"Selfless acts, what selfless acts are they..." I thought and thought. "And there're two of them! How selfless should I be?"

Then, I heard a familiar call from below.

"Umm... Hawkodile? Are you up there?"

"PUPPYCORN?!?" I was shocked. Why did he come here?

"Yeah, it's me, Hawk!" Puppycorn replied, wagging his little tail. "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah, quite." I replied. "But what on Earth are you doing here?!? You're supposed to be in the castle playing with your ball and eating rubbish by now. Did your sister know about this?"

"Nah, I told Unikitty that I would be roller skating with KickFlip and Dino Dude. It'll be fine..." replied the little Prince.

"Well, she'd be worried sick of she couldn't find you there." I said. "Come on in, then..."

"Yay!" Puppycorn cheered, wagging his little round tail once more as I flew down and brought him into the treehouse.

"Hey, Hawkodile, let's play!" Puppycorn suggested. "You keep spending time with Dr. Fox, I didn't get to play with ya' that much!"

I blushed a little, but it's not very obvious for Puppycorn.

"Well, I'm sorry about that, Puppycorn. But right now, I have something important to do." I replied.

"Aww man..." he replied. "I was about to show you something given to me by Dr. Fox..."

"Huh?" I asked. "Could you show it to me?"

"Well sure!" he replied. "After all, Dr. Fox did say that sharing is caring..."

"Thanks, little man." I thanked him. "Sorry for not spending enough time with ya'..."

"It's cool, Hawkodile." Puppycorn replied. "I know you're always busy- here."

Puppycorn took out a little note and showed it to me. I opened it and read it in my head.

"My dear friend Hawkodile,
I sent Puppycorn here to give this to you. Don't worry, I told his sister that he's just out skateboarding.

If you're reading this, that means you have yet to open the letter. That's fine, it takes time to accomplish a task like this.

Why did I give you this task, you might ask. Well, it's for your own good, I swear. After you completed the task, you'll feel a lot better. And like what I told you- it'll change your life forever.

I can't exactly tell you what you need to do right now to accomplish the task, for you understand yourself more than I do. You know what's important to you and what's not. Selfless, you might ask. Just think about it- when you do it, you do it for the latter and not yourself. You mainly care what he or she feels and not yourself. Think about it. I'm sure you'll understand someday.
Your friend,
Dr. Vixana Curie Fox"

Okay then, I think I understand a little now, after I read the note. But I still need to think about what are the most selfless acts I could do.

"Hawkodile? Are you...okay?" Puppycorn called me.

"I'm okay, pupster." I replied. "I'm very okay."

"So how's Dr. Forklift?" Puppycorn asked me. "You said you have a crush on her."

Oh yes, Dr. Forklift. That time when Puppycorn used a truth spell on me, and I was about to tell him about my crush, I tried very hard not to mention Dr. Fox's name, and he ended up thinking that Dr. Forklift is my crush- well, whoever she is.

"Nah, well, she's fine...I guess?" I replied.

Oh wait, is this question intentional? Is Puppycorn giving me a clue?

Nah, I thought. He's just asking me about my crush.

Wait a minute, my crush, that's it! I know the first selfless act I should do right now!

I- must confess my love to my crush! I shouldn't let her worry about my feelings so much, I should tell her the real truth! It'll make me feel better as well!

But, this might take some time to practise.

"Umm, Puppycorn, uhh... Look, they really are your friends, you should go play with them!" I said, pointing towards KickFlip and Dino Dude, who were waving at me and Puppycorn.

"Oh, hey guys!" Puppycorn waved back. "Well, see ya' later, Hawkodile!"

"See ya', ol' champ!" I bid him goodbye as he went to play with his friends- for real reals.

Now, to practise for my first task- confess my love to my Fox Girl.

This, might not end up well, but I've got to try. My darling Fox Girl, I'm willing to do anything for her...

[COMPLETED] Selfless-A Foxodile Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now