Magic Shows and Assassins

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"Just lay low."

Maki finds her eyes drawn inexplicably to Kaede (yet again, she was at work and should be professional dammit) and Shuichi seems to notice.

"Hm," he hums, watching as Kaede strides into the thick of the party.

Hugging a bear, she wears a form-fitting strapless black dress that cuts off just above her ankles, and Maki knows she's not the only one looking. Tsumugi is entirely too good at designing.

Shuichi, on the other hand, wears a v-necked white shirt that looks almost as if he was planning to tango. Not exactly standard for a white-tie party, but nobody seems to mind. (Especially not their boss, Kokichi Ouma, who is currently... off somewhere)

"Shouldn't you be looking out for the mark?" Shuichi hisses, and Maki shakes her head once to clear it. She has work to do.

Approximately fifteen minutes pass as she leans against the wall and studies the crowd.

Her eyes light on the mark, and she allows herself a small smirk. Leon Kuwata should know better than to mess with people he doesn't understand.

He's talking to someone from their rivals, the Jabberwock. As Maki watches, the woman throws her head back and laughs, pearly white teeth gleaming in the dim lighting.

God, how she hates Sonia Nevermind. Not the point, though. Not tonight.

She reaches into her leather jacket for the small handgun saved in an interior pocket. Even with metal detectors, she has her ways of hitting a mark. 

Sliding a cartridge into the barrel, she listens for the satisfying click as it falls into place.


There we go.

Across the room, she waits for Himiko's show to start. With any luck, she'll be able to get the hit off during the explosion.

"Hello!" Gonta calls out, tapping the microphone with one finger. "Gonta would like to welcome you to the performance of the amazing Himiko!"

Polite applause follows, and Maki can see the slight crimson dusting Gonta's cheeks.

"Thank you," Gonta smiles, gesturing for Kirumi to raise the curtain. "Presenting... the amazing Himiko!"

The red-haired woman takes her bow on stage, flashy outfit gleaming in the light. In tandem, Maki raises the gun, aiming for the back of Leon's head. She only has one shot at this.

She manages to hold the position for the next ten minutes while Himiko goes through her tricks, until it's time for the grand finale.

"As you can see, there is a tank full of sharks!" Himiko proclaims. 

The crowd nods assent.

"Gonta, if you would..."

He wraps a red fabric around her eyes and wrists, and hesitating a second before pushing her in.

The audience gasps as the curtain lowers, and a tense minute passes before Kirumi raises the curtain to reveal... torn fabric and a red liquid.

Screams, shouts, faints, the works.

"Did you miss me?" Himiko shouts, from her position in the back of the room. Loud blue and red fireworks explode around her, and Maki knows it's time.

Tightening her grip, she pulls the trigger.

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