Chapter 6

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The city was barren, not a single walker or human in sight. It made Allie uneasy, when she left the place a couple of weeks ago it was alive and beautiful. Bustling with life, everywhere she turned someone was on a phone, or date, or taking their kids somewhere. Now it was just dead. To say she missed it was an understatement.
"You good?" She looked over to Shane.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, you seemed pretty messed up with leaving Jim behind." Allie looked down at the old brown hat in her hands. It was Jim's, he gave it to her after he made the declaration he wanted to be left behind by a tree after the RV broke down a couple miles back.
"Yeah, I'm good." He just nodded and continued driving until the RV stopped in front of a building that had the big bold CDC letters of the front.
"Guess we're here." Allie hummed softly at Shane's words. She grabbed her only bag out of the floor board and pulled the straps over her shoulders. She fit the hat on her head and made sure the pistol was still tucked into her waist band before getting out of the jeep and following Shane up to the group.
"This place is to quiet. I don't like it." Lori said hesitantly looking around gripping her sons shoulders.
"Me either, let's get to the building already." Everyone quickly started migrating towards the door. All while stepping over dead bodies and making sure nobody was left behind. Allie was more towards the back since she was one of the adults with a gun. On her left was Shane with his shotgun and on her right was Daryl with his crossbow. The mother and children where in the middle and the others with a gun where in the front. They got to the door and Rick immediately started knocking on it. After a few minutes there was a shout.
"Walkers!" Allie turned around and raised her gun towards the oncoming walkers. After seeing Shane pop off a few rounds, Allie decided she should shoot a couple of them as well. After getting a couple down she heard everyone make the decision to get back to the vehicles and leave and Allie was ready to go until she heard a grinding noise and turned around to see the door opened. Everyone took off towards the door and Allie walked backwards shooting walkers until she was pulled by her bag into the building. She made sure to keep a hand on her head so her hat wouldn't go anywhere.
Inside she noticed everyone starring towards a door where a person stood with a shotgun in his hands
"Anyone infected?" He shouted at us.
"One of our group was, he didn't make it." Rick tells the man.
"Why are you here? What do you want?"
"A chance."
"That's askin' an awful lot these days." The man said.
"I don't know." Rick said breathing heavily.
He walked towards the group and checked them out.
"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."
"We can do that."
"If you have stuff to bring in you need to do it now cause when these doors close they stay closed." The man said and Shane, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn went to go get everyone's bag. It's a good thing Allie only had her bag and hat. They soon came back and the man locked down the main doors.
"Rick Grimes." Rick said introducing himself.
"Dr. Edwin Jenner." The doctor said after a moments hesitation.
Everyone followed the Doctor into an elevator.
"Do doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asked the man. Allie gave him a side ways glance and all he did was blankly stare back at her.
"There was plenty laying around, I familiarized myself.. But you look harmless enough. Except you." Dr. Edwin said looking down at Carl. "I'll have to keep my eye on you." Allie smiled a little when she saw Carl grin. No matter what happened to her only the children and Glenn can regularly keep a smile on her face. Daryl on the other hand has her constantly scowling with annoyance with his constant stupidity and arrogance.
When the elevator reached its destination everyone piled out after the man and followed him down a long hallway.
"Are we underground?" Carol asked the man.
"You claustrophobic?"
"A little"
"Try not to think about it." The man led us into a room full of computers.
"Vi. Bring up the lights in the big room." The man said aloud. Almost immediately every light bulb hanging above their heads switched on.
"Welcome to zone 5."
"Where is everybody?" Rick asked. "The doctors, the staff?"
"Im it." Jenner said. "It's just me here."
"What about the person you where speaking with? Vi?" Lori asked.
"Vi! Say hello to our guests." Jenner said. "Tell them.. welcome."
"Hello guest.. welcome." A feminine robotic voice said above their heads.
"I'm all that's left." The doctor added.
Rick looked away utterly shocked.
"I'm sorry."


The group was led into a room with a bunch of chairs and Edwin told them to sit and he would be back. All of them chose a chair pretty close to each other and made sure everyone was alright.
"I hate getting my blood taken." Daryl mumbled.
"Why? Afraid they'd find out you have aids?" Allie asked him.
"You know what-"
"What? Daryl please do enlighten me." Allie retorted.
"Alright you two stop it." Rick said sternly.
"I swear you two are giant kids." Shane said scoffing.
"So? There's no problem in being kids." Allie said.
"Well with how things are now, ya kinda have to be a grown up."
"Alright, whose first?" Edwin walked in and started setting everything up to take blood.
"I'll go first." Allie stood up and walked over to the chair in front of the table.
"Alright. Roll up your sleeve to above the bend in your elbow." Allie did as instructed and sat down in the chair.
"How long have you had that tattoo?" Allie looked down at her arm and saw the tattoo she got to resemble her mother who died.
"About six years ago." She told him.

"Good. Let's begin."
Edwin went through all the members of the group and got their blood. Andrea almost fell due to having not ate in a while. When everything was finished and everyone had their blood drawn, Edwin lead them into a dining room with a kitchen and food already set on the table.
"Holy-" Daryl breathed.
And everyone dug in.


Everyone was laughing around the table while Dale was pouring more wine.
"You know in Italy even little children have wine at dinner, and France." Dale said looking at Carl while he handed Lori her cup.
"Well when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some then."
"What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Rick said playfully to his wife.
"Here you are young lad" Dale handed Carl a small cup with a little bit of wine in it.
He took a sip and made a disgusted face.
"Ewwwww." Carl immediately set the cup down and pushed it away from him. Everyone around the table laughed, even Allie and that was rare.
"That's my boy." Lori said rubbing Carl's back. She grabbed his cup and poured the rest of his drink into her cup.
"You should uuh stick to soda pop there bud." Shane said smiling slightly.
"Now you Glenn." Daryl said tipsy.
"What?" Glenn looked around the table.
"Drinking little man. I wanna see how red your face could get."
"Oohhh trust me. Glenn here is a light weight." Allie said rubbing her hands together.
"Is he now?" Daryl asked. "What about you? Beevus."
Allie looked up at him confused for a second.
"Did you just call me Beevus?"
"Yeah.. What of it."
"So if I'm Beevus, does that make you butthead?"
"Nope. Makes him Butthead." Daryl pointed at Glenn who just looked upon the two until he was brought into the conversation.
"Hey! If anything she's the butthead."
"Okay. Do I need to bring up all the things you've done?" Allie looked ready to pounce at him.
"Okay then. Take the title and like it."
"Yes sir."
She just shook her head and took the glass of wine she was given.
Rick clinks his glass a couple times and it gets everyone's attention and they quiet down to see what he has to say.
"It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." Rick said raising his glass slightly.
"He is more than just our host." T-Dog said and everyone agreed raising their glasses.
"So when you gonna tell us what the hell happened here Doc." Shane added in.
"Oh the other doctors, they where supposed to figurin' out what happened, where are they?" He asked twirling his wine around his glass.
Allie just looked on in curiosity.
"We're celebrating Shane, don't need to do this." Rick said sitting back down next to his son.
"Woah wait, it's why we're here right?" Shane looked on at Rick. "This was your move, supposed to find all the answers. Instead we found him, one man. Why?"
"Well when things got bad a lot of people just left." The Doctor started. "Went off to be with their family's, and when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun the rest bolted."
"Every last one?" Shane asked.
"No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time."
"You didn't leave. Why?" Allie asked from beside Glenn.
"I just kept working. Hoping to do some good." Edwin told her.
"Dude you are such a buzzkill man." Glenn told Shane.


"Most of the facility's powered down, including housing so you have to make the best of it." Edwin said leading the group down a hallway. All of them had all of their belongings in their arms. Jim's hat still sat upon Allie's head.
"And if you shower go easy on the hot water." Edwin told the group and walked away.
Glenn turned around and smiled at the group.
"Hot water."


If you want to see what her tattoo looks like just message me. Enjoy.

Extra A\N

Sorry the text is so frecking spaced out. I tried to put the picture of Allie's tattoo and Wattpad fucked up the text and I feel like is I mess with it it'll act retarded again so Ima just leave it. Sorry guys

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