Chapter 25

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The sound of excited mewling woke Wolfpaw as he opened his eyes to find himself in the nursery. Poppystream was licking her new litter with pride shinning in her eyes. Glaregaze was standing up and sniffing his kits gently. The pale grey she-kit's frost had melted. Sun was shining through the nursery on to the three new additions to ThunderClan.

"Look at them Glaregaze," Poppystream purred delightfully, "aren't our kits just lovely?"

"They sure are, my love," Glaregaze licked the ginger she-cat's head and gently placed his tail on his kits. Wolfpaw stood and stretched out until he shook. It was the best sleep he had in moons.

"Thank you for helping in keeping them warm, Wolfpaw," Poppystream meowed, bowing her head.

"Oh, no problem," Wolfpaw remembered the kits freezing as the snow fell last night, "they're already so strong to survive weather like that." the dark grey tabby batted at the ginger black stripped she-kit and pushed in between his sisters, going to suckle from Poppystream. "What are their names?"

The mates shared a look. "You choose," Glaregaze suggested, lifting a paw to Poppystream, "I'm not good at picking names."

With a purr, Poppystream placed her tail on the pale she-kit's white spotted flank. "Frostkit, poor thing was covered in it last night," she moved her tail to the tom, "Featherkit, as the snow was coming down I thought I saw a hawk feather flying around outside the nursery," she then went to the ginger and black stripped she-kit, "and Snowkit, her fluffy fur should keep her warm when she's able to play in the snow."

"Perfect," Glaregaze licked Snowkit's head, making the kit mew and showing her pink mouth.

"Wolfpaw," Willowsigh called from outside, "Twitchwhisker wants you on the first border patrol."

Wolfpaw bowed his head to the cats before running out the nursery to see the Clan up. Poundpaw and Meadowpaw were play fighting outside the apprentice's den. Sparrowwing, Bramblestripe, and Hazeleyes were eating fresh-kill beside the leader's den. Stripeclaw, Lambpelt, Bellowvoice, and Willowsigh were speaking near the gorse tunnel. Wolfpaw made his way over to the patrol, not wanting to keep them.

"Wait," Willowsigh narrowed her eyes and lifting her paw to stop the apprentice, "when was the last time you ate?" 

Wolfpaw lowered his ears. He couldn't remember when. He remembered having a squirrel, but nothing else after.

"You look like a small WindClan cat," Lambpelt meowed, "go get something to eat before we go."

"But-" Wolfpaw began to argue.

"Now, Wolfpaw," Stripeclaw turned from the tunnel to the silver kit, "you could faint and ShadowClan may see that as a sign as weakness."

Lowering his head, Wolfpaw went to the fresh-kill pile and picked up the first thing his mouth could grab. He didn't pay attention to what he grabbed, but the scent of squirrel wafted his nose. Lying down, Wolfpaw bit in to his prey. It was delicious, the best kind of food Wolfpaw had tasted.

"Wolfpaw!" The apprentice jolted as he saw Sparrowwing bolt over to him. "Don't eat that!" she smacked the squirrel away from Wolfpaw and he saw it was the grey one he caught yesterday. Maggots were swarming out its bitten in to carcass. The whole Clan turned to see what was happening. Meadowpaw and Poundpaw looked at the squirrel with huge terrified eyes. Adderstar stepped out his den with Hazeleyes.

"Halfmoon!" The ThunderClan leader called out. The white medicine cat came out with Lightpelt and both cats' pelts raided when they saw the squirrel. Halfmoon ran over and looked at the maggots.

"Who's fresh-kill was this?" The she-cat's blue eyes were dark.

"Wolfpaw's," Sparrowwing answered, setting her tail gently on Wolfpaw's shoulder.

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now