Chapter 1

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The lights are flashing. Sweaty body's press against each other as the beat of the music guided them in their moves. Allie was lost in the noise and alcohol as she swayed to the music with her boyfriend. Nothing mattered anymore as the beat got more hyped and their dance moves more erratic. Her bills didn't matter, that letter she got from her father in prison didn't matter. Nothing mattered.
Allie was so lost in the music she didn't hear the screaming. Knocking out of her haze she turned to the scene of the commotion in time to see the attacker ripping into someone's stomach. With complete horror Allen grabbed a stunned Allie by the arm and dragged her out of the nightclub where her, Allen, and their best friend Glenn decided to spend their friendeversary. Frantic they tried looking for their friend.
"Glenn?! Glenn man where are you?!" Allen screamed straining his neck to look for their Korean friend.
Too stunned to speak all Allie did was look around hoping to spot him. Hoping and praying she'd find him so they can leave. She was soon yanked another way as she saw someone else get attacked. She turned to face Allen as he pulled her to safety. Running down the street, Allie was surprised her ankle didn't break from these excessively tall heels she wore to the club. She doesn't know how long they ran, all she knew was her lungs burned and her legs where sore and all she wanted to do was sit down and rest. Allen had other plans, he steered her into a forest outside of town where they where finally able to sit down and rest their feet on a fallen tree. Heavy breathes and birds chirping was the only thing heard in this quiet night.
"Are you okay?" Allen asked his girlfriend, who had wide eyes and a horror struck look on her face.
All he got back was silence.
He tried again.
"Look Allie we need to move or mo-" A twig snapping behind them interrupted Allen mid sentence.
They both turned around to see one of the dead people behind them. Jumping up they ran in the other way, immediately they stopped when they saw three more of them in front of them. All Allie could see was dead cold eyes and snapping mouths, all she could smell was death and rotting flesh, all she could hear was screams. Where they hers? She didn't quite know. All she knew was fear. Fear of being ripped into like that man at the party. Fear of dying.
"Allie! Babe?!" In the distance she cold hear Allen calling her, but all she could focus on was the slow but fast approaching movements of the dead person. She didn't know what was truly happening until she saw her boyfriend pinned to the ground by one of the dead people. She saw his gnashing teeth trying to dig into her boyfriends face.
"Allen!!!" That caught the attention of the dead person on him. As the dead crawled off she knew she was screwed. So she turned around and ran. She thought Allen was behind her until she heard his screams of agony. Looking behind her she saw a dead person bite into his shoulder and rip his skin off and started chewing. This time it was her screams she heard. She sat in stunned silence for at least five seconds until she felt the cold hands of the dead grab her shoulder. She yanked it off and ran in the other direction. Again, she doesn't know how long she ran but she couldn't stop running. She couldn't stop seeing Allen's face as he was being ripped into, she couldn't stop hearing his screams of agony and how his voice faded while saying "I love you Allie".


She doesn't know how long she's been walking, or when she started to limp, or when her stomach started to talk to her, or when she started talking back to it. All she knew was that she was hungry, thirsty and very, very, very tired. Since that night Allen died she hasn't slept. She hasn't want to sleep since she tried a couple of hours after the incident. She was haunted by images of torn flesh and a bloody Allen.
In the distance she can see the sun setting and the coldness setting in. She doesn't have a jacket and she's wearing nothing but ripped jeans and a Hollister crop top. It's going to be a cold night for her. Her steps sped up as she heard another twig snap behind her. She turned around in time to see the dead person step out of the woods and snap its teeth at her. She started running in the other direction in fear. This is why she hasn't been paying attention to her hunger, or being tired and thirsty. She was to focused on living that she forgot the main factors of actually having to be alive. She ran for a good three hours from what she could tell. The sun was gone and the cold was here. Her teeth chattered as she kept her steady pace of forward. Officially out of breathe she decided to take a rest. She sat down on a tree stump and inspected her surroundings. During her scouting she noticed a light off in the distance. With the slightest bit of hope in her eyes she got up and took off towards the light. Slowly the light started to get bigger and bigger until she stumbled across a camp. Her cries of joy alerted the members of the camp, causing them to raise every weapon they owned at her. One shotgun, a sniper rifle and a crossbow.

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