Chapter 9

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Carl lay flat on the ground, unmoving. Allie could see the blood seeping through his red jacket. She couldn't move a muscle. All she could do was stare. The first one to react was Rick. He ran to his son and checked for a pulse. The whole while Shane had his shotgun raised, trying to find the shooter. He soon came through the woods. It was a heavy set man who wore an old trucking hat and was carrying a sniper rife.
"Is he okay?!" The man asked, out of breathe.
"No he's not okay! You shot him!" Allie screamed at the man.
"I know someone who can help him! His home isn't far from here." The man told them.
"Where?" Rick asked picking up his son.
The man pointed in a direction and the group took off that way. Allie was in front making sure nothing was blocking their path, Rick was behind her carrying a knocked out Carl, and Shane was behind everyone else making sure the man was close behind us and wasn't a danger any more than he's already been. They ran through the forest for a little bit until Allie saw an opening leading into a field.
"It's through that opening!" The man said and Allie took off faster. When she broke through the opening she saw a farm. A very familiar farm. Recognition set in and she immediately called out.
"Uncle Hershel!" She screamed towards the house. She saw her cousin Maggie step out on the porch and looked onto the group with shock. She saw her turn around and scream something into the house and then her uncle stepped out. Allie ran through the fence and up to the porch.
"Alison?" Her uncle asked surprised.
"Uncle Hershel, you have to help him." Just then Rick ran up to the porch with Carl, bloody and unconscience in his arms.
"Bring him inside." Hershel turned around and Rick immediately followed.
Allie stayed out side, she leaned against the pillar on the porch and caught her breathe. She didn't bother to look at the two that had finally caught up to them. She just needed a breather. Carl was gonna be okay and some of her family was still alive.
"Allie, come on." Maggie had walked back out side with a baseball bat in her hand.
"Where are we going?" She asked all the while following her cousin out to the barn.
"We're gonna go get the kids mother." Allie didn't question any further as the duo mounted a horse each and took off in the direction that she came from. Allie led her through the pathways they came on their search for Sophia. After passing the church and going into the forest again, they finally happened upon the group. With Andrea on the ground fighting off a walker. Before Daryl could get his crossbow ready, Maggie had already knocked it off her with the bat she brought.
"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asked looking at the girl. Just then he noticed Allie on another horse.
"I'm Maggie Greene and I was sent to get Lori Grimes."
"Lori, you need to come. It's Carl." Lori didn't ask any further questions and got on the back of Maggie's horse.
"Wait! You can't go with her! We don't even know her!" Daryl yelled after Lori.
"I do. Daryl, go get the rest of the group and take them a couple more miles down the road and you'll see a mailbox labeled Greene. We'll meet them there." Allie explained to the group and then her and Maggie took off back towards the farm. After what seemed like forever the trio finally got back and Rick was the first to greet a shaken Lori.

It's been a couple hours since the groups arrived and all anyone can hear is Carl's pained cries. Allie couldn't help but walk off from the house and more towards the field they entered from. She leaned against the fence and looked out into the field.
"You look like the cover of a country album." She looked behind her and saw Glenn walking up with a small smile.
"Yeah. This is where most of the shoots happened." She joked back.
"On this farm?"
"Yup." She could hear his chuckle as he leaned against the fence beside her.
"So how do you know these people?" Glenn asked her.
"They're my family."
"Really?" He asked incredulously.
"Yep. Uncle Hershel and cousin Maggie and Beth."
"And Maggie's the one who showed up with you on the horse?"
"You know, almost twenty years of friendship and I still don't know all you're family." Glenn said laughing lightly.
"Yeah. Mom and Dad didn't really like me bringing my friends anywhere. Hell, they don't even know Allen."
"I don't remember you telling me much about them."
"Because after mom died, dad never brought me back here. We used to always come here. Thanksgiving, Christmas. All the main holidays. It stopped when I was eleven."
"Allie?" She turned around to see Lori walking up to them.
"Can we talk? In private?" Glenn gave a nod and walked back towards the group that was by the house. When he left Lori took over Glenn's spot. She turned back around and waited for Lori to say something.
"He's gonna be okay Lori. Hershel knows what he's doing." Allie told the woman.
"He's a vet Allie. Not a doctor." She can tell Lori was skeptical. She would be too if her sons life was in the hands of a man she never met and she was told the man was a vet and not a doctor.
"This is my family Lori, I trust them. You should too."
"You're related to them?"
"Yeah. Hershel is my mom's brother."
"Lori!" They both turned around to see Rick standing at the door. When he saw us looking he waved Lori over to the house.
"I better go." She said rubbing her arms.
Lori walked off back towards the house and Allie stayed by the fence.

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