Chapter 10

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Allie stayed up all night thinking about what Lori told her. It was very hard to look at her the next morning at breakfast. She would always walk away whenever Lori approached her. She didn't mean anything by it, it's just taking some time for her to properly process her words.
It was around lunch time and Allie was leaning against the fence post that's lining the Greene property.
"Hey Allie!" She turned around to see Maggie running up to her.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Wanna run to town with me?" She asked squinting and covering her eyes from the bright Georgia sun.
"Umm I don't really wanna. Maybe ask Glenn. I'm sure he'd be happy to."
"Whose Glenn?"
"The Korean guy." Allie said pointing to her best friend that was helping Dale fix the RV.
"The one in the baseball cap?"
"No the old guy Maggie. Yes the one in the baseball cap."
"I guess I'll ask him, but I really wanted to go with you."
"I know, but you need to be acquainted with the people staying on your lawn and I don't count. I'm family."
"Ugh fine." She stomped her way over to where Glenn and Dale was and all Allie could see was Maggie's mouth moving and Glenn's eyes light up. Allie chuckled a little and shook her head.
"Allie?" Allie turned around to see Lori.
Damn, she didn't have time to turn around.
"Hi Lori."
"Look I know you don't wanna talk to me but you're the only one that knows. I just need someone to talk to about it." She looked stress and sad.
"Lori I am not the person to be talking to about this. Go talk to your husband.. and if you're not sure, Glenn and Maggie are going to town. You can ask one of them to get a pregnancy test. I'm sure there's still some out there. No one really gets pregnant during an apocalypse."
"You're right. Sorry to bother you." Allie saw the tears welling up in Lori's eyes and felt bad.
"Wait,-" Allie grabbed ahold of Lori's elbow before she could get to far.
"What? Care to make me feel worse about what happened? Gonna tell me I'm wrong for this? For not knowing if the baby's Rick's or Shane's?!"
Allie was stunned. She did expect her to blow up on her but not all the stuff about the father of the baby.
"I thought Rick was the father." Allie muttered out.
"Oh shit." Lori covered her mouth horrified, tears started streaming out of her eyes like rain.
"Allie please don't say anything to anyone please. Especially Rick and Shane. Please."
It took Allie a minute to respond but she finally agreed. Lori thanked her and then went back to camp while Allie just stood by the fence for a few minutes longer. She finally decided to head back to camp as well. When she got there she saw Carol washing some clothes.
"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Carol asked her.
"Can you blame me?"
"Honestly, no." Carol replied chuckling.
Allie took a seat in one of the camping chairs situated around the campfire and put her head in her hands. She really needs some sleep. A nap sounds really good to her right now. So that's what she's going to do.
"Hey Carol, if anyone asks for me tell them I'm taking a nap please." Allie asked as she got up from the camping chair and started walking to her tent.
"Will do hun', sleep well."
"I'll certainly try."
Allie got to her tent and unzipped the entrance. She looked at her cot and saw how inviting it was. She took her shoes off and climbed under the blanket. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out.


Allie was back at the club with her boyfriend and best friend. The lights where flashing and there was sweaty bodies everywhere. Allie had a few shots in her so she really didn't care about the close proximity of everyone on the dance floor. All she cared about was how close her boyfriend was.
"Isn't this awesome?!" Glenn shouted\asked as he danced up to the pair.
"It is!" Allie replied back. Allen couldn't help but laugh at Glenn. He was wasted and looked so excited. He was most definitely a sight to see.
"I'm gonna go find a girl to make out with now. Leave you two love birds alone." Glenn said patting the two on the shoulders and walking off giggling.
"What are we gonna do with him?" Allen asked in amusement.
"Love him unconditionally because we're amazing friends." Allie said laughing.
"Exactly." Allen replied giving Allie a soft kiss on her lips. It immediately turned heavy, he soon took his attention to her neck. Leaving wet sloppy kisses. She felt little nibbles on her neck and she couldn't help but giggle. The nibbles soon turned into to biting, a little to roughly.
"Allen, I think that's enough." She tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go of her. He started biting harder and it felt like he was gonna rip her skin off. She finally managed to push him off and she was petrified. What she was looking at wasn't her boyfriend. It was one of them, a walker. His skin was peeling off and his eyes had a dead look in them. His teeth kept gnashing together, trying to get a piece of Allies flesh. She tried to run away but as soon as she turned around more walkers where there to greet her. Even Glenn was a walker.
"Alliiieeee" It came out like a whisper, a sinister whisper.
She turned back around to face her walker boyfriend.
"Why did you leave me there Allie? Why did you leave me there to die?"
She put her palms up to her ears to try to muffle the sounds.
"You left me there! All alone to be eaten by these monsters!" The sinister whisper quickly turned back to her boyfriends voice and it brought tears to her eyes.
"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" She couldn't stop her tears as they ran down her face.
"No you're not.. So now you'll get to know what it feels like to be eaten by one of those things." As soon as he finished his sentence one of the walkers grabbed onto her shoulder. She twisted around and got out of it's grip, as soon as that walker was off of her another jumped on her. This one managed to get her, it bit into her shoulder. Leading Allie to let out a blood curdling scream. The rest jumped on her and started to dig in. The only thing she could hear was her pleas for them to stop and someone off in the distance calling her name.
"Allie! Allie wake up!" She was confused, why would someone be telling her to wake up? Isn't she already awake?
"Allison wake up!"
Allie jolted up from her cot and head butted someone.
"Ow. Damn you got a hard head." She looked over to see Daryl standing there.
"What are you doing in my tent?" She asked rubbing her forehead.
"I heard you screaming, so I came to check and see if you where okay."
"Well I'm fine, thanks."
"Yeah." And with that he left the tent.
She shook her head and rubbed her hands down her face. This isn't the first time she's had a dream like that. It's happened multiple times since that night. She just couldn't seem to shake them. It's like a bad habit, you want to quit you just can't.
"Hey Allie." She looked over at the entrance of her tent to see Carol standing there.
"Hey Car0l. What's up?"
"I came to tell you dinner was ready."
"It's dinner time already?" She looked out through the little window she had in her tent to actually notice that the sun was going down.
"Yeah. You've been asleep for a couple of hours." Carol informed her.
"Seems as I have been. Give me a few minutes and I'll be out there."
Carol nodded and left her tent. She took a few minutes to just sit there and stare at nothing. Not to think of anything in particular, but just to get her bearings before she went out there with everyone. She finally got up and put her shoes back on. Once she was ready she left the tent, zipping her tent back up. She made her way towards the crowd of laughing people and the smell of food. She entered into into the circle and was immediately handed a plate of treat meat and beans. She saw an empty spot next to Glenn and took a seat.
"Heyyy there she is." Glenn put his arm around Allie's shoulder in a half hug.
"Hey Glenn."
"Where have you been?"
"Getting some sleep. Didn't do very well, had another nightmare."
"Aww I'm sorry."
"It's all good."
The night continued on like that until it was time for everyone to go to bed, Allie made her way back to her tent. No intentions of sleeping she just didn't want to be the only one out and about. She might accidentally get shot. So there she lay on her cot staring up at the moon through her little window she has in her tent. She didn't realize she fell asleep until someone was shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and again saw Daryl standing there.
"Can I help you?"
"Actually yes. Come 'er" Daryl grabbed her arm and pulled her off the cot and out of the tent.
"What the hell are you doing?" She tried to get her arm back but Daryl had a death grip on it. She didn't know she was taking her back to his desolated tent until she saw it.
"Umm, Daryl what are you doing?"
"I need your help with something."
"With what?"
"Something. You'll find out soon. Stop asking questions."
"Umm, I think I'll pass thanks."
"What? You don't even know what it is." He said stopping to look at her.
"And I don't want to."
"What do you think it is?" He asked crossing her arms.
"There's no reason for me to tell you, just that I want no part of it." She crossed her arms as well and gave him a pointed looked.
He stood there staring at her with a blank face, the realization dawned on him.
"Wait.... Do you think I meant sex?"
"Well why else would a man go to a woman's tent in the middle of the night?"
"Okay first of all it's ten at the latest and because I need your help with the Sophia hunt. Did you honestly think I wanted to have sex with YOU?" He laughed a little and turned around.
It honestly hurt her feelings a little, no girl wants to be told that. It hurts their self esteem.
"Well good luck finding someone to help with the hunt then. As far as I'm concerned I'm doing it on my own." She turned around and started walking back to her tent.
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"Don't worry about it." She made it back to her tent and crawled back into bed. She continued to stare up at the moon in anger.
Who the hell does he think he is? Saying rude things like that! I should go bust his teeth out... All those anger management classes where for nothing. Guess I don't really need them now. It's basically the end of the world. I really need to get a journal. Maybe when Glenn and Maggie go back to town I can ask them to find me one. That'll be nice to have.
Allie soon fell asleep to her wandering thoughts of how nice it would be to have a journal.

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