Chapter 20

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Two days had passed since the incidents with the dogs. Meadowpaw had been inviting Wolfpaw on walks with her and already gossiping was spreading across the Clan. Wolfpaw wasn't too sure he loved Meadowpaw. She wasn't really the type of she-cat cat he wanted. She was more femine and she was more worried about her pelt being ruffled than the Clan being fed. Glaregaze kept snapping at both apprentices for goofing off, but Wolfpaw would catch the crabby old tom mooning over Poppystream.

Poundpaw would mock his sister whenever she and Wolfpaw would return from walks. Stripeclaw would give the silver tom a congratulatory purr. Bellowvoice would give him a threatening glare, thankfully, Lambpelt would come and calm her mate.

"You were so brave to save me and Poundpaw from those dogs!" Meadowpaw purred, during one of their, now, traditional walks. Wolfpaw took a few drinks from the stream between ThunderClan and WindClan.

"I was just doing what I was supposed to," Wolfpaw responded, "any cat would have done the same."

"Yeah, but no other cat would talk to dogs, would they?" Meadowpaw retorted, pressing herself close to Wolfpaw's side.

"Some cat sure does have a way with the she-cats," Wolfpaw shot his head up to see Acepaw with four little kits, looking at Wolfpaw and his companion.

"Hey, Acepaw," Wolfpaw bowed his head, "who are these three?"

"These are Flitfoot and Moortail's kits," Acepaw answered, lying his tail on the biggest one, who eyed the ThunderClan cats with amber eyes. "This tough looking one is Quickkit, his brother, Dashkit," the dark grey tom tilted his head at the cats, his light green eyes full of curiosity, and turned his attention to a butterfly. "And these are Sandkit and Honeykit."  Acepaw finished his introduction, tapping his tail tip on the two she-kits. Sandkit had slick sandy fur with black tipped ears, her eyes were amber and bright. Honeykit, a creamy kit with white coming from the top of her muzzle to her underbelly.

"Why are we talking to these ThunderClan cats?" Quickkit flicked his tail unhappily.

"We're just taking a walk," Acepaw assured the kit, "Flitfoot wants you four to be ready for anything before you're apprentices."

"Wolfpaw, Meadowpaw, what are you two doing?" Wolfpaw spun to see Goosetail glaring at the chatting cats. "Who are these cats?"

"I'm Acepaw," the dark grey tabby apprentice spoke, "This is Quickkit, Dashkit, Sandkit, and Honeykit, I was just showing them their territory."

Wolfpaw was surprised to see Goosetail's distant, disdainful look change to a look of softness and longing. Was it because they were the kits of Flitfoot, the she-cat the sandy tom had been seeing?

"Wolfpaw, take Meadowpaw and go back to camp," Goosetail growled to his son.

"Why?" Wolfpaw asked, his ears lowered.

"Now!" Goosetail snarled, making Wolfpaw and Meadowpaw pelt off back to camp.

They skidded to a stop as Lightpelt came in to view. She was picking around some bushes for small berries. The medicine cat apprentice had returned from the Moonpool with her new name happily.

"Where are you two heading off in such a hurry?" Lightpelt asked.

"Goosetail snapped at us and made us leave him alone with Acepaw and four kits!" Meadowpaw growled irritably, her fur standing up. Lightpelt looked at the apprentices with a frown. Her ambrr eyes full of sorrow. Did she know about Goosetail's secret meetings with the kits' mother?

"Lousy fox heart," Wolfpaw turned and saw Halfmoon come out the bracken her eyes serious and angry. "Don't worry, Wolfpaw, I'll go speak to him." she flicked her white tail angrily and headed off to WindClan's border. What did she mean by that? Wolfpaw looked at Meadowpaw and headed back to ThunderClan.

Wolfpaw pounced at Poundpaw while the brown tom's back was turned. They batted at each other in the snow until Poundpaw kicked him off with his back legs. They both shot back to their battle crouches and glared at each other. Russetclaw watched his apprentice with narrowed eyes while Glaregaze licked the back of his paw and drew it over his ear. The mentors seemed far from impressed with the apprentices work.

Wolfpaw pushed away from his denmate and thought of how he could defeat Poundpaw and impress the warriors. He turned to a tree then looked around.

"That's an odd place to put a fox trap." Wolfpaw eyed an area surrounded by trees and bushes. Poundpaw looked to where Wolfpaw was looking and the silver apprentice slowly made his way to a tree and climbed up in to the leaves. He pushed through some of the dying red and brown leaves around him, looking down at the confused brown tom. Poundpaw turned back and looked around with wide eyes. Glaregaze and Russetclaw shared a look and looked at the trees with wonder.

Finally, Wolfpaw pounced out the tree and landed on Poundpaw, pinning him to the ground. Poundpaw let out a yowl of surprise and tried scrambling away from the older apprentice.

"That's an interesting technique, Wolfpaw," Russetclaw purred as Wolfpaw let his friend go, "Where'd you learn that?" 

Wolfpaw learned the move himself, but after hearing the discussion between Glaregaze and Adderstar, he didn't want to be treated differently from his Clan. He was ThunderClan apprentice, nothing more.

"Sparrowwing," Wolfpaw lied, "she taught me after I returned from RiverClan... The tree was her idea, but I came up with the fox trap idea."

"Well, she's a very quick thinking warrior then," Glaregaze walked past, "you're done with training for today, go get some prey for the Clan and return to camp, the snow is falling more and it's getting colder." the tom want on toward some brambles.

"Off to find Poppystream, Glaregaze?" Russetclaw joked. Wolfpaw's mentor shot the brown warrior a sharp look before disappearing in to the wood.

"I'll hunt with you, Wolfpaw," Poundpaw stretched, not caring if he was free to leave training. Russetclaw shot his apprentice a look and flicked his tail. "You can also show me that move Sparrowwing taught you!" with that the apprentice shot off through the forest. Wolfpaw lowered his head with a sigh and ran off after.

Poundpaw needs to learn how to think about teamwork. Wolfpaw thought, carrying his mouse to his other catches to return to the camp. He had escaped the brown apprentice after saying the should split up to hunt. Wolfpaw hoped the obnoxious apprentice was okay by himself in the snow filled forest.

Wolfpaw was near the SkyClan border when he caught a familiar scent toward where the abandoned Twoleg nest was. He went over to see if they needed help, but could hear joyful purring. Looking through the bushes Wolfpaw saw Glaregaze and Poppystream sitting pressed up close together. Their tails were tangled begin them. Glaregaze's head was rested on the ginger she-cat's head. Wolfpaw's fur burned seeing the two so close. He never thought he'd see Glaregaze so gentle with another cat.

The silver apprentice finally decided to leave the two alone and return to camp with his catches. He wondered if Meadowpaw would be waiting, wanting to share fresh-kill with him, or go for another walk. Wolfpaw could give the she-cat a chance. She was still a nice apprentice, but wondered how'd she react if she found out Wolfpaw was destined to be leader of ThunderClan.

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now