Chapter 13

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"Wolfpaw, Meadowpaw, Poundpaw, wake up!" Wolfpaw opened his eyes to see Glaregaze looking through the entrance of the apprentice's den. The silver apprentice looked over to see Poundpaw and Meadowpaw both wriggled before they opened their eyes as well. "We're taking you three out to teach you about the borders."

"Don't we mark the borders and stay on our territory where we mark?" Meadowpaw asked sitting up.

"There's more to it than that," Glaregaze answered, "now hurry and get something to eat, Russetclaw and Diamondeyes are waiting." with that the warrior flicked his tail and walked off. Poundpaw linked his paw and drew it over his ear before groggily leaving the den. Meadowpaw licked her chest a couple of times before following her brother out. Wolfpaw stretched and went out to see the sun was still rising behind the trees. Russetclaw and Diamondeyes shared a vole while Poundpaw and Meadowpaw were looking for something in the fresh-kill pile.

Wolfpaw walked up to the pile and searched to find a grey squirrel. With a shrug Wolfpaw took the dead prey, seeing how plump it was, and lied down on the nettle patch. As he bit down to eat, a foul awful scent filled his mouth and something wriggled on his tongue. Spitting the piece out, Wolfpaw was disturbed to see maggots squirming around inside the grey squirrel. Not wanting to frighten anyone, Wolfpaw went and buried his food in the bracken hiding area. Wolfpaw walked out and looked up to see dark grey clouds were beginning to form. Was it going to rain today? With a shiver, Wolfpaw made his way to the gorse tunnel, not hungry for anything anymore. Was StarClan trying to send him a sign?

"Berrybush, you push yourself too hard!" Wolfpaw turned to see Bramblestripe talking to his sister. "You're not that an experienced warrior yet!"

"I'm fine Bramblestripe!" Berrybush snapped. "I'm not an apprentice anymore and I want to go hunting!"

"But you've been hunting since yesterday, you haven't had a moments rest!" Bramblestripe snapped back. "If you push yourself any harder you won't have the energy in battle!"

"I have plenty energy!" Berrybush hissed. "I'm going hunting, leaf-fall will be here soon and the Clan needs to stalk up!" with that the tan she-cat flicked her tail and stormed out the camp.

"She'll be fine, Bramblestripe," Sparrowwing reassured the tom, "she's a strong warrior."

Bramblestripe just huffed and stormed off to the warrior's den. Sparrowwing lowers her head and ears sadly. Wolfpaw remembered listening to the older cats play while he and Foxkit hadn't opened their eyes yet. Berrybush always had energy, never wanting to go back in the nursery.

Glaregaze, Diamondeyes, and Russetclaw made their way to the entrance, while Meadowpaw and Poundpaw finished their vole. The two licked their lips and ran up to join the older cats. Glaregaze lead the way through the gorse tunnel with Diamondeyes and Russetclaw close behind. Wolfpaw listened to Meadowpaw and Poundpaw argue about who would be the best apprentice in the Clan and the silver tom had to wonder; would Wolfpaw and Foxkit have fought like Poundpaw and Meadowpaw, or Bramblestripe and Berrybush do? They shared a special bond even in StarClan and all she wanted to do was play. How could anyone blame her though? She was just a kit when she died. How many kits were in StarClan?

When they got to the training area in the wood, Glaregaze, Diamondeyes, and Russetclaw turned and sat, Diamondeyes flicked her tail to motion for the apprentices to sit as well. Before Wolfpaw could sit, Glaregaze stopped him with his grumpy gaze.

"Wolfpaw, go get us a stick," Wolfpaw's mentor ordered, "it'll be useful for our lesson today."

Wolfpaw turned and headed through the forest. He looked around, but there was no stick to be found as he searched. He then froze when he saw a gray tabby tom glaring at him with hard light blue eyes. Wolfpaw noticed his pelt was covered in stars and realized it was a StarClan cat. He seemed too small to be a warrior, or leader. He must have been a medicine cat. What did a medicine cat want with him? The tabby turned and motioned with his tail for Wolfpaw to follow.

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now