Chapter 23

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Meadowpaw and Poundpaw searched the ground for any prey, while Wolfpaw looked in the leafless tree. This Leaf-bare was harsh. Poppystream was in the nursery, expecting Glaregaze's kits. The fresh-kill pile was pathetic and Wolfpaw was pretty sure Adderstar lost a life the other day. The reddish brown leader had been coughing last moon and Halfmoon and Lightpelt were giving each other concerned looks. Hazeleyes was visiting the tom in his den and offering her prey, but Adderstar would tell her to give it to Poppystream, or the elsers.

Wolfpaw let out a sigh. How am I supposed to be leader, when I have no idea how to feed my Clan? He jumped down from the tree, unable to see anything in the falling snow. Meadowpaw and Poundpaw were pressed close together, teeth chattering and pelts shivering. Russetclaw, Diamondeyes, and Glaregaze came out from some bushes. Russetclaw had only caught a mouse. Wolfpaw looked at the greying piece of kill in the brown tom's mouth. That's not going to be enough. Wolfpaw thought sadly. Earthdirt was coughing worse, more and more, each day. Lightpelt had sent Sunnigpelt to sleep in the nursery with Poppystream until Halfmoon could heal the old tom.

Wolfpaw decided to go look near the stream, separating ThunderClan from ShadowClan. There had to be prey hiding somewhere. Russetclaw went back to camp with his catch. Diamondeyes took Meadowpaw to search near the abandoned Twoleg nest. Glaregaze went with Wolfpaw and Poundpaw to the ShadowClan border.

When they reached the stream, which had frozen over last night, Wolfnose could scent fresh ShadowClan markings. One of them belonged to Sharpfang and the other two were Snarlpaw and Mimi. Ever since Wolfpaw listened to Mimi and Marshstar speak, Sharpfang hadn't been coming in to ThunderClan territory. Though, cats kept complaining about the warrior teasing them with his apprentice.

Halfmoon's ears seemed to pick every time she heard the ShadowClan leader's name. She would also check on Adderstar more than she'd check Poppystream, or Earthdirt. Was it because they were leaders and their deputies seemed unready to take on leadership? Had the white medicine cat received an omen?

"There are fish down there!" Poundpaw announced, snapping Wolfpaw away from his thoughts. The silver apprentice looked down in to the ice and saw shadows moving around under it.

"Well it's impossible to catch and we're not RiverClan cats," Glaregaze spoke, "let's keep looking."

"Wait," Wolfpaw stepped on to the slippery ice and started scraping his claws on the ice. He could feel the frozen water start to thin.

"What are you doing?" Glaregaze flicked his tail in annoyance.

"I'm going to see if I can make a hole and catch some fish." Wolfpaw answered, feeling the rush of the stream's water below his paws.

"Are you crazy?" The irritated mentor growled. "You could fall in and only RiverClan eats fish!"

"We're desperate for prey and I'll be fine." Wolfpaw assured the warrior. His paw broke through to the frigid water. Pulling his paw away Wolfpaw eyed the water through narrowed eyes. The fish swam quickly in every direction, trying to avoid Wolfpaw's glare. He lifted a paw as he spotted a shadow moving quickly toward the hole. With a swipe of his paw the fish was airborne. It was fat and juicy, perfect for the Clan. Wolfpaw pounced and caught the fish in his jaws, delivering a killing bite.

When he landed, Wolfpaw turned to face his Clanmates. Poundpaw's eyes were wide with astonishment and Glaregaze just glared at him. Hesitating, Poundpaw walked steadily on the ice and began to do the same as Wolfpaw. He broke another hole in to the ice and waited for a fish to come by. He caught a minnow and Wolfpaw caught another fish. Glaregaze had said that was enough to feed the Clan; not many were going to be willing to eat them.

Warriors: Shooting Star Book #1 A Star Is Born (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now