Chapter 7

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Allie sat in the shower as the warm water sprinkled down her bare back and her hair sat across her forehead. The water felt amazing especially since she hasn't showered in about three or four days and with the hot Georgia heat and running away from the brain dead freaks made her sweat more than she was used to. She was definitely going to enjoy this shower though. Lori came in and ruined her shower saying that she has to share the shower with everyone else. Reluctantly she got up and finished her shower. She got dressed in a long sleeve shirt and her ripped jeans she has had on since the beginning. With her lack of being able to eat, she lost a few pounds and now she has to wear a belt with her jeans, which she doesn't have.
She walked out of the shower room and saw Daryl walking towards the showers.
"Wow, you're actually showering." Allie said smirking. The only response she got was his middle finger as he walked by. She couldn't help the slight giggle that came out her mouth..
' Wow I really need to stop drinking wine. It makes me to giddy' She thought to herself.
She went into the room she was given and set her stuff down on the bottom bunk, she looked on the top bunk and saw that Jaqui was asleep already. Her sleep didn't look pleasant, her face was scrunched up and she had tears coming out of her eyes. Soft sobs left her mouth as she twisted around. Allie wanted to do something but last time she tried to wake someone up from a nightmare like that she got punched in the stomach. She's still mad at Glenn for that. So instead of climbing into bed she decided to go for a little walk. She left the room and shut the door quietly. She walked around the empty, quiet halls just thinking about Allen and her parents. Well mainly her mom, her dad can rot in hell for all she cares. Her mom was a very care free and happy person. Even after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she didn't let anything damage her spirits. She didn't let anything damage Allie's spirits. That's why even after she died and her father became an abusive drunk, Allie always found a way to smile and have fun.
"Shane stop!"
Allie turned around and looked back at the cracked door she thought she heard the noise from.
"Come on Lori. Nothing stopped you before." A gruff voice said. Allie walked up to the door and saw that Shane had Lori pinned up against a table.
"Shane. Just leave damnit." She tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. Having seen enough Allie decided to intervene.
"Shane, leave her alone." Allie pushed the door open and made her presence known.
"And what the hell are you going to do? Cry about it?" He said in a mocking tone.
"I'll get Rick. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate seeing his best friend trying up his wife, now would he?" She crossed her arms and gave him a pointed look.
He just starred at her with anger and hatred in his eyes, finally he sauntered off. She did notice that he had a soft bruise forming under his eyes.
'That's what you get asshole.' She watched as he left the room, slamming the door behind him making both women jump slightly.
"Thank you Allie." She turned towards Lori to see a distressed look on her face.
"It's no problem. I hate men like that. They just don't know the meaning of no." Allie said rubbing her arms.
"You can't tell Rick. With everything going on, seeing him made everything okay. I don't want anything to ruin that. Please don't tell him." Allie could see the pleading on her like her clothes.
"I won't tell him. But you tell me whenever he does that again."
"I will. Thank you again Allie." Lori wrapped her arms around Allie's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. Allie hesitantly hugged her back. No one but Glenn has hugged Allie since everything's happened and it felt weird, a good weird. She accepted this weird.

Allie was awoken the next morning by Jaqui trying to climb down from the top bunk. She rolled over and saw just a foot hanging over the edge trying to find the ladder.
"Do you need some help?" Allie could hear an embarrassed laugh slip from Jaqui's lips at her question.
"No sweetie, thank you though. It's been a while since I've been on top bunk. Bunk beds at all for that matter." She finally got her foot on the first step of the ladder and gingerly made her way down. When she finally got there Allie was already sitting up in bed stretching her limbs.
"Sorry for waking you hunny." Jaqui said putting her shoes on.
"It's no problem. I couldn't sleep much anyways."  She stood up and grab her combat boots that Amy gave her. Thinking about Amy made her sad, they weren't close but Amy was always there for her.
"Me either." She got up from her seat after putting her shoes on and stretched. "Let's go get some breakfast." Allie nodded in agreement and they both left the room in search for some food.
They made it to the cafeteria and saw that T-dog was already cooking something. Eggs from the smell of it. She looked around the table and saw that Rick and his family was sitting there, Glenn and Dale as well. Allie walked over to her best friend and took a seat beside him. He was holding the sides of his head and his face was scrunched up in pain.
"Hungover there bud?"
"Mmmm, stop yelling Alison." He moaned.
"Then stop calling me Alison." She said a little louder this time and he flinched away from her. She heard the others laugh at the two and she couldn't help chuckling at her wimp of a best friend.
Everyone went back to their conversations and Allie could see Lori glance at her every now and then, but it got worse as soon as Shane walked in. It was like Lori was expecting Allie to rat to Rick about what happened last night, but Allie made a promise and she keeps her promises so Allie's mouth was shut about it through out the entire meal.

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