Chapter 4

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"Why did you punch her?" The voice came out fuzzy to the awakening Allie.
"Because she was being a smart ass." She soon recognized the other voice as the guy who punched her.
"Doesn't matter. You don't punch girls dude!" She figured that voice was the leader's
Her groaning caught the attention of the two gang members in front of her arguing. The guy who was defending her walked up to her and waved his hand in her face.
"You good?" He tried to get her eyes to focus on her but they kept wavering.
"Aye pendejo. Go get Ron, he'd know what's wrong with her." Before the other one could leave the area another showed up looking panicked.
"Boss, we got company." The "Boss" looked at the dude and groaned in annoyance.
"You go get Ron-" The boss said to the first dude, who nodded and left the room. "And you come with me." They all left the room and that gave time for Allie's eyes to adjust to her surroundings. From what she could tell she looks to be locked up in a warehouse. Boxes sat around collecting dust beside her and the chair that's all that's in here. She went to lean her head back, and that's when she realized she was tied up to someone else. She turned her head slightly to see black hair.
"Glenn?" She asked softly expecting him to be awake.
"Glenn?!" She tried a little louder this time. That got him to stir a little bit. She felt his hands twitch beside hers. So she decided to pinch his hand until he completely woke up.
"Stop pinching me Allison." She was so relieved to hear his stupid whining about her abusing him.
"Good you're awake. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, you?"
"I'm good. We need to get out of here." She said scanning the room for an escape plan. In her search to get out of here she didn't hear the door open back up.
"One of you grab the Asian, and the other grab the girl."
"He's Korean." Allie added with an annoyed voice as she was being untied from the chair and lifted up and drug out the door and up a couple flight of stairs and through a door. The only way she could keep the sun out of her eyes was to turn her head. She was pushed to the edge of the building until her feet touched the edge. A gun was pressed to her back in order to keep her from running. She looked down and saw Rick, Daryl and some kid Daryl had his crossbow pointed at. A flicker of hope sparked up in her until she saw a look on Rick's face. She couldn't hear much of what they where saying but it didn't look good. After about five minutes of standing on the roof Daryl, and Rick and the kid walked off, leaving the members to take Allie and Glenn back down to the room they where locked in. They where untied and told to relax and walk around the room until Guerremo came back to talk to them.
"What do you think was said?" Glenn asked Allie. He had a good view since he was right next to her.
"I don't know but it didn't seem good. Let's just hope they come back for us."
"Oh I'm sure they would. Daryl would be bored without having someone to argue with."
All Allie did was stare at his back, hoping he could feel her knives stabbing him.
"Hey Allie?" Glenn asked her after a few minutes of silence.
"What happened after that night at the club?" Glenn turned around to look at the girl who was just staring at a wall. Eyes wide as she remembered the night she lost him.
"We got out... Ran for almost two miles until we managed to leave the city. Allen lead us into the forest for some unknown reason. We took a little break on a fallen tree a mile into the woods I think. He tried to talk to me but I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to." Her little break was caused by a lump welling up in her throat. A few tears spilled out at the memory. She hasn't really cried anymore about it. Being around her friend and telling him about Allen's death finally made her cry.
"You don't have to continue Allie, I just wanted a general idea." Glenn came up to her and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and breathed him in. Glad she had him here with her.
"After sitting on the tree a while we heard a twig snap, we got up to run but there was more in front of us. I couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't hear. That was until one of them tackled him. I screamed his name like a fucking idiot." A lot of it came out muffled due to her face being stuck in Glenn's chest.
"Shh Allie, it's okay." His soft words and his hand running through her hair gave her the courage to continue.
"It noticed me... It noticed me and got off of Allen... I ran, I ran like the bitch I am and I didn't even check to see if he was behind me. I got my true answer when I heard him scream.." By now tears where fully falling down her face. Her eyes where red and puffy and her nose was slightly running. She took a couple shaky breathes and finished her story.
"I looked behind me and they where on top of him. Ripping into whatever part of him they could. I couldn't look away... As much as I wanted to I couldn't, I guess it was punishment for almost leaving him. Before I got the chance to fully grasp what happened, one of them grabbed my shoulder. I threw his hand off and ran. I ran as fast as I could and as far as I could go. Then eventually I found your camp. And they let me stay. Then you came back and I felt happy again. At least a little." She finished her story and all she got back was Glenn squeezing her closer to him.
"Damn" They both pulled away to see Guerremo standing at the door with a look of astonishment on his face.
"You heard that?" Allie asked softly.
"Yeah. That was some intense shit. Look don't feel bad. I'm sure most people have done worse since this thing happened."
"Maybe so. But it doesn't change what happened."
"That is true. Hey so I thought.. You two don't look like bad people. Why don't you two come and help us out."
Confused, the two just followed him out, all while being on high alert and observing their surroundings. He led them down a couple halls before he was pushing through some double doors and they where lead into a nursing home. Member's walk around taking care of each individual elder. Giving each of them their medicine, and feeding them. It wasn't at all what Allie was expecting.
"So you take care of them?" Allie asked looking around.
"Yeah. Nobody came back for them so we decided to stay here and help." Guerremo said walking over to an elderly women who patted his cheek when he gave her some juice.
Someone walked up to Allie and Glenn and directed them to multiple elderly people and asked them to help watch them. They both gladly obliged and went over to the people they where appointed to.


Hours went by with Allie and Glenn helping them that they forgot they where supposed to be saved. In fact they where confused when they overheard one of the member's saying that they where back.
Nodding Guerremo left the room with several other men following behind him looking intimidating to other people except the ones inside. Allie casted a sideway glance to Glenn and continued playing chess with a man who's name is also Alan. She enjoyed playing chess with him and listening to his silly jokes about his children. Her favorite one was when his oldest son Andrew was about ten years old he decided to climb onto their roof and jump into the pool in their back yard during a pool party his wife was throwing. He missed the pool and landed on his ankle and arm. Fracturing his shin and snapping his arm in half. To Allie it wasn't very funny but it made him smile thinking of his son so she smiled a long with him. After Alan made the final move and won, a man in the middle of the room started coughing very violently. Allie and Glenn jumped up and jogged over to him.
"What's wrong?" Glenn asked looking at the man.
"Glenn he can't speak." Allie said giving him a look.
"Yeah I get that now."
"Someone needs to go get Guerremo."
"I'll get him." An elderly lady said near the door. She pushed it open and wobbled out.
After almost five or ten minutes of Allie fanning him trying to get him to cool down Guerremo walked through the door with the men he took with him and Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and the kid.
They looked around astonished at what was going on here.
"Hey guys." Allie greeted them moving out of the way so Felipe can give the man his medicine.
"Hey" Rick said still sidetracked with everything around him. He gave Allie a side hug and clapped Glenn on the back in greeting.
After being explained everything that was happening here and giving a few guns to Guerremo, they where on their way back to the delivery truck. On the trek back through the woods and into the city Allie noticed something.
"So.. Merle wasn't up there?" Allie didn't get to go up there since she was the distraction for the walkers and was gone up until they where able to get the guns.
"Nah.. Only thing up there was a severed hand." That made Allie stop in her tracks.
"Wait..." She sat there for a second trying to process what she just heard. "Did you just say that you found your brothers severed had?"
"Well I didn't say my brother's but nice guess." Daryl adjusted his crossbow and walked a little further in front of the group. Allie just continued walking close to the group with a surprised and disgusted look on her face.
Eventually they came up on where the delivery truck was... Except it wasn't there.
"What. The. Hell?" Allie went and jogged around the corner to make sure they didn't accidentally park it  there and forgot. Seeing no white delivery truck she jogged back around to see all the men distressed.
"How are we gonna get back?" T-Dog asked the question on everyone's mind.
"Guess we're just gonna have to walk." Rick said running a hand over his face.
"Great." Allie ran her hands through her hair tugging on it a little in frustration. Rick handed a hand pistol to everyone and made sure they had an extra clip on them to be safe. Then they took off in the direction of the camp.


They made it back to the camp by nightfall. And right on time as well. They charged through the woods just in time to see a herd of walkers attacking them. Allie raised her pistol and shot a whole in the side of a walkers head. She killed at least three more before all of them where gone. Out of breath and bloody Allie looked around the camp to see multiple of her own dead. She squatted down and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet until she fell back onto her butt. She brung her knees up to her chest and buried her face into her knees. Silent tears started falling down her face. After a few minutes she stuck her head up from her knees and with red, puffy eyes she looked around at the camp. At the people who lost family members. At everyone, everything. It happened again. She lost people.

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