"Yeah," said Master Frown. "It's me."

"How'd you...find me here, man?" Brock asked him. "You were in the castle, weren't you?"

"Yup, I went out to get some fresh air. Then I realised you were missing. I went to find you and happen to pass by Hawkodile's treehouse- where I saw you climbing into it. And guess what? I eavesdropped!"

"Why you sneaky little man!" I chuckled as I said. "And what do you mean Brock would tell someone about this?"

"Nah, I was just being dramatic- always works!" Master Frown said with a mischievous chuckle. "Trust Brock, he keeps his word."

"Gee, thanks, Master Frown." said Brock.

"You're very welcome." Master Frown replied. "Oh yeah, you were talking about your crush on...yeah...?"

I sighed. Looks like Master Frown really heard about it.

"Look, Michael." I said. "I've got this HUGE crush on Dr. Fox- whom I would often secretly call 'My Fox Girl' in my heart. I was about to practise my lines on my homemade plush doll of her, while Brock came."

Master Frown glared sternly at Brock as he looked back at him with confusion.

"What? It wasn't my fault! I was just passing by!" Brock defended himself.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me about going out." Master Frown replied.

"I'm sorry, okay? Look, I was just-"

"Hey, guys, just chill, okay?" I interrupted.

"Okay then." The both of them replied in unison.

"Good." I said. "Well, since the both of you are here now, maybe you could... help me with my practising?"

Master Frown and Brock looked at each other.

"Sure! No prob, big guy!" Brock replied. "Besides, this fella over here is a professional at all things romance!"

"Hey! Who taught you that?!? Geez..." snapped Master Frown.

I giggled. These two really are funny.

"Well, about that," said a calmed down Master Frown, with a serious look on his face. "My beloved Unikitty showed me a romantic movie days ago, and it has amazingly beautiful lines and quotes. I think you might as well try them on your Fox Girl. What do you say?"

"Well, let's give it a shot, then." I replied. "Show me what 'cha got, Frowny!"

"Umm... How about 'you don't need a switch to turn me on'?"

"Heh heh, too cringey..."

"Or...'you're brighter than a light bulb, and you lighten up my future'?"

"Probably do, anymore?"

"Hey, I've got one!" exclaimed Brock. "How about 'you're so pretty, the whole world might stop and stare at you for a second just to admire your beauty'?"

"Wow. A little too exaggerating, I think... But it's nice tho."

"Thanks, I learnt it from a book."

"This might do," Master Frown thought of something. "How about 'your body and posture is so scientifically accurate,  I'm like H2OhMyGosh~'?"

"Is this a random line?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sorry, heh heh..." he replied with a sigh. "I kinda ran out of ideas..."

"Oh, I've got another one!" Brock exclaimed. "How about 'my favourite element from the periodic table is Uranium because I'm in love with U'?"

"Oh boy, this is genius..." Master Frown and I exclaimed.

"Oh it's nothing..." Brock replied. "A guy from a video game taught me that."

We practised for hours and I learnt a lot about romance during the process. They really are pretty good at this- but I've still been wondering why Brock has yet to get a girlfriend.

"Well, thanks for your help, you two. I greatly appreciate it." I thanked them. "And yeah, you two do know most of the lines you taught me are pickup lines, don't you? Well, they're funny tho!"

"Yeah, they are, to be honest..." Master Frown replied.

"And most of the ones I know are pretty cheesy." Brock continued. "And yeah, I hope you get your girl, dude."

"Thanks, I think I'm ready!" I said as I bid them goodbye and left.

Master Frown and Brock watched me as I left my treehouse (which they told me about it later). They then started to chat for a while before deciding to return to their apartment.

"Too bad you didn't get to put on your custom Dr. Fox outfit, huh, Brock?" Master Frown asked mischievously.

"Zip it, dude." he replied bashfully.

[COMPLETED] Selfless-A Foxodile Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now