Chapter 3

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Everything was okay, besides the circumstances of the world. Allie had her best friend and Lori and little Carl had Rick back. The camp went on about their business of daily tasks and taking care of themselves and their family. Allie was currently helping Lori and Carol fold the laundry when they heard screaming. Carl and Sophia ran out of the woods and told their parents they saw a walker. Shane, Rick, Glenn, Dale, Jim and Martinez all grabbed a weapon and raced back to were the kids came from, the women in tow behind them. As soon as they saw the walker they all started to beat it until it's head popped off. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and held the children close to them. They weren't out of the woods yet when they heard rustling coming from a bush next to them. Shane raised his shotgun in that direction ready to shoot when Daryl walked from behind a rock.
"Oh Jesus." Shane muttered.
"Son of a bitch. That's my deer" Daryl cursed aloud looking down at the walker. "Look at it all gnawed on by this filthy"
With each word he kicked the dead
"Calm down son, that's not helping." Dale said.
"What do you know about it old man?" Daryl asked angrily, stepping up to Dale as to challenge him. "Take that stupid hat and go back to on Golden Pond." He breathed out and went back to the deer to grab his arrows.
"I've been tracking this deer for miles. 'was gonna drag it back to camp. Cook us up venison." He told everyone. "What do you think? Think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" He asked looking up at Shane.
"I don't think we should risk that." Allie voiced out.
"It's a damn shame. Oh I got some squirrel on a dozen so. It's gonna have to do."
All of a sudden the walkers head comes back to life and starts chomping, hoping to get a piece of flesh.
"Oh God." Amy said with disgust. She turned away as if she was gonna throw up, Andrea grabbed her elbow and walked her back to camp.
"Come on people, what the hell." Daryl said grabbing his crossbow from behind him and aiming it at the walker. He fires it into the walkers brain and all mobility stops. He walks over to the now dead walker and pulls his arrow out of it's eye.
"It's gotta be the brain." He says then starts his trek back to camp with everyone else behind him giving one last disgusted look at the dead walker.
When Daryl broke through the treeline back into camp he immediately called out.
"Merle!! Get yer ass out here! Got some squirrel! Lets stew 'em up!"
Allie was confused, since she's been here she's never met anyone with the name Merle.
"Hey Daryl, what don't ya slow up a bit." Shane said rubbing his upper lip.
"Why? What's up?" Daryl asked.
"There was uh.. a delima in Atlanta."
"He dead?" Daryl asked.
"I don't know."
"He either is or ain't!" Daryl yelled at the man.
"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it." Rick said walking up.
"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asked annoyed by no answer.
"Rick Grimes." Rick said easily.
"Well Rick Grimes." Daryl said mockingly. "There somethin' you wanna tell me?"
"Merle was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him to a roof."
Daryl walked off a little rubbing his face.
"So let me get this straight." Daryl said suddenly turning around. "You handcuffed my brother to a roof?" He asked menacingly.
"Yes." Rick answered.
Suddenly Daryl turned around and threw something at Rick and tried to tackle him, before he could fully get his hands around Rick, Shane had him pinned to the ground. Shane got off of him a few seconds later thinking it cooled him down, but Daryl got up and took his blade out trying to slash Rick. Rick grabbed his hand while Shane got him in a headlock and drug him to the ground while Rick took the blade out of his hand.
"Best let me go!" Daryl grunted at Shane.
"Nah I think I should keep you right here for a minute."
Allie was freaking out about the whole situation and blurted something out.
"We can go get him." Everyone turned their heads to stare at the girl.
"What?" Rick asked.
"We can go get Merle. He's in Atlanta right? Me and Glenn know those streets. We can go get him."
"And the bag of guns I dropped." Rick added.
"Bag of guns?" Shane asked.
"Yeah, when I woke up I went to the station and cleaned out the gun rack. I got a few while the people who saved me got some as well." Rick explained.
"Good, we leave in twenty." Daryl said. By now Shane had let go and Daryl was fully standing next to the men.

So twenty minutes later Allie, Glenn, T-dog, Daryl, and Rick were in the white delivery truck the group showed up in, on their way back to Atlanta to save Merle and get the guns. Soon the group pulled in beside a building on the outskirts of town. They piled out of the truck one by one and circled around to the front where Glenn had a map of Atlanta pulled out.
"Alright, so from what I remember I first met Rick over here," He said pointing to a road. " And then we jumped a couple buildings and ended up here." He said pointing a road down from where he first started.
"So that's where we need to go? Awesome let's go." Allie said starting off towards the buildings. She could hear the map being folded back up and some mumbling. Through it all, she heard Rick as Glenn something.
"Has she always been like this?"
"All the time."
Once she got to the first road she started jogging, she could hear the footsteps of everyone else behind her and she started going a little faster when she saw more walkers. She decided to go through a couple alley ways and once she made a right turn her eyes went wide and she immediately turned around and told everyone to go back the other way. They jogged back some more and Allie noticed a door slightly ajar. She gave a slight whistle to get everyone's attention and nodded her heads towards the door. They all looked on and noticed it. They followed her inside and T-dog and Daryl blocked the entrance.
" What the hell's up with the turning around?" Daryl asked.
"I'm sorry, do you want to go deal with a herd?"
He just looked at her.
"Didn't think so macho man."
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Rick asked.
"We need a diversion." Allie said.
"Like what?"

So there Allie stood, a gun raised in the air and fear settling in her heart. She could hear every beat like someone was hitting a snare drum, continuously. With on last big breathe she squeezed the trigger.
Every walker in front of her turned around, rotting flesh and snapping teeth filled her line of sight. She stood there shocked and at a loss of breathe. She couldn't move. It was like that night. When he died, she couldn't do anything but look. That was until someone screamed at her.
"Allison run!"
And run she did.
She turned around and ran down the alley passed the door where everyone else was and back onto the street. There was only a few walkers here. She couldn't really do anything but dodge them and run a little bit further. Occasionally she looked behind her to make sure the walkers where still following her. When she felt she went a safe enough distance she circled around and went back to the building where she remembers everyone was. Before she was able to get to the alley she was tripped. She started kicking and screaming when she realized it was a walker stuck under an abandoned car. A hand came down over her mouth and a blade cut through the walkers hands. Her leg was free but she wasn't. She was pulled to her feet and a drug backwards. She wasn't able to get a good footing down to stand up. She heard a car door open and a bag was thrown over her head. Her hands where tied behind her back. The only sense working was hearing. She heard the snarls and snaps of the walkers. She heard the car moving and Daryl screaming.
After what felt like forever the car came to a stop and the doors where opening. Her bag was taken from off her face and she looked to her side and saw an unconscience Glenn.
"What the hell did you do to him?" Allie asked angrily.
"He was struggling to much. Why are you worried? You his girlfriend?" One guy asked.
"No. But I am someone who would knock your ass out."
"Really?" The man asked.
"Yes." And all Allie felt was pain and then black.

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