Burials and Darkness

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This must be Maki's personal hell.

It seems like just yesterday that everything was normal, but it must have been at least a week. 

One week since the operation to assasinate Kuwata succeeded.

Six days since she and Kaede were kidnapped.

Five days since she and Kaede escaped.

Four days since she and Kaede were married.

Two days since she watched the love of her life shoot her brains out.

Two days since she watched Kokichi crushed under a hydraulic press, eyes full of perhaps the first real fear he would ever express.

This is some sort of demented psychological torture, surely. She must be punished for something, this must be her fault.

Because... Kaede never really did anything wrong. Kaede never killed anyone, that was all her.

(Of course, the same could be said for Rantaro Amami, and look where he ended up.)

Now rain falls through the air, making faces wet and mingling with tears. 

It's been a long time since they've had to bury one of their friends, much less two.

It's a type of wound that won't ever heal.

Maki wears her best black dress, standing next to Shuichi in a black tuxedo. They both have to give a eulogy... which is the last thing Maki would want to do for anyone but Kaede.

"You know, the number-one fear in America is public speaking," Kokichi smirks. "That means if you're at a funeral, you're better off in the casket than giving the eulogy."

It would be nicer if Maki was in the casket, she decides. That way, Kaede would still be alive, and Maki wouldn't have to suffer this way.

She spares a glance at Shuichi, who is surely remembering the same thing she is.

"You know, Kokichi couldn't come to Rantaro's funeral."

Maki's eyes widen slightly, before falling back into their usual glare. "So what?"

"He said that he didn't want to, but I just think he didn't really believe it," Shuichi whispers. "He's not the monster that everyone says he is... was."

"I never thought he was all that monstrous," Maki assures him. 

The only one monstrous here is me.

"He's more like... a demonic cat. Prickly and sharp, but cuddly and sweet if you get to know him better," Shuichi sighs, a fresh tear curving its way down his cheek. "I just... why am I still here, and he's...?"

The word 'gone' hangs in the air between them, left unspoken.

"I don't know," Maki whispers. "I just... don't know."

They watch the funeral proceed in silence, until all too soon, it's Shuichi's turn to speak.

"Kokichi was... Kokichi was my everything," Shuichi begins. "He was my light on the darkest days, ready to drag me out of bed with a devilish smirk. He was annoying sometimes, but always knew how to make me feel better. I've never met anyone quite like him, and now I don't think I ever will.

"I suppose this is what you call love. I never really gave it a name before now, and I never thought I needed to. But... now I just can't help but realize all the things I never got to say... all the things I would take back if I could, and all the things I would do for him.

"He was the person that kept me sane in this screwed-up world. He was the person who helped me shut out the horrors of the world with soft touches and softer words, words that I didn't do a thing to deserve.

"I guess, if I could have changed anything, I would have told him that I love him more. I would have kissed him and hugged him and kept him close so that nothing could ever hurt him, and now he's just goop from a damned hydraulic press and it's not fair goddamn it because I should be the one in the casket! Kokichi should be here, smiling and happy, because he was so good and so much better to me than I ever was to him, and..."

Kaito stands up, gently placing a hand on Shuichi's shoulder and helping him back to his seat. Shuichi's words have dissolved into incoherent sobs, tears mingling with the rain that drips slowly down.

And oh god, it's Maki's turn. 

This funeral is moving too fast. This can't be moving this fast, this can't be moving this fast, this can't be happening.

Somehow she finds herself standing at the podium, looking out at the sea of her friends. She catches sight of Himiko, Tenko, and Angie, and feels a surge of jealousy in her chest.

They should be in that coffin, dammit. Kaede should be here and alive and perfect and-

No. Focus. This is the last thing you can do for her, Maki. Do it right.

"Kaede and I first met when I was young and she bought me from an orphanage," Maki begins.

"She took one look at me, and skipped over, pushing some hair out of my face and wrapping me in a hug. I remember what she said, 'This one, Daddy! This one!'

"I never could have known that would be my first meeting with the love of my life.

"There was never one moment where I just knew that Kaede was the one. It was more like a wave, or in Kaede's words, a crescendo. It just kept building and building, and I guess I thought that would never end.

"Even after we got married, just a few days ago, it still didn't feel real. I guess it just felt too good to be true.

"I should have known it was. But still... that impromptu wedding thrown in the face of death was the most precious and perfect day of my life, because any day I get to marry Kaede Akamatsu is perfect.

"We didn't include the thing in our vows where it says 'until death do us part' because we knew we weren't going to live forever. Instead, we promised to stay together through life and through death.

"Kaede's idea, really. She must have somehow known that she would be the first to go.

"I know I don't seem sad, but that's probably because I spent the last two days crying on top of our piano. If this is the last thing I can do for Kaede, I want to do it with a strong voice and strong heart, so she can feel my love from wherever she is now.

"Kaede Akamatsu was the kindest, most beautiful, most caring woman I have ever met. She was always nice, always so sweet, and sometimes a bit risqué, but that's okay. Because she's still my Kaede. 

"I'm never going to stop loving Kaede Akamatsu. I'm never just going to throw my ring in the air, say 'fuck it' and move on.

"I can't move on. I'm not going to lose myself in grief, because that's not what she'd want.

"I'm going to move forwards for both of us. I'm going to move forwards for her sake, and for mine."

Maki raises her hand towards the sky, rain rolling in rivulets down her hair.

"'Till death reunites us, I promise I will carry on your dream, Kaede.

"I promise... so that when we see each other again, you'll be proud of me."

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