Dr. Fox led me to her laboratory- holding my hand out of fear.

I blushed once more. This gal needs to be protected at all costs!

"Hawkodile," she called me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"We're here!" she exclaimed with joy. "I can't wait to show you my invention!"

She proceeded to walk towards a... covered machine or something, while asking me to sit down. I was a little impatient.

"Behold..." she said. "Dr. Fox's mind reader!"

She removed the cloth and revealed the machine.

My heart beated faster than usual. What if she-

"WHAT?!?" I shrieked.

"What's wrong?" she asked me, puzzled.

"Oh nothing..." I replied hastily. "It's just- WHAT?!? That's so... GENIUS of you!"

"Gee, thanks, Hawkodile..." she replied. "It took me days and I hope it'll work. I wanted to try it on you first, are you okay with it?"

"Yeah yeah!" I replied without much thought- before instantly regretting about it.

What am I to do?!? I must not think about my crush on her, or any signs of it, or I'll be DOOMED.

I walked towards the machine as I gulped and sat on a stool placed near it. I tried hard not to think about anything weird.

Dr. Fox proceeded to push a switch as a beam of light shown on me before fading away, revealing my continuous thoughts on a big screen.

Well, I was thinking about rainbow kitties flying through the sky with Pegasus puppies and gigantic hawks. Then I thought about a yelling vixen and a grey cloud, shaped like a rectangle, floating above it, with a yellow-faced guy and a grey tombstone-shaped dude spying on them and laughing maniacally. Well, actually it's only the yellow-faced guy who's laughing. The other one looked embarrassed and just sighed.

Guess what? All of my ridiculous thoughts were projected on screen, completely and flawlessly- and all witnessed by my Fox Girl.

I kept blaming myself after she turned off the machine, yet Dr. Fox seemed very impressed.

"Wow, you really have a great imagination!" Dr. Fox praised me. "I like it!"

I blushed a little as I thanked her.

"Oh yeah," I thought of something. "Umm...well..."

"What is it, Hawkodile?" she asked me.

"Well, I...I prepared a gift."

"A gift? For who?"



"For you!" I said shyly as I gave her the card.

"This...this is for me?" asked Dr. Fox as she politely took the card from my hand.

"Yeah!" I replied as I thought about another thing. "Oh, and these too."

Dr. Fox took the earmuffs as she looked at them with her beautiful pair of eyes.

"How...how do you think?" I asked her nervously.

"Hawkodile, this is lovely!" she replied. "You made the card by yourself?"

"Uh-huh..." I replied.

"It's beautiful!" she replied as tears were seen welling in her eyes. "The earmuffs are pretty as well! How thoughtful of you to do this all just for me! Thank you, Hawkodile!"

"You're...you're welcome!" I replied.

"But...why?" she proceeded to ask.

"Uhh..." my heart panicked as I was lost for words. "I..."

I looked at my Fox Girl. She was staring at me with those big ol' shiny eyes of hers, waiting patiently for my answer.

"Uhh... Well, this is to celebrate our... three year friendship anniversary!" I replied, while still remaining nervous.

"Oh yeah!" Dr. Fox replied. "It really is today! I almost forgotten! Thanks for reminding me about it, Hawkodile! Here, I have a gift for you too!"

Dr. Fox gave me an envelope with a sticker sealing it. I looked at it with confusion.

"Well, you've gotta promise me about something." she continued.

"What is it?" I asked her curiously.

"Do not open it...until you completed two selfless acts that you think will change your life forever," she said with a wink. "Ya' promise?"

"I promise." I replied as I held the letter in my hands, still feeling confused.

A little while later, I bid her goodbye as I flew back to my treehouse. I sat on my couch and looked at the envelope. What does it contain that's so mysterious, I cannot open it right away? I was very determined to open it, but I promised my Fox Girl that I could only open it when I completed two selfless acts that I think will change my life forever.

What are they? What will change my life forever? What does the letter contain? I was left puzzled and confused about what to do about this weird task my Fox Girl gave me.

[COMPLETED] Selfless-A Foxodile Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now