpaw turned to see Berrybush in a battle crouch in front of Wolfpaw's father. The sandy tom looked down at the younger warrior with disinterest as she bared her teeth. "Wolfpaw could have been killed today, do you not care you could have lost your only son?"

"Well, I didn't," Goosetail flicked his tail, "and by the sound of it, he was the reason why you wasted your hunting time!"

"Goosetail!" Twitchwhisker snarled.

"Wolfpaw lost a mother!" Diamondeyes hissed. "Don't make it seem he's lost a father too!"

Wolfpaw couldn't take it anymore. He pushed his way past the Clan and out in to the forest. Why wasn't Hazelnose with him? Why wasn't Foxkit with him? Why did the only two cats of his kin leave him with a tom, who didn't even seem to like him. Wolfpaw didn't want cats that had no relation to him at all, he wanted his mother, or his sister. Why had StarClan chosen such a young cat for the leader of ThunderClan? They had taken two cats he loved desperately and Hazelnose had told him that there was more heart break on the way. What more could StarClan possibly take from him?

He ran in to the tunnels that lead to the cave. Sliding to a stop, Wolfpaw looked around to see he was alone. He lied down and wrapped his tail around himself. He didn't want to sleep, but getting away from the Clan would do him good.

He suddenly got the unconscious urge to walk down one of the tunnels that didn't lead to ThunderClan territory. He used his whiskers to make his way down the dark way and the familiar scent of ShadowClan filled the silver tom's mouth. He stopped for a moment to think about what he was doing, then continued on to the end of the tunnel. The sun almost blinded him as he came up to a den that sat under a hazel branch. He heard voices inside and recognized Mimi's.

"I think Sharpfang is pushing Snarlpaw too much," the black she-cat's voice spoke calmly, but Wolfpaw could tell she was more worried than a queen with new born kits. "I think we should give him another mentor, one that doesn't push him to do something foolish."

"Sharpfang was the warrior kind enough to bring you and Snarlpaw food when he was in the nursery," Marshstar's voice spoke, "and he still brings you food today, with him teaching our son, Snarlpaw will grow to be one of the most respectable warriors in the lake."

Wolfpaw knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping on the two, but the conversation was so centered on Snarlpaw and Mimi that he had to listen. If he ever ran into those cats in the barn, they might ask about her. Midnight had also told him that Mimi had a hard destiny in ShadowClan.

"But, Snarlpaw told me that when Sharpfang took him out to hunt, he ordered for Snarlpaw to catch a squirrel that clearly was in ThunderClan territory." Mimi explained. "I think if we want Snarlpaw to be respected, he should be taught that stealing another Clan's prey is breaking your warrior code."

There was no response. Wolfpaw moved closer and pricked his ears to see if he was missing something. There was no noise in the den. Was Marshstar mad at Mimi for questioning his leadership and how he raised his kit? But, Snarlpaw was her kit too, she should have more a say on how her blood is being raised. She was in the nursery with him until his apprenticeship.

"I will think about it and have a talk with Sharpfang." Marshstar finally answered. Wolfpaw let out a small sigh of relief. Hopefully this will keep Sharpfang out of ThunderClan territory.

"Thank you, Marshstar," Mimi spoke and there was no sound except the sound of Mimi's paws fading. Wolfpaw then decided it was time to return to camp, hoping they had dropped the discussion of Goosetail's parenting.

As Wolfpaw neared the gorse tunnel, Goosetail stormed out and pushed past the silver apprentice. Wolfpaw lowered his ears and watched as his father vanished in the forest. Didn't the sandy tom know that they were all they had? Foxkit got too sick and Hazelnose died in the fire. Not to mention, Flickfoot had kits with another cat.

Wolfpaw dragged his tail as he walked in to camp. Meadowkit and Poundkit were talking excitingly as Adderstar headed to his den. He had probably told them that they would be appreciated now, or tomorrow. Either way, Lambpelt and Bellowvoice were leaning on each other affectionately as they watched their kits.

Well, Wolfpaw though longingly, at least I won't sleep alone anymore...

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now