I flew down with a backflip as the others clapped and cheered. I told them I wouldn't have done it without the help of a couch- in which my friends smiled- while Master Frown and Brock looked at each other, puzzled.

"I'll tell the both of you about it later," I said. "For now, I wanna try some cookies."

"Here you go!" said Dr. Fox, as she handed over the tray. She still looks beautiful as usual, I must say.

I took one and gave it a bite. I couldn't stop since.

"Oh my fluttering feathers this is delicious!" I exclaimed as I turned to Master Frown. "How'd you make these?"

"I... well... couldn't have done it without Brock's guidance tho. You should thank him." Master Frown replied.

"Aww, thanks Master Frown!" said Brock.

"Any time!" he replied. "I could make more if you like."

"Well, sure!" I replied. "Keep it up!"

"Thanks!" said Master Frown. "So, what were you doing up there before we arrived?"

"Uhh... well..." I stammered. "I was punching stuff!"

"Usual Hawkodile!" said Dr. Fox. "Always ready to protect us all!"

I blushed and thanked Dr. Fox. She's such a nice girl!

"Hey Hawkodile," Unikitty called me. "Guess what?"

"What is it, Princess?" I asked her.

"Master Frown gave me this just now, isn't it beautiful?"

She then showed me a bracelet made out of colourful beads. There are words on the bracelet and they kinda spelled out 'MF&Uni4evah'.

"Wow, Master Frown must have put quite an effort to make this!" I exclaimed.

"Yup he did!" replied Unikitty. "He even asked Brock for some suggestions and what to add on! What a nice guy~"

"Oh it's nothing, really..." said Master Frown. "I was thinking of giving something to her to make her feel happy, that's all. Besides, Uni even gave me a little necklace days ago."

Master Frown then took out a necklace with half of a heart and showed it to me.

"It has my face on it, as you can see, and Uni has the other half with her face on it." said Master Frown, pointing at Unikitty, who's wearing the necklace he's talking about. "They even fit!"

Master Frown joined their necklaces together as they looked at each other lovingly.

I just stood there, looking at them, feeling happy and jealous at the same time.

Master Frown had, well, accidentally confessed to Unikitty days ago, and she accepted his feelings. Now they are together and dating.

As for me? I haven't even told Dr. Fox that I love her! How cowardly can I be?

I looked at the happy couple. They are so loving and affectionate towards one another. Well, Unikitty and Master Frown had mutual feelings, but I don't think Dr. Fox and I are the same as them. 

Dr. Fox treats me like just a friend, a FRIEND. Yeah, she's nice to me and respected me a lot- even building a robot inspired and modified after me. But, she doesn't seem to like me back. I was a little disappointed, but, who could I blame?

"Hawkodile? Hawkodile!"

"Oh!" I realised that I spaced out.

"Are you okay, Hawk?" Unikitty asked me.

"Yeah, seriously, Hawkodile," Dr. Fox continued. "I have to call you, like, TWICE to get your attention! Are you feeling ill or something?"

"Yeah, Hawkodile," Master Frown continued. "Well, Brock had his lawyer and medical studies online. He might be able to help you."

"Yup." Brock continued.

"And since I'm not a licensed doctor." Dr. Fox continued.

"Woah woah WOAH, take it easy, everyone." I replied. "I'm totally okay, just spaced out. And thank y'all for caring about me so much by the way, I appreciate it a lot, you're all great buddies!"

"Thanks, Hawkodile!" Everybody replied as I just smiled. Well, I may not be brave enough to admit to my crush about my feelings, but I am lucky enough to have great friends.

A little while later, we headed towards the castle for some intense partying- as usual. I enjoyed myself very much, though. But yeah, I'm still thinking about how to tell Dr. Fox the truth about my feelings- and how to start.

I hope she gets to notice me more someday. Oh, my darling Fox Girl...

[COMPLETED] Selfless-A Foxodile Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now