15-Extra Chapter

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"WHAT?!? FOR REAL REALS?!?" Unikitty and Puppycorn asked in disbelief.

"Yup, since yesterday!" Dr. Fox replied, affectionately clinging onto my arm.

"Sorry, Hawkodile... you too, Dr. Fox. Well, I was so overly excited, I kinda forgot to tell them about your official relationship..." Master Frown apologised.

"Well, you did tell your former boss and colleagues about it." said Brock with a sigh.

"Heh heh, sorry..." Master Frown apologised.

"It's okay, Master Frown." replied my Fox Girl.

"It's fine, bro." I continued. "Anyway, speaking of bros, Eagleator and I finally became best friends again!"

"Yay!" Unikitty cheered. "This is great news, Hawkodile! "We should throw a big party to celebrate!"

"Agreed." Master Frown continued. "Not just to celebrate you and Dr. Fox, for Eagleator will be joining in as well! Oh! And I'll invite Master Doom and my other friends."

"Did I just hear 'Eagleator'?" came a voice.

"EAGLEATOR! BRO!" I exclaimed as I went to give him a high five. "You're here!"

"Yup, I am here." He replied. "Hi everybody!"

"Hi, Eagleator!" Everybody replied with joy.

"I'm very sorry for everything I've done to you guys." He apologised. "I have myself to blame..."

"Hey, don't say that, Eagleator." Unikitty replied. "You've changed, and that's good. Oh yeah, and today we're gonna celebrate, so quit with the negativity and join us for a time of your life. We'd be happy to accept a new friend. What'd ya' say, Eagleator?"

"I say this is great!" Eagleator replied enthusiastically. "Thanks for accepting me, everyone, I owe you all."

"You're welcome." Puppycorn replied. "That's what it's like to have friends like us! We forgive and forget easily."

"Yup!" Unikitty agreed.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Richard finally spoke. "Come on out, dear."

Everybody turned to look at the kitchen. Suddenly, a female brick who looks like Richard floated out shyly.

"Everybody, meet my girlfriend- Elodea." Richard introduced as he snuggled up with her. "She is quite shy, since she's new to this place. Say hi, dear. Don't be afraid, they're all my friends."

"H-H-Hi, everybody..." she greeted with a soft voice. "I-I-I am Elodea. I-It's nice to meet all of you..."

"It's nice to meet you too, Elodea!" Unikitty greeted. "I'm Princess Unikitty."

"I am her boyfriend, Michael Frown." Master Frown continued. "Call me Master Frown- or Michael if you please."

"I am her brother, Puppycorn." Puppycorn continued.

"I am her bodyguard, Hawkodile." I continued.

"I'm the royal scientist, Dr. Fox." My Fox Girl continued.

"I am her friend, Brock." Brock greeted.

"And I am Eason." Eagleator continued. "Call me Eagleator- everybody does."

Elodea became slightly comfortable with us as she started to get along. I could see Master Frown and Richard smiling at each other with pride.

"I knew you could do it, my friend." Master Frown seemed to say.

"Thank you, Michael." Richard seemed to reply. "You're really a true friend."

That night, we had the time of our lives. I even got to see Eagleator's pure and non-evil smile for once in years.

The Doom Lords- now renamed the Bloom Lords, are present as well. They are very happy about Master Frown and Unikitty's romantic relationship.

Puppycorn and Brock enjoyed themselves very much as well. They were talking about video games as Puppycorn happened to notice KickFlip in a gorgeous blue dress. He seemed to blush but nodded it off immediately. Brock seemed to have already noticed this and gave him a smug smile, as he pleaded him to not tell anyone about this.

Prince Puppycorn, he grew up so fast...

I also got to see Richard smiling cheerfully and really having a great time. He was happily dancing with his beloved girlfriend- Elodea as they laughed and chatted with each other.

I smiled as I looked at my Fox Girl. She noticed me as she smiled back.

"So this is what it feels like to be in a relationship- huh, Hawkodile?" She asked.

"Yup," I replied. "How do you feel right now?"

"I feel great, Hawky." She replied. "Being with you is like a dream come true~"

"Same here, Vixie..." I replied.

"I love you, Hawky~" she said, giving me a hug.

"I love you too, my darling Fox Girl~" I replied, as I hugged her back...

The End!
Hope y'all enjoyed the story! 😊

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