Chapter 5

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Allie sat in the same spot all night. She couldn't sleep, she didn't even want to close her eyes. So there she sat just sitting there watching other people cry and hold onto others. Many people tried to come up to her and comfort her, but she just shrugged them away. She couldn't handle the comfort of others at the moment. She just wanted to be left alone.


Daylight came slower than she thought possible. It dragged on the longer she sat there. When it came though, everyone got up to start gathering the bodies. Everyone except Andrea and Allie. Andrea mainly because she was holding her dead sister. The first one to be attacked and led the group to the knowledge of walkers around. She just sat there stroking her hair and crying, and when she woke up as a walker. Andrea was the one to put a bullet in her skull and end the misery.
"Why don't you come help me?" She looked up to see Daryl holding another shovel out to her. Taking the shovel she got off the ground. When she stood up she wobbled a little bit, sitting on the ground a long time made it hard to stand. He quickly grabbed her elbow to steady her. She gave a slight nod to let him know she was okay, they walked to the front of the RV where dead walkers where laying. Getting a good grip on the shovel she raised it above her head, and thinking of what these monsters did to the love of her life, swung it down as hard as she could and squished its head. Brain matter and blood splattered all over her borrowed converse and Daryl's boots. He didn't question her, he just looked at her as she splattered all of their brains until she got to Ed, Carol's husband. The only reason she stopped was because Carol walked up and asked for the shovel.
"Are you sure?" Allie asked her.
"He was my husband. I should be the one to do it." With a slight nod Allie handed over the shovel and stepped back. The two watched as Carol slammed the shovel down over and over again into his head. Letting all of her frustration out on the man.


"He's bit." Allie turned around from where she was seated by the fire to see a camper named Jackie standing up and backing away from Jim.
"What?" Rick asked as he walked up to them.
"He was bit." Jackie repeated.
"Were you?" Rick asked Jim.
He silently nodded.
"What are we gonna do with him?" One of the campers asked.
"That isn't a question. We have to kill 'em." Daryl said grabbing his crossbow. He went to go aim it at Jim until Allie grabbed his arm and pulled it down so the bow was facing the dirt.
"What do ye think your doing?" Daryl asked looking at her bewildered.
"We don't know how long it'll take them to turn. It took Amy nearly six or seven hours to turn. We have more than enough time to decide what happens." Allie said backing away from a pissed off Daryl.
"No we need to kill him. He'll just turn and kill us all."
"No Daryl! It's not our decision to kill him!" Allie was getting irritated with him again.
"She's right. He can decide what happens to him. In the meantime we need to figure out where we're gonna go." Rick said.
"Where we're gonna go?" Shane asked.
"Yeah. After what happened last night we need to move. We can't stay here anymore. It's not safe." Rick said looking around the group.
"He's right Shane. We need to leave." Lori said holding onto a terror filled Carl.
Shane sat there a moment and looked around at all the members of the camp and saw in their eyes that they didn't feel safe anymore and wanted to leave.
"Fine. We'll leave when everyone has there stuff packed and we have a place set to go."
"I heard of the CDC. A place that's supposed to have the cure. Maybe they could help us." Carol said beside Allie.
"Okay we can try there." Rick said nodding. He walked over to Lori and Carl and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder and ran a hand through Carl's hair. "In the meantime, we do something with these bodies."


After all the bodies where gathered and everyone made sure that they didn't come back as a walker they where rounded up into the bed of a truck. Allie and Daryl sat in the back making sure none of them fell out. They drove up to the spot where Jim was digging graves for all the campers the day she and the others where gone to get Merle and the guns. She was confused on why he did it until she realized. He saw this coming, he saw the deaths that where bound to happen and he prepared.
They pulled up to where the graves where dug and they jumped out the back of the truck and T-Dog climbed out of the drivers seat. Allie grabbed the first body and pulled until she was able to drag it to the grave. She did that until each respected body was beside a grave. When they where done with that everyone started walking back to the camp. Allie and Daryl sat in the back of the truck again. Only this time was to ride. She crossed her arms against the edge of the truck and looked out at the forest the whole ride back to the camp.
When they got back a lot of the stuff was already packed up and ready to go the next day. Allie hoped out of the back of the truck when it was put into park and made her way to her tent that was given to her. She grabbed a bag she got from one of the campers and started packing some of the things she got from the campers and a necklace given to her by Sophia. When she went over to her little make shift table she saw her necklace that Allen gave her for their four year anniversary. She clipped it around her neck and hid it under her shirt to where only the chain was showing. She grabbed a book she was given at the nursing home and shoved it into her bag and zipped it up. Seeing as she already had everything in there and it was very little. Her shirt she had she threw away since it was ripped up from the trees and she kept the pants since they where still in pretty good condition. She threw her bag to the side and walked out of the tent and over to the small fire that was gonna get bigger the closer to night it got. She took a seat next to Carl and Sophia who where drawing things in the dirt by the fire. They both looked up at her and gave her a smile as she sat down. She gave a little smile back and rustled Carl's hair. She sat there a while and watched them draw little stick figure and name each of them as they played a little game of dead or alive. She was a little worried as Carl named some of them after a few people who died last night. She noticed that above one of Sophia's stick people the name Ed was sloppily written.
"Carl!" Allie and Carl both looked up to see Lori walking over.
"Hey mommy." He replied looking up at his mother.
"What are you doing sweetheart?" She looked over his shoulder to see the same thing Allie did.
"It's called dead or alive. We each draw stick figures and name them. If they're dead we mark their name out. If they're alive we leave it alone." Carl told his mother explaining the game.
"Isn't that a little... I don't know... rude?" She looked at the two kids then at Allie.
"Why? They died so we mark them out." Carl said looking up at his mother.
"Alright that's enough. Come and get washed up Carl." He nodded and put his stick down and went back to the camper with his mother.
Allie and Sophia sat there in silence, Allie watching Sophia draw little cartoons in the dirt while everyone bustled around making sure they had everything they needed to leave.
"Hey Allie?"
"Hmm?" Allie looked at the innocent little girl in front of her.
"Are we gonna die?" These kids never ceased to amaze Allie with their questions.
"No sweetheart, we're not gonna die." Even she didn't believe her words.
"Good. I don't want you to die. I like you." Sophia said with a soft smile.
"Aww. I like you too Soph." Allie kissed the girls head and went to find anyone she could help.
Within a couple of hours everyone was packed and ready to leave. They all stood in a circle in the middle of the caravan of cars with Rick telling the plan.
"Alright so everyone has a car right?" Everyone nodded their head and looked around to see if anyone was left. "Good now we're gonna head straight for the CDC alright?"
"Uh actually we're not." Allie looked over to the Morales family.
"Why not?" Shane questioned.
"We have family in Pennsylvania. We're gonna head that way and make sure they're okay." Morales put his arm around his wife and squeezed her shoulder.
"Alright well be safe. You have a radio and you know what station we're on." Morales nodded and shook heads with Rick and told everyone else good-bye.
Everyone got in their cars, Rick and his family along with Carol and Sophia we're in one car, Dale, Amy, and Glenn we're in the RV, T-dog and Daryl where in the pick up with Merle's motorcycle on the back and finally Allie and Shane where in Shane's jeep. The first car pulled out of the camp site and they set off while the Morales family split off and made their way towards their family while the rest of the group went back to Atlanta.

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