Youth and Yanderes

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Shuichi would be lying if he said that Kokichi didn't scare him at least a little.

Of course he cares about him, but every so often, there's that... look, when he looks at Kaede or Tsumugi or... Rantaro.

He's also probably part of the reason why Rantaro ended up strangled to death in a gutter, but he can't be sure.

"Shuichi~!" Kokichi coos, wrapping strong arms around his midsection. "I'm bored! Play with me!"

Shuichi can't not notice the bright pink staining Kokichi's hands, now smearing onto his white dress shirt.

"Sorry, Kokichi," Shuichi frowns, disentangling Kokichi from his torso. "I'm heading out on a trip with Kaito. We've got to meet with Fujisaki and Gekkogahara."

Kokichi's lower lip quivers as the expression on his face shifts to something darker. "But you promised!"

"I'm sorry," Shuichi sighs, massaging the space in between his eyebrows. "It's not like I want to..."


"Kokichi? Are you okay?" Shuichi asks, patting his fedora in what he hopes to be a soothing way.

"I'm fine," Kokichi mutters.

"...are you sure?"

"Yep!" Kokichi coos, burying his face into Shuichi's chest. "Just come back soon, okay?"

"If you're sure it's okay," Shuichi mutters.

And he would drop everything to spend a night curled up next to Kokichi, the two of them shutting out the horrors of the world, but he has a job to do.

However much he may hate it.

Kokichi, on the other hand, digs his nails into his palms to avoid begging Shuichi to stay. He hates how all of them can have his Shuichi when he can't. He hates how they force his precious Shuichi do these horrible things, how they force him across the globe, and for what? To serve as a puppet to Kaede's twisted mind?

God , it's insane how much he hates her.

But there's Maki, always making his job irritatingly difficult.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi whispers, carding his fingers through Kokichi's violet locks. "Are you alright? You can tell me."

I will be, once you're all mine.

"Of course!" Kokichi says instead, tightening his grip on Shuichi's torso. "As long as you come straight back!"

"I will," Shuichi smiles, gently pushing Kokichi's hands off his sides. "Promise."

As Shuichi takes off, Kokichi plays along, every step the part of a sane, loving boyfriend, until he knows that Kaito's plane is too far off the ground for Shuichi to see him.

"Miaya Gekkogahara," Kokichi breathes, eyes sparkling as he runs his fingers along a framed photo of Shuichi. "You have interfered for the last time." 

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