Chapter 2

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An interrogation was set in stone as Allie sat with her hands raised and fear in her eyes.
     "Who the hell are you?" The one with the crossbow asked. He looked to be at least ten years older than Allie and definitely had a country accent. His face was dirty and his blue eyes shown bright through the layers of dirt on his skin.
     "My n-name is A-allie Br-rinx." She stuttered out.
     "How did you find us?" Asked the guy with the shotgun. He clearly had an accent as well and he was wearing what looked to be police cargo pants and he still had his badge clipped to his pants.
     "I was walking around through the woods and I saw a light and I followed it. Please do y'all have any food?" She asked with whiny desperation leaking from her voice.
     "Why where you in the woods?" The cop asked Allie.
     "It's where my boyfriend took me after it happened."
     "Who's stupid enough to go to the woods?! That's where most of them are!" The redneck yelled slinging his crossbow around and making every one duck.
     "Daryl, stop slinging that damn thing around!" The cop exclaimed.
      "Shane, we gotta let her stay." A women who looked to be about thirty-five says to the cop who has the shotgun.
       "We don't have enough resources Lori, we can't feed another mouth."
       "We are not the kind of people to let someone die to those things Shane" Lori said in a very demanding tone.
        Shane let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose in thought. He shifted his weight to his other foot and looked up to the night sky.
         "Fine" The cop looked to Allie, but was clearly addressing Lori, " But she has to sleep with someone so she can be under surveillance until I can trust her okay?"
         Allie let out a soft sigh of relief and a small smile formed on her face for the first time in a few days.

         Allie was given a change of clothes and was shown the shower that was located in Dale's RV. Dale, from what she could tell by the looks of him, was a very reasonable man who was well respected by everyone in the camp. She enjoyed how he tried to make her smile and told her some silly jokes from when he was a kid but she couldn't really bring herself to smile much. She still constantly thinks of Allen, she misses him so much. She missed his silly little jokes he made when she was mad or stressed. She missed the way he'd wake up in the morning and make her breakfast or coffee. She just missed Allen.
      She didn't realize she was crying until one of the other campers, who she learned was named Carol walked up to her, a very sweet, and tender woman with a beautiful daughter and an ass of a husband from what she saw of him.
      "Are you okay honey?" Carol asked her as she sat down beside her on the log set by the fire pit.
     "Yes I'm fine, just remembering things." Allie said wiping her eyes with the sleeve of a shirt given to her by Carol, A long with Amy who gave her a pair of jeans seeing as they where the closest in pants.
      "Mind me asking about what?" She had a softness to her eyes that made Allie almost cave and tell her, but she just couldn't bring herself to talk about him yet. For the past three days she's been here she's slept in the RV with Dale and Amy. Every night she wakes up crying from the nightmares that haunt her from her boyfriend's death.
       "She doesn't wanna talk about it Carol! Leave the damn girl alone." Her husband Ed said walking up behind the two girls. He had an annoyed look to his eyes.
       "Oh.. um okay. Sorry Allie." Allie wanted to tell her she can sit back down and they can talk but she couldn't form the words as she saw Carol walk away with a slight sadness to her step.
        "Sorry about her, she doesn't know how to stay out of people's business. Damn bitch." He muttered the last part thinking that Allie wouldn't hear. She very clearly heard him.
        "She wasn't being a bitch Ed, she was being caring. Maybe you shouldn't be such a dick!" Allie was infuriated. She hated how he treated her but all she could do was express herself in words. She was still to weak to fight.
        "Watch what ye'r saying to me or else." He snarled at her then walked away, not giving her anytime to snap back.
         She wanted so bad to punch him in his ugly face.
        "Daryl!" She turned around at the man yelling to see Shane, who turns out to be an actual cop, yell at the redneck who brushed his way past Allie who stood there with a curious look on her face.
        Daryl walked up to Shane and started to speak to him in a soft tone. Daryl gave a slight nod and stalked off to his tent where he grabbed his crossbow and a couple of other things before stalking off into the woods. With curiosity Allie walked up to Shane, set to see where Daryl was going.
       "Where's he going?" she asked jutting her thumb back the way Daryl went to enter the forest.
       "Huntin' we need more food. Especially with another mouth to feed." He looked back at her from the wood pile he was picking up from for tonights fire. His looked insinuated that he didn't want her there and the only reason she is, is because of Lori.
       "Oh okay." She walked away from Shane with her hands in twined and squeezing. She really hated how some of the members of the camp look at her with anger, or pity. She didn't want to be pitied, she just wanted a bed and food, and clean clothes.
         Off in the distance she, and everyone else, heard what sounded like to be car alarms.
         "Talk to me Dale!" Shane called up to Dale who was on his natural perch for lookout.
         "I can't tell yet!" Dale said as he removed his binoculars to look down at Shane, then looked back through to find the source of the noise.
         Allie put her hand over to shield her eyes from the sun, from what she could see a red car was barreling its way towards them. As it got closer she could see it was a red camaro. The closer it got the louder the noise became. Everyone was annoyed and curious. When the car came up many people covered their ears from the blaring of the loud noise but Allie just looked on in curiosity.
         When the driver stepped out Allie smiled a real smile, a smile she hasn't shown since everything happened because when she saw the person step out of the drivers seat she felt a giant wave of relief. The person who stepped out of the car was her missing best friend Glenn Rhee.
         "Glenn?" her soft and unsteady voice caught the Koreans attention as he was bombarded by questions. Especially by a frantic Amy who just wanted to know where her sister was.
        "Allie?" Glenn had a very surprised and ecstatic look on his face as he ran towards his best friend who he thought was dead. He engulfed Allie in a hug that made her cry, like really cry.  She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his shoulder and let out some ugly cries that made everyone look at the two crazily.
         "You two know each other?" Shane asked.
         "This is my best friend. The one I lost at the party." Glenn said holding onto Allie a little tighter, like he might loose her again.
           She hugged him back just as tight. After everything with Allen, she forgot about her friend who went missing that night. She hadn't realized that he might be alive too.
           "Hey" Glenn said softly pulling back from Allie enough to see her face, "Where's Allen?"
           That same look crossed over Allie's face. The look everyone gets whenever they ask Allie about what happened before all this, but this time Glenn was given an answer.
           "He didn't make it past the first night. Glenn, I've been walking around by myself, for I don't know how long I was on my own. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die! Glenn I wanted to die. I lost him." Her little rant was stopped by the tears that consistently streamed down her face.
            "Hey, hey stop! Stop that Allison! You couldn't help him! Stop beating yourself up about it." Glenn said wrapping his arms back around Allie and bringing her in for a hug, a hug for the loss of their loved one.
          In their little reunion they didn't notice that a delivery truck pulled up to the campsite. After a few seconds of it sitting their someone stepped out from around a truck in front of it. He was a Mexican that looked to be about the same height as Daryl from what she remembers and he was heavier set than most people in the camp. A woman and her three kids ran up to him and hugged him. Next was who she guessed was Amy's sister since she ran up to her and hugged her very tightly. Everyone else found their respected family member's and hugged them tightly. Allie looked behind her to see Lori taking her son Carl off to the side to talk to him. What they where saying was inaudible to Allie, but she figured it was something about his dad that he talks about nonstop. Carl starting crying and Lori went to hug him until he turned his head. Allie looked at where he was and saw a man walking up to the group dressed in a Sheriff's outfit. The sheriff looked at the couple and nearly broke down. He took off running to the two as Carl took off towards him.
         "Daadd!" Little Carl exclaimed as he jumped into his fathers arms. The sheriff held his son like his life depended on it. Next was Lori. They hugged for longer than anyone thought possible. The little family was reunited and Allie had Glenn back. After everything something was okay.

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